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76.34% A Life Of Wealth / Chapter 71: Courtesy

Chapter 71: Courtesy

At the Beijing Asia Hotel, the Beijing Poly International Auction Company's spring auction "Chinese Art - The Night Session" was taking place.

At 7 PM, although there was still more than an hour before the night session officially began, buyers and industry insiders from around the world had already arrived at the auction site. Many media outlets had also quickly set up their equipment, ready and waiting. Not only was the auction hall packed, but even the lounge outside the hall was crowded with people. The bustling scene and enthusiastic atmosphere made it impossible to sense any impact of the financial crisis on the art market.

A black, understated Maserati Quattroporte Executive GT version slowly drove into the parking lot in front of the Asia Hotel. The two people who emerged from this understated yet luxurious car caught the eye of the security guards and staff who were already accustomed to seeing impressive figures tonight!

The man who got out from the driver's seat was nearly 2 meters tall, with a fierce expression and a majestic, sturdy build that exuded a military presence. His high-quality black suit added a touch of softness to his rugged demeanor. The security guards, used to seeing pot-bellied rich businessmen and officials, now felt that this kind of figure truly had an extraordinary presence.

But when they saw the young man with a gentle smile who got out of the back seat, they all had a very strange feeling that this young man was the real VIP. It wasn't because he was wearing a well-tailored black formal suit, nor was it because of the calm gaze he directed at others. It also wasn't because the imposing man in front naturally fell half a step behind when walking with him out of respect... They couldn't think of words like "dignified manner" to describe this young man; it was just a feeling.

The doorman hurriedly and respectfully opened the hotel's main door, bowing slightly as the two passed: "Welcome to the Asia Hotel." Then he clearly heard the young man politely say, "Thank you."

All evening, celebrities had been gathering, but among those he had served, only this young man had said thank you. The security guard couldn't help feeling a bit excited, not for any other reason than that his work had been respected.

The two were Murong Feng and Guo Yong.

Although Guo Yong appeared imposing on the surface, walking with a tiger-like stride, he felt somewhat insecure inside. He wasn't afraid of driving, fighting, or even matching wits with other underworld forces, but now, attending an art auction, he felt out of place and very uncomfortable.

He said softly to Murong Feng, "Murong, I'd better wait for you in the car. This kind of place isn't suitable for me!"

Murong Feng showed a faint smile: "Yong-zi, what's suitable or unsuitable? In my view, the vast majority of people here are far inferior to you! You'll be helping me hold up the bidding paddle later! How can you not accompany me to the auction? You need to boost my presence!"

Guo Yong could only nod in agreement. He was used to wearing jackets, t-shirts, and camouflage, and this branded suit, although it accentuated his figure even more, felt very uncomfortable and constraining. However, as an elite who had undergone special training, even though he felt awkward, he still carefully and vigilantly observed the surrounding environment and situation.

Walking up to the third floor, because the night auction had not yet begun, many people were resting and chatting in the outer hall. Add to that the reporters moving about everywhere, and it seemed crowded and somewhat chaotic. Guo Yong became even more vigilant, his already stern face becoming even more cold. He suddenly walked a few steps forward, discreetly separating a man who was walking quickly and seemed about to bump into Murong Feng.

Murong Feng felt his movement and was grateful, but said with a smile, "Yong-zi, no need to be so tense. There won't be any danger here. Don't always think of yourself as a bodyguard; just think of yourself as a guest attending the auction today!"

A slight smile appeared on Guo Yong's cold face: "My responsibility is to protect you. That will never change." Murong Feng shook his head and smiled wryly.

Suddenly, a voice nearby greeted them: "Brother Murong!"

Murong Feng turned his head at the sound, paused for a moment, and then smiled, "Oh, it's Brother Zhao Feng! Long time no see!" He smiled and went forward to shake hands with Zhao Feng. Guo Yong, seeing it was someone Murong knew, silently stepped back half a step, still constantly observing the surroundings.

His movements didn't escape Zhao Feng's eyes. While shaking hands with Murong Feng, he looked at Guo Yong in surprise, inwardly amazed at how Murong Feng had found such a formidable bodyguard. At a glance, he could tell that this man's level of expertise was no less than those top bodyguards from special forces units that surrounded his friends.

