The flight wasn't long and landed in a place called Port Angeles, Forks was to small to have a place for a air port so we couldn't land there. When I got off the plane I took out my phone and called my uncle Charlie who I was going to be staying with while I was in Forks.
"Hey uncle Charlie, my plane just landed..... front next to a police car?..... alright see you in a moment." hanging up I walked outside and spotted them man next to the car that said Sherriff on it, seeing him I was stunned for a moment. It was the actor who played Charlie Swan in Twilight, he must have notice my gaze cause the next moment he was walking to me.
"Well look at you, just like the pictures your mom has sent me." he said with a friendly smile and it brought my brain back.
"Ahh yeah sorry she hasn't shown me any of you she said you weren't to fond of taking them." Though I wished he would made me real surprised there, it didn't take a genius to know that I was in Twilight this was probably the same day Bella would show up to.
"Haha you're right. Anyway you can put your things in the trunk we are still waiting on your cousin Bella to show up, she will also be staying with us." he said while leading me to the car, I gave him a smile it was obvious by the way he was acting that he was excited she was coming.
^^^^^^Unknown POV (Well you know)
My name is Alice Cullen and I am what you would call an overly excited person, but can you blame me when it is just so good to be alive. I might not remember much about my past but I can tell you for a fact that my future is always bright in my eyes, there might be some bumps but not to many.
Years ago I was suppose to get my mate but when I thought he would be changed it turned out her went Feral and was killed by the person who made him, I was sad but got over it quickly. Soon enough I was back to my normal self and just enjoying time with my family but that all changed about two or three years ago when I started having visions of a voice.
Yup a voice not an actually person, it was like the voice was gently lulling me to sleep when he spoke, I knew this was my mate the world was sending me but I never got to see him. Edward was always frowning when those happened, didn't help much when I did like I am now and monologed about it.
"The why are you still doing it!!!" he said glaring at me from across the room where he sat at the piano.
"Because it will teach you to stay out of my head, if you don't want to hear then stay out." I said with a smile on my face I wasn't going to be mad at him but he did need to learn that peoples thoughts were their own not his to read, and there goes the glaring again.
Ignoring him I went back to looking around the room, Rosalie and Emmett were cuddled on the couch, Esme and Carlisle were the same and it amazed me that after so long they were like that. It just spoke to how strong the mate bond was and what it could do for a person who found who they were suppose to be with in life.
While thinking that a vision hit me but it was harder than the last couple of them, in this one I saw Hazel eyes that were beyond beautiful. The face was still blurry but I knew I was standing behind him while something was going on, he was protecting me from something as he smiled I just knew it.
"Alice, never in my life did I think that I could be as happy as you made me in this life. You really are the girl who can brighten the world with just a smile." His voice was strong but it didn't sound like a good moment since there was a little sadness in his voice, I'm just glad these visions weren't always 100%.
Coming back to myself I ignored Edward who was looking at me weirdly and the family who was asking what was going on, my thoughts were lost on what I just saw. It seemed like something was going to happen and that I needed to prepare even if it didn't then I would let him sound like he was going away or leaving me because something major happened.
^^^^^Hayes POV
'Well this was awkward' I thought while sitting in the back seat of the car, Bella was nice enough and she seemed happy to meet me but when she interacted with her dad it was kind of stiff. There has been more than once in the past thirty minutes that I needed to hold back a laugh at the awkward line of question or the awkward silences the answers made.
Looking out the window all I saw were trees as we passed by each one, they were literally everywhere and I knew for a fact that if I even tried to go in there to explore I would get lost. Maybe I could become friends with the wolfs and learn more about them, well all except Jacob, the guy is to needy in my opinion and it didn't help how much he tried to get with Bella.
If I was being honest though he reminded me of my past self when I went after this girl who was out of my league and she said no more than once, though it didn't stop me from bugging her. Sighing I brushed the memory away, after learning this was Twilight I immediately made a skill to block my thoughts now I didn't need to worry about Edward looking into them.
After the drive we finally reached the house and I helped Kirsten---- Bella bring in her things, she gave me a smile are rooms were actually right next to each others. After setting her stuff down I went and laid on my bed, I wanted to call my mom but she wasn't landing for another four hours and it was just turning 1 o'clock.
