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44.28% A lord of Mysteries wandering with a Sword / Chapter 31: Azazel! and Pizza!

Chapter 31: Azazel! and Pizza!

The adorable kitten became very vocal after opening his eyes. Roaming about in my arms and meowing. It Was Freaking adorable.

I also finally got off my mother's lap and finally got to see her. While she looked similar to her appearance in Skyrim there were slight differences. Seeing her in real life was a major difference. Not to mention she was more beautiful. 

"So, his name is based on this angel you talked about. Can you explain them?" she asked me as she held Azazel. The kitten was just as attached to her as myself when it came to cuddles. Sheogorath only got dirty looks from him though.

"hmm, best way to answer that was they were the creation of a god with specific purposes in mind for their roles in Heaven. While they had personalities as well as power they were static. They just "were" if that makes sense. The oldest of them though didn't like that he had to bow to the god's creation of man, so he rebelled. Along with him were many others who joined him."

"So they were this God's constructs to his plane, if you will." She said handing me back Azazel. The kitten quickly claiming my shoulder and rubbing my face.

"Accurate enough, Azazel was responsible for knowledge and he shared forbidden knowledge with humankind. This was a "Sin" and he was banished and became a fallen angel. At least this is how most of his myths go."

"Myths?" Sheogorath said in surprise. "That's to bad, I feel I would have gotten along great with him!"

"It was myths until I found out the multiverse existed after all. I know of one world where he exists as a borderline mad scientist as he attempts to recreate the gifts his "father" gave to humanity before he died." With a shrug punctuating my statement.

"Oh, and what did this God create for humanity? The Divines besides Akatosh barely intervene in that little world down there after all." A chuckle escaping Sheogorath as my cat evaded his attempts to be pet by him. Turns out he really is made of shadows because he was able to "blink" about my body while evading him.

"He called them Sacred Gears. They were armaments that were attached to the soul at birth after reincarnation. These Gears were created by using parts and spirits of beings along with some other things I don't know of to be weapons and tools for the user."

Mom finally got tired of his antics of making me dizzy with his flashing around me to pet the kitten and slapped his hands.

"And these weapons, can you give an example?" She asked me.

"Sure, The easiest one to name would have to be The Boosted Gear. It holds the spirit of a dragon called Draig. The power it holds is to double the power of the individual every ten seconds."

Mom who was petting the preening kitten on my shoulder froze at that statement.

"Excuse me?" a shocked expression on her face as she processed the broken ability in all of her wisdom. "Any power?" 

"Yup, and it is technically an infinite cycle provided you don't use it, Transfer it, and can hold more power. It requires you to also be able to bear that power."

Even Sheogorath was astounded by that idea, going by how his jaw was dropping.

"That's utterly ridiculous, why would this god create such a thing and release it to the mortals? I would have kept that for my own fun." 

"Funny enough it has a rival that divides power in the same manner. The two dragons that were used, hate each other and were always fighting. Hence they got captured killed and turned into those things."

"That world sounds intriguing enough as it is. But it still doesn't answer why he would give it to mortals." Mom said, a conflicted frown on her face.

"Well, in all honesty, in that world the supernatural and the mundane are a little more separate. This includes all the different supernatural creatures that prey on humans as well. Vampires are a decent example. Since normal humans wouldn't have had a chance they were given the Sacred Gears. Though the Abrahamic God, The one I've been referring too, died so those sacred gears are not being regulated and are causing issues for the other pantheons."

They both were processing that for a moment until Sheogorath started laughing again.

"Oh, How delightful. Such an interesting world! Oh please! You have to bring me there sometime! Even if its the new me!"

"I wouldn't be adverse to also seeing this world my son, sounds like interesting possibilities as well."

Oh... i may have fucked up. Meh, future me problems. For now though... (growl) my stomach was calling for food. And i know just what to eat!

"Oh that's right, Mortal body. So will you be joining us for dinner Nocturnal?"

"Oh how I would love to, Sheogorath. But the changes in my station require me to retire to my realm. The Ebonmere is, adapting, to the new freedoms it possesses. I will come by on the morrow, if you will allow me into your realm."