For someone of Zhao Feng's caliber, what he was thinking couldn't be discerned from his face at all. At this moment, he asked with a sincere smile on his face: "I heard you had some trouble a few days ago. I was really worried. Then I heard the news that you had escaped safely. That's great! How's your health now?" Murong Feng smiled and thanked him: "Thank you for your concern. Everything is fine!" He had already responded to so many people's concerns these days that these answers came without even thinking.

Zhao Feng looked strangely behind him and asked with a smile, "Why didn't Tang Qing come with you?" Murong Feng looked at him curiously and said, "Why should Janney come with me?" Zhao Feng showed a knowing smile and said, "Your close relationship with Tang Qing, who in our circle doesn't know about it? How could you not invite her to such an occasion?"

Murong Feng didn't like others discussing topics related to Tang Qing with him like this, so he just smiled and didn't respond, changing the subject with a smile, "Brother Zhao, do you have any items of interest in tonight's auction?"

Zhao Feng waved the auction catalog in his hand and smiled, "This? There's nothing I'm particularly interested in here. I'm just accompanying a friend. Oh, right, come, let me introduce you." He enthusiastically pulled Murong Feng towards a group of people chatting and laughing nearby.

"Changqing, let me introduce you to a friend!" The person Zhao Feng was addressing was clearly the central figure among the group. Seeing that he had a friend coming to talk, the others quickly said politely, "Young Master Gu, please go ahead."

Gu Changqing was the kind of extraordinary person who should naturally be the center of attention at first glance. He appeared to be around 30 years old. He wasn't particularly handsome, but his deep, distant eyes made him extremely charismatic. His high, broad forehead showed his wisdom and strategic mind, while his high cheekbones and defined jawline gave the impression of a strong personality and unyielding determination.

His gaze naturally shifted from Zhao Feng to Murong Feng, a flash of surprise in his eyes as he smiled and said, "Could this be Murong Feng, Brother Murong?" Murong Feng smiled in affirmation and shook hands with him, feeling that his hand was slightly damp with sweat, but the handshake was very firm, giving a strange sensation.

Zhao Feng was surprised: "I haven't even introduced you yet, how do you already know each other?" He smiled at Murong Feng and said, "This is Gu Changqing. His territory is in Guangdong. He came to Beijing specifically for the 'Rare Birds from Life' painting in tonight's auction." He didn't introduce him in detail, not knowing if Gu Changqing wanted Murong Feng to know more.

Murong Feng didn't mind these details and just smiled, "Hello, Brother Gu. It's a pleasure to meet you!"

Gu Changqing was very enthusiastic towards him, shaking his hand twice and smiling, "I heard about Brother Murong when I was in Shenzhen, but we never had the chance to meet! Why don't we see when you're free, I'd also like the opportunity to have more exchanges with Brother Murong."

Murong Feng smiled and said, "We'll certainly have the chance!... Where are you currently working, Brother Gu?" As it was still early, Murong Feng wasn't in a hurry to go in and was happy to chat idly with this Gu Changqing for a while.

"Just doing some small business in foreign trade and real estate down south. By the way, Brother Murong, do you have any items of interest in tonight's auction?" Gu Changqing seemed unwilling to discuss this topic further and shifted the conversation to the night auction.

Murong Feng smiled and said, "I'm not very knowledgeable about calligraphy and painting. I'm mainly here to bid on a painting as a gift for an elder." Gu Changqing's eyes flickered, and he said as if suddenly realizing, "Could it be Mr. Fu Baoshi's 'Viewing the Waterfall'?"

Murong Feng was incredibly surprised: "How did you know?"

Gu Changqing smiled and said, "As far as I know, both of Brother Murong's parents have passed away. And in a few days, it will be Old Master Tang's birthday. He's particularly fond of Mr. Fu Baoshi's paintings. Given your relationship with Tang Qing, naturally, choosing one of Mr. Fu's masterpieces would be the best gift."

Murong Feng was even more surprised. How could this stranger seem to know everything about him so well?

He was inwardly shocked and suspicious, but at this moment, someone came over to greet Gu Changqing enthusiastically: "Young Master Gu! Oh my, long time no see, long time no see! When did you arrive in Beijing?..." Gu Changqing politely excused himself to Murong Feng and started exchanging pleasantries with the newcomer: "Yes, Mr. Liu, it's been a while since we last met. The last time was at the Qingdao Yacht Club last year! How's business recently?..."

Murong Feng chatted casually with Zhao Feng for a few more sentences before saying goodbye and leaving.

