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75% A Journey After Death / Chapter 9: Broken bonds

Chapter 9: Broken bonds


Bonnie Sheila Bennett had been in New Orleans for about a month now, give or take a few days. Honestly, she has been falling in love with the French Quarter.

The jazz seeped from every crack, reminding her of what her Grams used to play throughout their house.

The vibrant colours were something every Founder of Mystic Falls would roll in their graves about. The city never sleeps, always something for her to do when she can't sleep.

Or how she wasn't the town witch, since there were 9 other Covens; 10 if you count the House of Black

Yes, the place was overrun with cocky vampires that thought they were nature's gift to life. Some were better than others, just like Caroline Forbes.

Bonnie had apologised properly by sending her a beautiful new daylight amulet.

It was a 24 carrot Rose gold ring that would fit perfectly on her middle finger. The metal looked like ivy leaves that twisted around a hexagonal cut Lapis Lazuli

The Kinky-haired Bennett also sent it with a large bouquet of Blue Hyacinths, which Astrid had made immortal accidentally by freezing them and encasing them in Bouncy Glass something she had to create when raising up Teddy. 

Well, that's what she claimed. It was actually from the number of times she had knocked a glass on the floor and with a simple Reparo  exploded the nearest electrical item. Draco still won't forgive her for blowing up his straighteners.

Ultimately, Bonnie created a daylight ring for Elena Gilbert when she turned a week after the witch arrived in The Big Easy.

It wasn't anything as spectacular as the one made for Caroline, but it was still stunning with simple beauty.

A single dainty golden band with a small star-cut Lapis Lazuli, that would go with everything

It was the best she could do.

It was a long time coming.

Despite all Elena Gilbert's exclaiming she wanted to be human while being with both Salvatore brothers. 

John Gilbert gave his life for his biological daughter, not that anyone cared for the man who would swan into town and leave before anyone got answers to his madness as well as leaving Mystic in a worse state.

And comprehending that everyone who lived in the suffocating town would most likely want Bonnie to do something, anything so Elena would still be human.

It went against nature

Either she drank blood, or she died permanently. But Elena would still be able to look over her loved ones on the other side, after all, Elena is a Petrova Doppelganger. She has always been supernatural

You can't come back to life while in transition, if you could, there would be many witches who would drink blood more often as a precaution.

Since arriving in NOLA, calls about Bonnie's return home had been happening every day for the first week she left when it became whenever they got into another problem.

Shockingly, the moment she wasn't available to do their bidding, the Supernatural Misfits of Mystic Falls started to notice how powerful and amazing the air inclined witch was

First, it was Elena calling for her to help Alaric Saltzman to suppress his alter ego, who killed Caroline's father and other Council members after getting his neck snapped one too many times.

All the while her mother was struggling with her vampirism, because Damon chose to save his brother's girlfriend than her egg donor. 

She was fortunate Damon didn't kill her that night, but that doesn't mean she didn't get revenge for almost dying again.

The Bennett Witch had already unlinked the Mikaelsons, who were thankful after she explained the true story of why she was at the house that night.

Well, Klaus was.

Rebekah Mikaelson was indifferent to everything or more likely she was coming to terms with her mother attempting to commit Filicide.

Elijah Mikaelson was still around for a few hours after but told Bonnie that he was disappointed that she did not try harder to fight against Abby. He left that night with his tail between his legs, his ego destroyed, his head screaming, and blood staining his far too-expensive suit.

Her bags were packed, filled with everything a budding witch may need, the moment she stepped into the house.

The leafy-eyed teenager wasn't going to stay for the woman who decided to leave after losing her magic and raising another child. Maybe she was cruel for not making Abby walk in the sun, but it wouldn't have worked for making her stay with vampires who could help with control.

Thanks to Caroline, she was informed Abby Bennett-Wilson left 3 days later.

The second was shockingly, Damon Salvatore. Telling her ever so nicely to 'get her Judgy witchy ass to the middle of the woods'

She didn't even dignify a response since she was in a different state and quite drunk as it was the first day of Halloween in The French quarter along with Voodoo Practices going on in Bournville Park, it was something Bonnie was very interested in.

But when Bonnie did see it, the message sounded like he had enough and was planning on murdering her...  Again

If she wanted someone to murder her, it would have been Narcissa since she showed up in the hospital with alcohol poisoning the next morning.

Astrid on the other hand gave her a high five and told her next time to line her stomach with food that would clog her arteries before a night out. But not when the Malfoy Wixen was in the room, the last Potter didn't have a death wish even if she would just wake back up

Bonnie, in fact, called them next as Astrid who made her feel like she was becoming herself again; practising magic that she hasn't used since her grandmother was alive.

She started to scream bloody murder at 4:28 pm on the 28th of October

It wasn't something anyone would be forgetting in a hurry.

Everyone was down at the infamous café as soon as supernaturally possible.

Marcel immediately left his meeting with the mayor who was trying to get more sway over the city.

