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33.33% A Journey After Death / Chapter 4: The Starting Point

Chapter 4: The Starting Point

Shopping with Narcissa Tsiuri Malfoy and Draconis Regulus Black is something Astrid will never do again. 

The number of times Astrid heard Cissa say "Just one more", now brought fear into the immortal Wixen. That doesn't mean she didn't enjoy the family outing, because she loved it. Snarking with Draco, getting distracted at anything that caught her eye with Cissa, laughing at Andy who tries were futile against raining in her younger sister, and sneaking off with Teddy who she happily kidnapped to the Twins shop.

After being dragged back with an enraged Andromeda muttering something about "Misery loves  company", they decided to go back to Grimmauld for another family meeting.

As they all sat in the living room, you couldn't help but stare at the cold grey walls that wallpaper was falling from the corners from different strips. There was a layer of dust everywhere like a film on all the places Astrid, Ron and Hermione didn't dare touch afraid it would kill them as the walls could easily do it and some of the portraits would have cheered them on

No one wants to stay here but they would for a few hours if it is still in the state. However, Draco used his new wand, which he and Astrid, both bought them from a wand shop in Knockturn Alley that made and sold custom wands, to repair the tattered sofa's that the ministry most definitely ruined after being able to enter after Astrid fled with the real Slytherin Locket.

Seeing that no one was talking Astrid asked as she sipped her tea which was heavily laced with Fire Whiskey that she made no effort in hiding in doing so after pouring tea for the rest of the family "So what now"

"As the Lady of the House, Astrid, it's your decision," Cissa told her niece. All the while the Elder Wixen thought of all the people she would even have to meet in the lower circles just to get there standing higher after the first Blood War when the House was disgraced

Tilting her head, Astrid took all of 2 seconds to think before saying with a bright smile "Well, I'm leaving this country and hopefully never planning on returning"

"Not to burst your bubble, cousin" Draco drawled with the arrogance of a Malfoy and a small smirk twitching at his lips

Astrid scowled seeing this, and accused after lifting her finger and giving him a Stinging hex  that hit him on the arm making a few drops of tea land on his trouser leg "Tell that to your face, Draconis"

"You will be requested to attend the Wizengamot" Narcissa told the young Wixen gently as she had heard from Lady Greengrass 3 years ago about the same things as her husband's past, all of natural causes

Astrid couldn't think of anything worse than sitting down and definitely on the highest level above everyone else, due to the Peverell Ladyship, and listening to Magic knows who arguing forevermore. As well as the use of Wands being forbidden used in the chamber, with no doubt her Titles being questioned at every turn and being sucked up to at every chance making it sound very much like school. 

So, with a sarcastic smile, Astrid told everyone "Yeh, no"

"But your Lady Black" Draco shouted indignantly. 

Getting an amused look of Andromeda as this is what her children did, Sirius and Astrid the most. On the other hand, his mother was not amused in the slightest which you could see from the small twitch in her eyebrow upwards, as she was wondering how her son seemingly lost all the etiquette lessons he had

As Teddy stirred slightly at the volume Draco spoke at, making Astrid internally cooed at the adorableness of her son. He had been asleep since before being spotted by Andy, and after a long day with a good number of naps in their outing, he still was tired since he was a 2-month-old.

Being brought back by the impatient cough by her cousin, Astrid told Draco with a raised eyebrow and a bitchy attitude the Wix was incredibly used to "Which, shockingly enough, I can be from anywhere"

"Niece" Cissa spoke sternly getting the attention from her Lady of the House before she and her son start using their wands which would most definitely reduce Grimmauld to cinders. Seeing the embarrassed blush on Astrid's cheeks, Cissa comforted "What my son means, is that you have the power to do whatever you want"

"And that is what I'm doing, Auntie" Astrid argues, daring her to interrupt, explaining with a look reminding the elder Wixen of a kicked puppy "England just sucks the life out of me"

"Too all of us, dearest" Andromeda soothed with a warm smile as she rubs Teddy's back as a small snore escapes his noes from time to time