Guo Yong had remained silent throughout Murong Feng's conversation with Gu Changqing and Zhao Feng. Now he moved close to Murong Feng's ear and said in a low voice, "Murong, that Gu Changqing seems to be no ordinary person!" Murong Feng nodded and said, "Indeed, how could he know my situation so clearly?"

Guo Yong analyzed, "Murong, there have been many reports about you recently, so it's understandable that he knows some things about you. But the fact that he knows so much about Miss Tang is indeed strange." Murong Feng thought for a moment and smiled, "Zhao Feng knows Janney, so I guess Gu Changqing probably knows her too. Thinking about it this way, it makes sense."

Guo Yong nodded silently, glancing at Gu Changqing in the distance, who was chatting and laughing with others. Having been through life and death situations, his sense about things and people was much keener than Murong Feng's. That man with the dignified demeanor and noble air made him vaguely uneasy.

After showing their invitation and bidding paddle, the two entered the auction hall through the designated entrance passage.

Murong Feng's paddle number for tonight was "345", which was quite auspicious.


At 8 PM sharp, the "Chinese Art - Night Session" auction began. "The first lot, Chen Yifei's 'Strolling', starting bid 10 million yuan," the auctioneer had barely finished speaking when three or four buyers raised their paddles in succession, "11 million yuan, 12 million yuan..." Finally, after more than 60 bids, this masterpiece was acquired by buyer number 572 for a final price of 40.432 million yuan.

Murong Feng and Guo Yong couldn't help but look at each other in astonishment. How could a painting by a modern artist fetch such a high price? Especially Guo Yong, who thought of how under Guo Guodong, with so many brothers and nearly a hundred large and small controlled venues, the annual profit after expenses was only a few tens of millions. He had thought that was a lot of money, but now these truly rich people were casually spending that much on a single painting. He couldn't help but sigh and marvel.

Although Murong Feng was already quite wealthy and had attended many charity auctions, this was his first time experiencing a formal art auction. He now realized there were always higher mountains, and figures in the tens of millions were just the price of a single painting. He deeply felt that he was still just starting out...

Afterward, some other famous paintings by modern artists also fetched high prices, such as Zeng Fanzhi's "Mask 2001" which sold for 8.064 million, and Wang Xindong's new creation "Beautiful Countryside" which sold for 4.704 million. Later, Zhang Daqian's landscape painting "Snow at Dongguanpu", Xu Beihong's painting, and Zhang Daqian's "Song of Spring" hanging scroll all sold for very high prices.

Finally, it came to Murong Feng's target for tonight, Fu Baoshi's "Viewing the Waterfall", created in 1945 when he was teaching at the Art Department of Central University in Chongqing.

This painting is a 202x30cm hanging scroll, the most elongated proportion among Fu Baoshi's landscape works.

Within this narrow space, mountains, rocks, water, houses, people, trees, roads, and clouds are arranged naturally and orderly. One suddenly sees a winding path, then flying clouds and flowing waterfalls. Deep in the clouds, temples are hidden among the mountains, and scholars sit facing each other in deep discussion. This not only shows the painter's extraordinary ability to control composition but also creates a mystical and ethereal atmosphere, quite in harmony with the poetic realm of Shitao, the "Bitter Gourd Monk". The inscription on the painting is a poem from Shitao's "Peach Blossom Spring and White Dragon Pool", one of the Four Monk Masters of the Ming Dynasty.

It was truly a masterpiece from Fu Baoshi's prime years.

Murong Feng had indeed come this time to bid on this painting as a birthday gift for Old Tang.

Although Tang Qing had only casually mentioned to Murong Feng that the old master was having a birthday and hoped he could come over for a simple meal, he couldn't fail in etiquette. When Murong Feng last visited Old Tang, he knew of his deep friendship with Mr. Fu Baoshi. After accidentally seeing the introduction in the auction invitation and brochure brought by his secretary, he decided to attend this auction and buy this painting.

The starting bid was 800,000 yuan...

Murong Feng was astonished again. How could it be so low? The previous modern painters' works all started at least in the millions. He nodded, and Guo Yong immediately raised the paddle. The auctioneer loudly announced, "Good, now number 345 bids 800,000..."

"2 million!"

Murong Feng looked towards the voice and saw Zhao Feng smiling and nodding at him. It was he who had raised his paddle and directly called out 2 million.

Murong Feng didn't understand his intention. Was he trying to compete for this painting? But looking at Zhao Feng's smiling face, it didn't seem so. He gestured for Guo Yong to continue raising the paddle.

