Well, I will be posting soon I have, to be honest, I got fired from my job today I'm very depressed so I will be posting more often or when I have time because I need to get a job ASAP but the good news is non of my work is drop I took a break from this because I lack the motivation to write, but I have some now although I'm a little bit depressed.
But enough of me I am sure my life and worries do not interest you, well I made a few changes here and there in Loner creation the first been the horrible power scaling so from here on out this is the new power scale.
Tier-1 awaken: Weak and room to evolve
Tier-1 A: small tree
Tier-1 B: Slightly bigger tree
Tier-1 C: Large tree
Tier- 1 D: Huge tree
Tier-2 awaken: Superhuman
Tier-2 A: Small boulder
Tier-2 B: Multiple small boulders
Tier-2 C: Large boulder
Tier-2 D: Giant boulder
Tier-3 awaken: Small structure
Tier-3 A: Small cement house
Tier-3 B: Small Apartment
Tier-3 C: Small Hotel
Tier-3 D: Large School buildings
Tier-4 awaken: Small Area
Tier-4 A: School Campus
Tier-4 B: A Lane
Tier-4 C: A Small neighborhood
Tier -4 D: A Large Neighborhood
Tier-5 awaken: Small Community
Tier-5 A: A small Village
Tier-5 B: Huge village
Tier-5 C: Small Town
Tier-5 D: Huge town
Tier-6 awaken: Large Environments
Tier-6 A: Small Island
Tier-6 B: Large Island
Tier-6 C: Small City
Tier 6: Metropolis
Tier-7 awaken: Continents
Tier-7 A: Small Continents
Tier-7 B: Large Continents
Tier-7 C: Super Continents
Tier-7 D: Multiple Continents
Tier-8 awaken: world level (Omega-level classes)
Tier-8 A: Quarter of the world
Tier-8 B: Half of the world
Tier-8 C: Majority of the world
Tier- 9 D: Planetary
Tier-9 awaken: Partial Divinity
Tier-9 S: Multiple Small planets
Tier-9 SS: Multiple Large Planets
Tier-10 Awaken: Race Pinnacle
Tier 10 SSS: Star Level
those are the 10 tiers power ranking but there is a treat level beyond tiers and this is how we rank Gods
Class- [Y] [Alpha]: Multiple Star destroyer
Class-[X] [Epsilon]: Solar system Calamity
Class- Z: Galatic Calamity
Anything beyond this is a new form of power scaling that would fall under [Verse], [Multi Verse], [Omni verse], [Outer Verse], [Null], and []
Shiro would fall under [Outer verse] at full power, Pandora would fall under [] for her power is beyond even infinity I know sound weird I don't know how to describe her op-ness as my favorite character so let us say [] is basically Eternal and unlimited on steroids.
That and the fact that Loner creation is the only ff I have made where the ending or the last chp has long been made from last week since it was relatively easy and heartbreaking at the same since it reminds me that this work of mine shall come to an end one day like everything else, but again this work will only have 12 volumes like the original plan.
Expect a chapter or 3 soon my loyal readers