"I get it, I do," Astrid told them showing the tiredness she has held in for most of her life. Sighing deeply, creating a tense moment of silence, the deity's Mistress said "I just, The House of Black is destroyed"

"We know" Draco mused snottily as he sipped his Fire Whiskey-infused tea and immediately choked as it went down the wrong way

Not caring for her cousin who was coughing, Astrid just growled out "Not helping, Ferret"

"You're welcome, Scar head" Draco sneered after being able to breathe again and felt highly offended at no one helping him in the slightest

Seeing Astrid's temper visible rise as her hand twitches to her newly made Aspen and Yew wood wand with the hair of the tail of a Thestral and her own blood which was infused with Basilisk venom and Phoenix tears Cissa shot the pair a chilling glare which was inherited from her Black blood, sternly chastising the pair of cousins with a simple "Children"

"Sorry" They both replied together with their heads bowed in shame at the habits neither of them could break since their first meeting when they were 11

All the while Andromeda silently observed the little spat as this was the first time witnessing them argue, though she has absolutely heard about the legendary fights the two of them had over the years.

The level of destruction the two shared when they were angry were rivals of The Marauder's top hits with their combined power, and all the people who were in the vicinity often wound up in the hospital wing.

They reminded her greatly of Siri and Reggie, both brothers loved each other dearly but would rather bathe in Bubotuber Pus than openly admit it to each other.

Just as tears dared to cloud her molten grey eyes, Andromeda instructed "Astrid continue"

"Thank you, as I was saying" Astrid punctuated glaring hotly at the blond Wix, who held a fake smile in return as she spoke "There is nothing left here, and I don't want to be alone"

Narcissa knew exactly how the great Girl Who Lived felt. For years, after her marrying Lucius and becoming a Malfoy in that day and age was trying, as she was a witch with an affinity to dark magic making her evil and marrying into a Dark house.

Narcissa was taught one must defend her house and family before anything else. Her family even if she would ecstatically kill a few, was left in ruin.

Her eldest sister lost to the madness the house was known for and the brunette of the family was outcasted, Sirius ran leaving her favourite cousin Reggie alone. The only family she had was the Malfoy's.

Lady Malfoy placed her cup of tea down and held Astrids' unnaturally cold hand saying truthfully "None of us do"

"Great" Astrid spoke while giving her aunt a dopey smile before asking her House with her eyes sparkling with horrid hope "So any suggestions on where to go"

Andy had been quiet for the most part, as she was still getting over that little fact of her dearest niece died which she had been privy to when they left the Malfoy's when they were discussing whether Astrid should buy the silk slips in Acromantula spun silk or pure silk as they all headed to get a well-deserved ice cream.

This didn't mean she wasn't listening as she told the group who slightly jumped at her speaking so much since they entered the house from shopping "I heard from Remus about a supernatural community in America"

"You mean, New Orleans?" Astrid asked with a wondrous expression. She had heard about the supernatural community there from stories Remus told to her own research and already fell in love with the city

Draco too heard about the French Quarter, more importantly about it being run by Vampires. Yes, he was learning about prejudices that were forced into him since he would speak, but Draco was better with  since they could only rip you limb from limb once in the Luna cycle compared to having the possibility to be drained every day.

Even so, he wondered how and why his cousin's furry uncle went there and asked "How did he know about the place"

"From his stories, there was a pack in the Bayou who were royalty" Astrid told the family, as she got more stories about the history of the community and pack life compared to his Wix side

"Why there?" Cissa mused. She hadn't heard much about the place, but she did hear about the servants of nature that resided there and it was a known fact they thought anything against nature was an abomination, much like the Wixen counterparts

"He was looking for family" Andy told them as Teddy woke up from her arms and demanded attention from his godmother and now mother 

As Astrid was giving the small babe the required attention of a child and one of the House of Black, Cissa asked impatiently "What do you mean?"