While I was thinking of what to do next a truck rumbled outside, going to the window I saw that it was just Jacob and Billy, I didn't go greet them not like they would bother me much. Though looking at Bella smiling brightly when she was told it was her new ride did make me smile, my car wasn't going to be in until tomorrow so for my first day I had to ride with her.
Bella caught me looking and waved me down, it only took me a second before I went down to see it, I already decided I was going to be the over protective cousin since I wasn't the brother. Going outside I said a quick hey to Charlie and Billy who were already inside watching the game, Bella and Jacob were talking about the old days when I made it to them.
Though it was more Jacob then her, "What's up Bella?" I said coming over to them.
"Look my dad got it for me it is my new truck, now we actually have a way to get to school tomorrow." she said excitedly not caring what condition the truck was in she was just happy that it was her own.
Jacob looked between us like a lost puppy but I didn't say anything to him, "Nice looks like I will need you help until mine comes in tomorrow. Anyway you two enjoy your time I'm going to go and get familiar with the area, no need to go into these woods one day and get lost."
"Mind if I come?" Bella asked after a pause, no doubt she didn't want to sit around and watch a baseball game.
"Why not we can even use the truck that way just in case we do get lost at least we have a ride and we don't need to walk back." I said not seeing the harm I was just going to train a little anyways.
"Great, I will go tell my dad." she hopped out and went inside leaving the two of us alone, I grabbed my phone and started answering messages from friends back in Cali while he sat there awkwardly.
"*Cough* I'm Jacob." he said trying to break the tension, I looked over at him and rolled my eyes before going back to my phone. My friend Holly was complaining we didn't have one last huge party before I left but said no matter how far apart they would have a party when they both graduated.
I knew she had a crush on me but I didn't see her that way, she was known for cheating on her Boyfriends when she got bored of them. No need for me to be another name on that long list, "Alright let's go!" Bella said bouncing down the stairs, I moved to the passenger side and stared down Jacob, he got the hint and got out.
"Well you two have fun, I don't want to miss a great game." he chuckled awkwardly and went inside I ignored him while Bella let out of a breath of relief even she saw the guy as to much.
We took off and I couldn't stop myself from saying, "How much do you want to bet by the end of the school year you will be madly in love?"
She almost swerved off the road then shot me a look like I was crazy, "Well seeing as I know that wont happen let's say a thousand." I could feel the eye roll from across the bench seat.
"Already deal then." I made a little money from creating software, thanks again to instant mastery, so I had some money in the bank it was another reason my mom was okay with me staying behind. She knew I could take care of myself but she didn't want me to be alone that was why I was here and not back at the house in Cali chilling at the beach.
Bella found a place and park alongside the road, after we both walked into the woods and took many turns before we came across a drop off with and amazing view. While Bella sat there reading a book she brought I moved off to the side and started working on my Renewal Taekwondo, I was only a little away from being able to use Recoilless.
In my ear like a gauge was Ruyi Jingu, though it seemed like it would throw off my weight on one side, after working with it for years it was like I felt nothing there. My kicks were getting faster and faster so much that they were blurs and I was slight in mid air, Bella looked over noticing the noise and she was amazed seeing what I was doing at the moment.
Landing back on the ground I let out a breath and my muscles now felt loose and free, I really wanted the Jade Emperors powers at this point but when I tried to make the skills it couldn't be done. Sighing to myself I shot Bella a smile, I was going to say something but my phone went off with an alert a that moment so I checked it out cause it was from my emergency ringtone.
'Breaking News!!!!: Tony Stark, Billionaire Playboy was kidnapped today, authorities are currently in the process of looking for him. More new tonight at nine.' It wasn't to long but it made me have a headache, I already knew about Stark Industries but hoped it wasn't what I was thinking well I was asking for to much.
I put that aside for now, unless it was a real threat to earth or millions then I wasn't going to step forward and do something about it, but that made me look to the sky. Guess aliens are real then, wonder if I have ever run into any while I was out and about and didn't know about it.
Bella walks over, "What was that? Can you teach me some moves?" she was a little excited but tried to hide it.
I smiled and brought myself back to the present the future wasn't important at the moment, "The clumsy girl wants to learn fighting? I don't know if that is a good or bad thing, on one had you could end up hurting someone on the other you would seriously hurt yourself hurting them." I chuckled at her pouting face, "Another day we should get back it is getting dark and we have been here awhile."
Hope this is going well