Holding his chin in thought he answered, "Alright fine, But no interfering with my champion. Can't have anything go wrong when the times are coming soon. Thanks to the little one I'm gaining some time, but it won't last. Especially when we make this "firearm". OH such a delightful time!"

She bent down to hug me. As she did the shadows wrapped around us. They were nice and comforting now just as her embrace was that I returned. A kiss on my forehead and she backed away with some longing in her eyes.

"Shadows hide you, my little Mystery." As she stepped back into the shadow of the pillars of Sheogorath's palace she was gone. But no matter where I was I could feel the tug of the new bond. Unlike the contract between myself and Shirou it was far more ingrained. And if I tried hard enough I believed I could follow the bond back to her. 

"Come along little Mystery. We shall be having dinner with only the few of us tonight. I believe its time you met my Duke and Duchess. Not to mention I am still looking forward to what you decide to cook." and he was off walking towards the edge. At this point i should have know there would have been something wrong with that, but he is the Mad God.

So, I was now falling for a few seconds as my life flashed before my eyes. Only to feel like I took a large step and was back inside the palace. Inside the kitchen as it so happens. Taking a deep breath to calm the ever beating heart from his prank, I turned to him while he was wearing a shit eating grin on his face. "Really?"

"Yes, it was funny and you know it!" he said pointedly.

"True, but it doesn't make it any less better." I said back to him, crossing my arms and turning from him. It also let me take a look at what I was working with. Thankfully it seemed I would have assistants in the form of Golden saints and Dark Seducers though they were glaring at each other every time they passed near each other. 

"Attention! Attention. For the time whenever the little Mystery is in the kitchen it is his rules! You will listen to him as if they were coming from, me! Any who fail these orders can expect to be found in Passwall dealing with the stupid mortals over there. Am I understood!"

""Yes Lord Sheogorath!""

It was funny to see them go from the I'm gonna kill you faces to attention and saluting the Mad God. 

Grabbing myself a stool and sitting at the head of the island that divided the kitchen right down the middle as it did the castle. I spoke to the Dedra as I didn't see Sheogorath anymore.

"Well, For the time being I wouldn't be able to really operate most of the equipment here in the kitchen due to my size. For this reason I will be giving out orders to you all. This will include the instructions that I would like followed for this duration we are all here. But some ground rules."

I could tell they didn't like me but their professionalism was quite know through the circles of Dedra as far as the tales go. 

"First rule is leave the rivalry at the door. This is a kitchen meant to feed the Mad God! For Oblivion's sake when you are in here you are cooks. Glaring means you aren't working which means you are failing. Clear?"

Grunts sounded about from the women. They wore dresses were used in leu of their normal armors I had seen from the guards.

"Second rule, follow instructions. If I'm telling you to do something, its for a reason. If you don't understand the instructions, ask for clarification."

standing up on the stool, I waved as a bunch of ingredients were placed on the table. Set peacefully down as I used telekinesis to gently place them. A bunch of crates came next as I set them in front of me onto the Island. Most of the more fresh ingredients i brought were just for this occasion.

In the end a corner of various meats, a corner of Cheeses, and jars of sauce were on the Island. Along with the crates of Dough that were just about ready. So, I had 5 of each of the Dedra to work with. Time to get to work.

"Alright ladies, First order of business. The three saints farthest from me will be responsible for dicing and slicing the meats. For the Sausage that is red and spiced throughout i need them in thin slices. For the beef cuts we need minced but not broken down. The gray sausage can be split into chunks. Cook the gray sausage and minced beef till almost done. They will finish in the ovens."

They immediately went to work grabbing the ingredients and heading to the stations by their ovens.

"Next the Cheese, I need them grated or shredded into small pieces if you don't know what that means. Two of the Dark Seducers are on that job pick among yourselves."

Trick one to get people to hate and like you is make them feel like they have choices. Before they could get comfortable I moved on. 

"In the jars are a tomato based sauce, gently simmer it to bring it up to temp we do not need a scalding sauce just barely warm. This is to take the edge off of the rawness of it. one more seducer for this job."

Never liked using a cold sauce, didn't taste right. And she was off to the races with her sisters.