"The story of how he turned wasn't entirely true" Andy told her little sister and nephew as she gazed lovely at the scene of Astrid playing with the air around them making her hair flutter around making Teddy try and hold the midnight strands

Draco still was incredibly confused as everyone knew the story of him being bitten and ask with his head tilted like a puppy "But I thought Greyback—"

"He did" Astrid confirmed without looking up as Teddy's eyes flashed a Quick emerald green. When she did, Astrid told the rest of the room with a small smile at their reactions "But Lyall Lupin wasn't his real father"

"What?!" Cissa asked with an audible gasp foregoing all her etiquette

Astrid gave Teddy back to his grandmother as she refilled her cup of tea and spoke as she focused on pouring accurately "From what I found out"

"You mean, getting drunk on Fire Whiskey together" Draco interrupted with the famous Malfoy drawl, getting some pleasure in seeing Astrid spill some tea on the table and the floor after his trousers were ruined by the few drops of tea, she made him spill 

Looking up sharply and a heavy glare was thrown from the Lady of the house, spitting slowly "Same difference"

"Draco" Cissa chastised, making him very interested in his own tea he held and was hoping the sofa would swallow him 

"His mother was to be engaged to a werewolf as she was a half-blood and pregnant with his child, Remus" Astrid recounted what she remembered since at the time she was highly drunk, they both were. When they were found mumbling to each other by Sirius, let's just say Walburga was impressed with the language and loudness. This also got Teddy's attention as even if he was a babe, he still recognised the name of his father. Continuing on Astrid finished "So when their child was born it was a possibility for him to become the Alpha as he was a hybrid stronger than them all"

"Amazing" Draco announced wistfully at everything being told, along with Blaze they were the biggest gossipers in the year

Astrid nodded along as she took a sip of her chamomile tea, saying "Yep, that's all I know"

"Luckily for you, Remus told me more" Andy told everyone with a knowing smile that just made the 2 teenagers giddy at the prospect of knowing for completely different reasons. Astrid's reason was she could hopefully know more about her uncle Remmy and her Teddy-Bears heritage. Draco just wanted the information so he could continue the air of smugness he emits hourly, which made it very hard for Astrid or anyone really not to bash his head on a hard surface

Cissa just sighed and kindly asked with a teasing grin at her sister "I know dramatics are in our blood sister, but please"

"Lyall fell in love with Faith. But she didn't as she was in love with Tommen Labonair" Andy revealed with a small smile. Astrid couldn't believe what she just heard; her Uncle Remmy was royalty. A massive smile broke out thinking of him finding out who he was just like how Astrid did, but it did dim when the betrayal of knowing a man who fight so hard for being against who he was

"What happened?" Draco asked carefully which brought the immortal Wixen out of her head

"Natural causes. He died" Andy told them with a sad smile at the pain Faith Lupin neé Howell felt as the man she loved died, which the Dark-haired Elder Wixen felt in losing Ted. 

"So, I'm guessing, Lyall to his chance and offered to marry her so he could have an heir and she wouldn't be without family" Cissa summarised knowing how fickle being a Wixen. Yes, they could do a lot, but most was because they were married or were born into the right family as it was practically living in the 1800s

Andy nodded with a short "Yes" She was lucky that she could do a lot, in regards of marrying the man she loved, having a strong-willed daughter that could do whatever she wanted, and having a stellar career

While Andy was thinking about her life, Astrid was practically seething in rage. 

She couldn't understand how or why his Pack would just give up a cub, she was Remus's cub all because she was his pack. It was the most sacred law; cubs are protected by everyone.

Astrid couldn't hold it in any longer and shouted with extreme confusion "But what about the pack, if she was pregnant, it would be extremely unlikely that she would be left alone"

Andromeda knew where she was coming from.

Remus told her every time they were together with Teddy on or out of her daughter's womb, that he placed a protection charm on whoever was with Nymphie just in case. It drove her independent daughter up the wall, but his wolf compelled him to make sure their cub was alright.