Andromeda was in the Café herself when this happened and had to put up protective enchantments just so no one died from the magic flaring.

Narcissa arrived last, covered in blood and looking a mess something that was not a common occurrence. And Portkey'd her back to the Ancestral House as the Café was starting to burn despite her elder sister

Bonnie was comforting a sobbing Columba and channelling Davina who was making fires start burning in the curtains in the flat.

Draco even turned up in full Wizengamot robes, leaving 3/4 of the way through an emergency meeting

Vincent arrived with his newlywed Eva hoping to help with the pain Astrid had.

Honestly, if Teddy showed up no one would be surprised.

Astrid was feeling the thousands of deaths that came with the ending of an entire sire line. She was burning and desiccating over and over again, as the other side was being flooded with souls that didn't deserve to die. 

And for the first time since Hurricane Katrina, Les breuvage des sorcières closed.

Caroline had kept her up to date on the inner workings of the supernatural life of Mystic falls.

Tyler Lockwood returning, without his sire-bond to the Original Hybrid

Alaric dying the night of the dance, which Rebekah changed so you felt as if you walked into a Speakeasy instead of a Disco, before being turned into an Original Hunter like Mikael The Destroyer

Esther died again in the same spot as last time.

Klaus was desiccated by a witch who owed Damon, or more realistically The Salvatore threatened their whole family and friends if they didn't help.

That was the only time Bonnie went back but this time with Astrid.

Death's Mistress tied The Hybrid's life to hers so instead of him and his entire sire line died, which included all but few of the vampiric life in New Orleans and Caroline too.

It was lucky she did as Niklaus Mikaelson was stabbed with the White Oak Stake and subsequently killing Astrid about 10 minutes later.

Everything was going so well after that.

Bonnie's only contact she had from anyone after Elena transitioned was a box of her Grams things Caroline sent her with a note saying thank you

That was until today


"Hello," Astrid welcomed like every day in the Café, with a soft smile. More vamps had been watching her since her episode, no one would ever blame her, well perhaps the witches of the Quarter "What can I get for you?"

"Coffee, please" A blond-haired vampire ordered, looking over at his companion who was observing the masses of cakes in the display case "Make that 2"

"And a few muffins" The icy-eyed newcomer leaned closer towards her with a smirk making her skin crawl, compelling "For free"

"Not bloody likely" Astrid hissed with her magic wrapping around them like a snake reading themselves to strike, while flashing her toxic eyes into their pitiful souls.

However, none of them saw a day walker in the cafe, they had texted Marcel about heading back to the Quarter sharp-ish. The King of the Quarter was with Bonnie at Loyola university for potential options after graduation

"You're a witch?!" The raven-haired vampire asked dumbly with his icy eyes blown wide in shock

"Wixen, actually" Astrid snarked, happily threatening them "And this is my place, so be careful your new to town, and no one will miss you from here"


"Kitten" Marcel called as he entered the Café, just a little before 3 pm, which was odd as the charismatic vampire would normally arrive like clockwork at 11 am to give her some food that wasn't derived from sugar and then again at 4 pm gossiping about any and all of the goings on. It had been the same routine for the past month.

He didn't need Astrid to answer as he could recognise the glorious mass of black curls a mile away. But what concerned him was he wouldn't have heard her reply as she was sitting regally with two unknown vamps with a bubble of magic surrounding them.

Holding out his arm for the baby Bennett witch, who didn't hesitate to grasp on to, leading them towards not Astrid, but Lady Black

There had been a funny feeling in Bonnie's stomach all day. At first, she thought it was the beginnings of her period, but this wasn't the pain of someone ripping one's insides out, no this familiar feeling filled her with dread.

Ever since she was little Bonnie Bennett could predict many things before, they happened. People called her psychic, lucky, but her Grams called her a witch.

And it was true.

Sheila Bennett told her everything about the craft, the good the bad and the ugly truth that her own mother hadn't just abandoned her but stripped her of her heritage.

But two years ago, when the arrival of the Salvatores, would be the only thing they did right for her, they managed to unlock the binds of nature that flourished in her veins. It was the same night Elena's parents died, that she made everything in her room float. Tears all over Mystic Falls were shed many in sorrow, but some in joy

However, over the course of the two years, Bonnie had been pulled in every direction, used and abused. A tool for her so-called friends to use when everything went wrong.

But if she didn't do, as they say, people died. If it wasn't her Grams, it was random innocent people. And when she was free of them, Bonnie was pulled back in.

Like the Masquerade ball, Katherine hadn't done anything to her, but Damon had promised if she didn't help who knows how many people it would take for him to calm down.

A simple choice Katherine Pierce or mass murder

Or the Martian Witches, they were helping her. She knew they were playing her; she knew they were working for Elijah; she knew the moment she stepped foot into their house the Moonstone would be theirs. But she didn't care.