 "Last is the dough, What you will need to do is flatten the dough into a circle that is thin towards the center with a raised outside. The center of it should not be but a eighth of an inch thick, The outside at a quarter."

A more shy looking seducer of the remaining two spoke up, "Um, Sir... What are these measurements." Ahh right we Americans were the weird ones. face palming I decided to at least just show them an example and just say copy it. 

"Right, I'll do the first one, You all will watch and copy the result." A bit of magic and my hands were cleansed.

Opening a crate with a little help from the shy one, I took one of the dough balls out. After getting some flour from one of the saints I got to work. Pressing and spreading out the dough. Since I didn't have a roller I was stuck to hand pressing and spreading the dough. When it got to about the size of a medium pizza i was used to with the appropriate dimensions I paused to ask if they needed anymore explanations.

Only to find they were mesmerized a bit. Snapping my fingers, Snapped them out of their trance though and turns out the seducers blush purple while saints turn closer to white, Heh.

"This is about what we are looking for any questions?"

""No Sir"" heh, finally a bit of respect!

Since it had been a few i dropped off my stool to move about and check the progress of the others. Everything was coming along nicely until I found the pans were not really up to shape for pizzas.

So a Bit of Alteration magic on some stone and with copious amounts of cleansing magic helped to make some pizza stones. Damn I need to get down projection craft. While i had memories they were hollow until i got down the process with Magicka.

By this point they were ready for assembly. Ovens were ready and waiting as well.

Guiding them as they worked together passing the soon to be pizzas like an assembly line we were set to start cooking various types of pizzas. Some with triple meats, Some just the peperoni, and of Course for the Mad God an Extra Cheesy pizza. I even asked them to add some of his personal favorite cheese to the blend for that one. 

On to the stones and into the oven they went. And turning them around if we noticed one side getting more heat than the other. Soon they were bringing out the pizzas and placing them on trays. It was then I noticed a presence appearing in the kitchen. Haskell had joined the party it seemed.

"Sir Mystery, Since the preparations are almost complete I would like to advise you to take this time to change your dress for the evening. If you require assistance in this matter feel free to ask. I am at your disposal as you are recognized as a guest this evening, despite cooking."

Wiping some sweat from my forehead with an arm I finally noticed how dirty my clothes became from flour. Being a child didn't make things neat after all. 

"I appreciate it Haskell. There is one more pizza left for the kitchen staff feel free to cook and partake after we are at the table, ladies." 

""Thank you, sir""

As I walked from the kitchen with Haskell he said, "Its remarkable you gained their respect, Sir Mystery."

"Hmm?" seeing my confusion he explained, "The society of their cultures are matriarchal, So They see most males as lesser. Even with the Mad God's vouching they would only listen not respect as they did."

"Huh, neat... Still have no idea how though." a single chuckle left him but the serious face was back with only the hint of a smirk.

"Right this way, through here, Inside you will find some clothes fitting you. Since it is known throughout Mundus of your new station I saw fit to add a few embellishments to your evening attire. Please let me know if any alterations are needed when you leave. But please be quick."

Entering the bedroom I was greeted to a simple room with a bed, dresser, and a door to a closet. The formal suit was placed on the bed. Striping the leather armor and hooded robe I was quick to use a cleansing spell. My favorite creation to date of all of the more custom spells i made.

A small bit of water mixed with the sunlight of the restoration school led to a simple spell that could be cast by anyone with little to no Magicka.

Azazel made his appearance again from my shadow pawing at the tiny bowtie next to the suit. 

The actual suit was similar to Sheogorath's but not as "Wild". It was kept simple but the embellishments Haskell talked about were woven into the right breast. My hat with a black crow peaking from behind it. Say what you will but he does have a sense of humor. The actual colors of the suit were purple with red highlights on the inner side of the jacket. The vest also followed. Fixing Azazel with his bowtie we were ready in only a few minutes thanks to copious amounts of magic to speed things along.

Now It was Dinner time with the Mad God!


I love pizza but we all must pay our tithe for such a delicacy!

Toss a Stone and raise arms in celebrations!

Love you guys,

Trust me when i say i read all of your comments!

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