She explained to the rage-filled Wixen who look about 5 seconds from exploding the room as she got up from the sofa after handing Teddy over to her sister who was more than happy to keep the attention of the youngest member of House Black "She was pack by default, but Lyall didn't like that idea"

"What does that mean?" Astrid asked mutedly into the shoulder of the person who is a mother to her

"Rem never knew" Andromeda woefully admitted, as she ran her hand over the mess of midnight black hair that sure showed she was a Potter. Pulling back slightly, so she could wipe away the tears of frustration away from Astrid's flushed cheeks and looking into the bright emerald eyes with shimmering grey flecks all the while softly telling her "All he knew was what was left to him in a letter by his mother after she died"

After 10 minutes, which allowed Astrid to calm somewhat and Grimmauld still stood which Andy saw as a win. The Elder Wixen had manoeuvred her Lady of the House onto the sofa where she had been sitting. Astrid immediately snuggled into Andromeda's side as she tried to obtain comfort from the woman who always comforted her like a baby when needed. 

Even if the walls were cold and ready to attack at any moment, the family sitting on the sofas were anything but. 

Astrid sipped on another cup of Chamomile tea, with a small smile with dried tear tracks that the Wixen harshly scrubbed away. Draco mused carefully, knowing now was a good time to finish the tail "And Greyback, he bit Remus, right?"

Astrid didn't answer not because she didn't know it, but she just couldn't think at the moment as she was half asleep on her aunt's shoulder. When Andromeda saw this, she kissed the younger's head lovingly as she softly spoke with a sad smile "He did come as revenge for Lyall"

"That doesn't answer the question" Cissa accused lightly as Teddy finally settled back into her arms, which was as if he too was almost feeding off Astrid's emotions that were heightened for him by his wolf

Andromeda reiterated to her sister "He was going to, but he's a predator"

"Meaning" Darco wondered as he was sick of the run around in the twisting of words and dramatics of his family

"He saw the mark first beforehand and automatically recognised the curse" Andromeda revelled, which she knew as Faith wrote in her little dusty rose diary that was charmed to never run out of pages. Before gravely looking straight into the Malfoy heirs blue flecked metallic very eyes, speaking lowly "One death, accidental or not and he was bound to the moon forever"

The silence was hard and uncomfortable, but Astrid broke this when her eyes were closed and voice raspy from her surfacing emotions "He was 6 when the laws wanted wolves to be chipped like common dogs"

"It was to make it easier on the Aurors to see where they were on the Night of the moon and seeing if they bit anyone which was a death sentence" Cissa explained to her son, as Draco's nose scrunched in confusion as he tried to figure out which law Lyall helped pass as there were many restricting creature rights

"Wolves, just like their vampire counterpart are all hunters, predators itching for the kill. The best way in inflicting pain" Astrid spoke making the atmosphere that was once warm and inviting with them all gossiping, turns into the reflection of Grimmauld cold and eery.

None of them even breathed loudly as it could interrupt the story of the kind wolf that sadly left Andy's, Teddy's, and Astrid's lives.

Sitting up and taking off her shoes, Astrid sat cross-legged on the sofa hugging a pillow and continued not noting the mood of the room as she was in her own little world "That's how Greyback found out about Remus and his curse" 

"There was a woman who was injured by Greyback, just enough to make her pain excruciating but his attack would kill her" Andromeda spoke with her voice cracking just at the end as she took over for Astrid as silent tears rolled down her cheeks, but the immortal Wixen never even felt them just how the pillow she clutched started getting wet

When the hot streams registered in her mind, Astrid wiped her face on the pillow and spoke quietly with a sad smile "But everyone here knows Remus and he tried to help, as he and his mother were walking by"

Closing her eyes as she imaged how a small little Remus holding his mother's hand having an evening stroll and seeing a person asking for help. She had become desensitised to the horror of dead bodies, but the first time with Cedric felt like her lungs were being ripped out of her chest and her brain told her it was her fault for not getting them out faster even if it wasn't true.

And just like her magic exploded so did a little Remus, as she told them still with her eyes closed "And his magic reacted badly when seeing the scene"

"Who wouldn't, he was a child" Draco implored knowing the first time he saw a body was when he was forced to become a member of the Death eaters, he had to swallow the bile and sick that climbed out of his throat. Feeling another Stinging hex being thrown, this time by his mother, the blond Ex-Malfoy asked carefully as he leaned forward "What happened?"