After that, several other buyers raised their paddles, and Murong Feng couldn't be bothered to give instructions anymore. He just told Guo Yong, "Raise the paddle whenever someone bids."

After more than 30 rounds of bidding, Zhao Feng never raised his paddle again. Other buyers also sensed number 345's determination to win and gradually gave up bidding. Finally, Murong Feng won the painting for a high price of 9.05 million yuan, with a final transaction price of 10.136 million yuan1 including commission.

Murong Feng didn't feel much, but Guo Yong was already sweating profusely. He wasn't unfamiliar with money, but he had rarely experienced this kind of bidding where money seemed meaningless. A casual raise of the paddle, and the price would jump by tens or even hundreds of thousands. Damn, his brothers' settlement fees were only 100,000 yuan, and when his comrades sacrificed their lives, the compensation was only tens of thousands!

But this was just the prelude to the auction.

The real spectacle appeared later with Song Huizong's "Rare Birds from Life"!

When the auctioneer announced the starting bid of 38 million yuan, the previously noisy auction room instantly fell silent. Everyone nervously watched the proceedings. Soon, a telephone bidder placed the first bid, followed by Guo Changqing calmly raising his paddle number 521, and two other foreign buyers joining the bidding war.

When the bid reached 42 million yuan, only Guo Changqing and the mysterious telephone bidder remained in the fierce competition. The bids continued to climb: 45 million, 48 million... Applause broke out continuously, and many people stood up excitedly to watch. Finally, after more than 150 rounds of bidding, this national treasure painting was acquired by Guo Changqing for 61.712 million yuan!

61.712 million yuan!...1

Remarkably, Guo Changqing maintained his composure amidst the applause, standing up and smiling as he nodded to the crowd in gratitude.

Murong Feng was also impressed by his demeanor and praised Guo Changqing to Guo Yong, "This Guo Changqing is indeed an extraordinary person!" Guo Yong, however, solemnly warned, "Murong, be cautious in dealing with him; his background is unclear."

After the auction, in the VIP room adjacent to the auction hall, Beijing Poly delivered the "View of the Waterfall" for on-site authentication after Murong Feng's payment was processed. Guo Yong received the painting, now encased in a finely crafted ivory and jade scroll box.

As they exited the VIP room, they ran into Zhao Feng and Guo Changqing.

Zhao Feng congratulated Murong Feng with a smile, "Congratulations, Murong, you achieved your goal and won the 'View of the Waterfall'." Murong Feng laughed, "Zhao Feng, you surprised me by raising your paddle suddenly. Why did you stop bidding later?"

Zhao Feng explained, "I just thought if the painting went for only 800,000, it wouldn't reflect well on your sincerity towards Old Tang. I was just helping to raise the price for you!" Murong Feng shook his head with a wry smile. So that was it.

Guo Changqing, who had been smiling on the side, finally spoke, "Murong, it's rare for me to come to Beijing and have the chance to meet such a young and talented individual like you. Why not find some time in the next few days to chat?"

Despite Guo Yong's earlier warning, Murong Feng admired Guo Changqing's character and demeanor. He smiled and agreed, exchanging contact information.

After bidding farewell in the hotel parking lot, Murong Feng noticed that several individuals, who had been discreetly following them, were Guo Changqing's subordinates and bodyguards. They got into two Audi A8s with special license plates and left the parking lot, parting ways with Murong Feng's Maserati Quattroporte.

After Guo Yong dropped Murong Feng off at his apartment, he left on his own.

Murong Feng, unable to sleep, sat on the rooftop, sipping red wine and reflecting on his encounter with Guo Changqing at the auction tonight.

Guo Changqing was indeed an unforgettable person.

When Guo Changqing heard him say he wanted to buy a painting for an elder, he immediately guessed it was the "View of the Waterfall." This indicated that not only was he well-informed about Murong Feng's relationship with Tang Qing, but he also had a deep understanding of Old Tang's personality and preferences. Observing how people around him treated him with such respect, it was clear that Guo Changqing held a significant status and wealth, as evidenced by his ability to spend 60 million so casually on a painting. Why would such a person go out of his way to befriend him?

Murong Feng didn't consider himself exceptionally outstanding, nor did he think his millions were of much value to such people.

But he remembered a saying: "When someone extends a courtesy to you, they must have something they desire from you."

  1. $1.4 million dollars
  2. $8.5 million dollars

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