The magic they knew, the magic they had taught her, gave her freedom and Damon couldn't let her have it

So, when she saw them sitting in her Mistresses Café she froze

"Stefan..." Bonnie stuttered in disbelief towards the green-eyed Salvatore before her head turned. It was like she became a timid child, as the Bennett with stunning braids uttered "Damon"

"Judgy" The vampire dressed in leather rudely addressed Bonnie "So this is where you've been hiding out"

"Godric" Astrid swore. 

Bonnie had been less than forthcoming when it came to her recent years in Mystic Falls, it was mostly her lack of basic knowledge any witch should know. However, when a few drinks entered her system, it was like another Bonnie was born. She would rant and rave about 'The Salvawhores' who would make everyone kneel down for Elena. That would lead to her grumbling about how she would be seen only as a tool of magic. Finally ending in sobs, angry sobs

"You're them"

Astrid never would've thought they would end up in front of her, her silent fury made Marcel place a calming hand on her, rubbing circles on her jumper-clad shoulder

"Talk about us" Damon leered with a filthy smirk, which made Bonnie's heart start to race in fear.

Even though Astrid wasn't able to hear how afraid her Little Wicca was, she could almost taste it. She had felt this fear before, luckily for the two new vampires, Marcel managed to keep a hold of her.

This didn't mean he wanted to, the 200-year-old vampire was more than willing to let go and have Lady Black unleash hell upon them, but the amount of cleaning involved would be headache-inducing.

So, the Mistress of Death settled with hissing "Get out"

"What?!" Damon seethed, covering up the sheer terror he felt from demonic Wixen. He thought everything was going to be easy when he heard about the reputation of the Café.

Walk in, find someone named Astrid, either compel her or threaten her.

Yet upon seeing her for the first time, yes, he thought the innocent sexy woman was nothing more than a human and one he wouldn't mind taking his frustrations out on.

Turns out that was his first mistake

The magic surrounding her was something he had never felt before, Emily Bennett didn't hold a candle to the tantalising force Astrid had.

It was like soothing lavender, calming him before shocking him to life.

A complete contradiction

It seemed the longer he and his baby brother had talked to the British woman, the more she had made them look like fools.

Damon didn't like it; he had finally realised how Bonnie felt when he used this tone with her.

And speaking of the disappearing Judgy Bennett witch, turns out she had been here all along. So instead of helping Elena, Bonnie had been laughing and smiling and helping Mikaelson's and now seemed to be whoring herself out to another Vampire

And for some reason, he didn't like it one bit.

So, Damon did what he did best when it came to a completely different girl than the one, he had met 2 years prior and scare her into submission

Astrid hadn't done anything to decrease the feeling of fear within the vampire's brothers, in fact, had hoped to increase it 10-fold, so she hissed once more slipping into Parseltongue "You heard me"

Stefan, being the one with more brain cells, had felt the air thinking lightening his skin with sparks, and graciously spoke hoping to get out of the homely cafe alive "Thank you for trying to help"

Before pulling his elder brother by the arm speeding away, knowing if he didn't neither brother would get out of the city alive

"Bonnie," Astrid implored, and for the first time using the Bennett's first name "I swear I didn't know"

"I believe you," Bonnie said earnestly before her eyes lit up with mischief "Bambi"

"What did they want?" Marcel growled as he looked towards the front door, making sure none of them would be returning any time soon

"Knowledge of sire bonds" Astrid confessed with a huff, as she plopped herself back down on the comfy chair. Making a mental note to dig into any unsolved mass murders, the immortal teenager darkly muttered "Thought human sacrifice was the answer"

"Elena" Bonnie muttered just as bitterly, coming to the repetitive conclusion when the twin vamps are involved "Of course, it's Elena" 

All Bonnie wanted to do was scream and pull her hair out. That and hiding away from everyone and everything. She couldn't go back to hiding out in her Gram's old house which was the only house it seemed no vampire had access to, and just research. something that she had for the first time in a few months due to extreme pressure and stress. 

No food, and no sleep, and her hygiene was slipping.

So much stress was placed on her, which subsequently caused her periods temporarily stop for 4 months and now 6 months later they are still irregular

"Little Wicca" Astrid questioned as she clasped her hand with the air-inclined witch

"Elena, I made her an amulet" Bonnie confessed looking down in shame, before hearing Marcel growl in annoyance "Oh, don't start, Marcel" Turning back to Astrid, she informed with her eyes swimming in adulterated fury "She is the only person they would do this for. Tyler got sired and practically everyone turned on him"

"What do we do?" Marcel quested the witch who had known them for nearly 2 years

"We help them," Bonnie tells them, with a solemn look "What?! it gets them to leave faster"

"Or we send them to the Garden" Marcel prompted with an easy smirk

"Or rip out their heart and burn them" Astrid added on with a wicked gleam in her starry eyes

Not wanting to talk anymore, Bonnie muttered as she slinked off to the nearest bar "I need a drink"

"I'm not hearing a 'No'"

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