"His accidental bout of magic made the air thicker as he felt scared which would ward off potential threats" Astrid explained and all of them nodded knowing how random bouts are along with familial magic even if it comes from a squib, it will always protect the Houses members.

By this time Draco and Cissa were on the edge of their seats, as Astrid's voice creaked which it always did when she told the truth of Remmy's story "Which unknowingly suffocated the human woman killing her"

After hearing the truth, Cissa had tears clouding her eyes, either anger or sadness no one knew, but did say "But he raised Remus as his son"

"But I'm guessing he saw him as a werewolf first, mother" Draco spoke as he held his mother, knowing it was more common than not for Purebloods to do.

If they were a creature then they were an abomination, but that can't be true not anymore. As if anyone told the male to say awful things about his littlest cousin then they would be beside him dead

"I'm so happy that bastard is dead" Astrid darkly muttered as she held onto Teddy, who was happily nuzzling her neck in hopes to calm her as Cissa was in her son's arms

"Language, Astrid" Andy chided, not caring for the language as she could be worse but hoped it wouldn't be around Teddy. Knowing the littlest member of the House had all the members that counted as Marauders' blood flowing through his veins and would definitely be his first word

"Right sorry" Astrid apologises looking at her mother figure before a large smirk adorned her face as she spoke "I'm extremely delighted that the bastard is dead"

"Don't bother mother, I have tried to make her more refined over the years" Draco told Cissa, who looked appalled at the use of language her Lady was using, and if her mother heard then she would have had a pink fit before teaching her the right way to behave

Lightening the room, Astrid immediately retorted with a dopey smile "And you have failed miserably dear cousin"

Getting back to the matter at hand that was leaving to go to New Orleans for the foreseeable future, Cissa shook her head and told the room "Anyway, this is all hearsay"

"You sound like me, sister" Andy snarked with a cocky smile, before winking at Astrid and Teddy who were both giggling 

Ignoring her elder sister, Lady Malfoy insisted on telling them "Proof"

Wondering if there was evidence of the Royalty claim as if they were going to leave, they need to show who they were and are

"Rem had the crescent moon birthmark on his shoulder" Andromeda told her sister, ignoring the inquisitive look coming from both mother and son. When the lawyer in the family found out her daughter was in a relationship with a wolf, she immediately found out how to properly heal cuts as it was plain to see how much they love each other.

After every full moon, she would practically drag the tried wolf back to her house and heal him, ergo seeing a little birthmark of a crescent moon

Moving Teddy's sunset orange baby-grow, Astrid found the same birthmark and announced, "So does my gorgeous Teddy-Bear" And kissed his nose making him flash his eyes green once again in response

"We should go then," Draco told his family with a strong voice, making them all look at him with a startled look. Seeing this, the son of House Black spoke in a very offence voice "What, I'm embracing the family thing"

"Perfect" Astrid told her cousin excitedly with a beaming smile

Just as his lips twitched upwards, Draco remembered something very important that know has even mentioned yet. So, he straightened his back and asked "Before we go and uproot our lives, there is just one more question"

"Which is, son?" Cissa asked as she was about to leave the room to fetch more tea or alcohol, to be perfectly honest whichever she found first she would bring back

"How did you, of everyone in the Wixen world, become the Mistress of Death" Draco drawled out in the famous Malfoy drawl with his silver eyes flashing, as all he knows about the hallows is that it is a bedtime story that his mother read to him when he was a boy 

All of a sudden, every pair of grey eyes in the living room of the condemned house looked towards their Lady. 

Astrid on the other hand was ready to happily run out of the room with her bundle of fluff and start packing instead of this conversation. Seeing as that wasn't going to happen, when she made a move too Andy calmly placed her hand on Astrid's shoulder and gently pushed her back down.

Astrid started to laugh at the awkwardness and started by saying "Funny story actually..."

"Well, start talking Potter" Draco spoke as he leaned back on the sofa waiting for a remarkable story since it happened to his cousin who can't even place her wand in her hair without a situation happening.

Seeing Astrid's eyes glow an ethereal green much like the killing curse, Draco suggested with a cocky grin his cousin would be more than happy to wipe off his face "Apparently, you have all the time in the world"

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