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91.66% A Journey After Death / Chapter 11: Another Mikaelson saved

Chapter 11: Another Mikaelson saved


Bonnie Sheila Bennett had been back in Mystic Falls since the day before Davina was almost beaten to death.

Margeaux Claire had found her daughter packing the last of her Grimoires and music records so she would finally be free from the emotional and physical abuse the coven did; not to just her but every child.

That was just one week prior to The Bloody Harvest

Astrid had finally understood Sirius' desire to hunt that Rat down, but unlike her blood-adopted father, she stayed and made sure Davina wasn't going to die.

Her Auntie Cissa had held her as she screamed and cried and threatened slow and painful deaths to every coven member involved.

Unfortunately, Astrid only managed to give them complete agony in the form of Basilisk venom the night of The Bloody Harvest, otherwise, no one would have found the bodies


Rudy Hopkins had demanded his daughter return to the confines of the borders of the small havoc-filled town, that was Mystic Falls.

He had threatened to file charges of kidnapping against Astrid, so reluctantly Bonnie once again became chained back to the town she had narrowly escaped from.

What no one knew was Astrid had given her a small Portkey that allowed her to return to the Café whenever she wanted.

Bonnie had used it almost daily. If she wasn't in the bustling streets of the Quarter, you would find her in the burnt remains of The Witches' House.

In the 4-ish weeks, Bonnie Sheila Bennett had been back, the air-inclined witch was digging up graves; unmarked graves as she began to put the burnt witches to rest.

The Cellar now was an Altar; filled with yellowing bones, fresh and dried herbs, and many powerful talismans.

It was a magnificent sight, the feeling of pure serenity whenever she stepped foot into the room was otherworldly.

This was something she should have done years ago; Bonnie didn't even need to dig up bodies to do so, she just needed to find a place to practice magic calmly. 

Just another thing that made her feel like she was failing the craft, and pure anger at her mother for binding her magic and The Salvatores for killing the only link to her ancestry

Speaking of Ancestors, Bonnie's weren't all consecrated.

She was planning to move to New Orleans permanently, so Shelia's coffin was gifted to Astrid to keep safe until she arrived there.

Bonnie was still working on fully trusting the rest of The Bennett Coven and she didn't want them to punish her grandmother on the off chance they decided to take out their anger on a person she loves in their grasp. Or limit her magic again like when she brought Jeremy back from the dead, which was something she had been regretting more and more lately.

It was all because she had The Salvatore's tracking her down day after day to try and fix him and every little problem they had.

All in all, Bonnie Bennett was miserable, and no one cared

Narcissa Malfoy-Black, on the other hand, was ecstatic.

The world-renowned Healer was already planning the whole event of consecrating Shelia, incorporating it into Beltane more commonly known as The 1st of May.

It was her favourite festival growing up, as it was her duty to decorate the May Bush which was uncommon as she was the youngest out of her sisters, but Druella Rosier wanted to encourage her favourite child.

Bonnie was fascinated by The Olde ways, had been since her first experience with Samhain just a week after she entered NOLA, which was also followed by All Saints Day something that made the novice witch cry with joy at feeling the magic in the air. And so, she was very upset about not helping with the preparations

However, today was the reason Bonnie would be forever grateful to be dragged back kicking and screaming to the Hellmouth.

The Bennett witch, overheard something that would once again make Astrid curl up in a ball with the pain of her heart being ripped from her chest agonisingly slowly

Elena wants Kol dead; all for her humanity.

And if she wants it, it will happen.

Even if it means genocide


The night was dark, it was in mourning, with only a veil of the disappearing moon in the sky. There was a chill in the air, that made everyone feel alert, the feeling of someone hidden in the shadows ready to strike.

The rows of houses, looked like someone had copied and pasted them. Pale and boring two-story houses, porches, white picket fence. The dream American house

Inside one, however, was a brother and sister duo. One, a vampire who was less than three months old and the other was a vampire hunter that came with the urge to kill any fanged being.

It sounds like the beginnings of a very bad joke. And the punch line is they were both working together to kill a 1000-year-old.

Not the funniest, but neither is assassination

This was something they found out when; Elena Marie Gilbert the 4th Doppelganger was holding the door closed against said 1000-year-old.

Every so often she would lurch forward as the vampire with superior strength hit against the flimsy piece of wood separating them as he shouted with faux cheer "I'm sorry."

A manic and sadistic grin grew on his timeless features, "I've already been invited in!"


A soft British accent halted the chaos.

It was a gentle breeze ruffling through his hair on a hot day, but the Mikaelson forcefully denied his body's want to give in to the calmness. So, he just continued his quest to obliterate the Gilbert door, until it was just splinters

"Kol Mikaelson"

The voice spoke again, more demanding than before; it was an order.

Curious and highly amused, he turned around abandoning his assault as to see who was stupid enough to order him, an Original. 

When he did so, Kol saw the most exquisite creature.

A woman who looked to be the same age as him, physically at least.

Her hair was blending into the night sky, but the sliver of the moon seen shone down upon her like an Angel. But the smirk on her face was telling him, she was more the devil.

More evidence of that fact was the mischief in her glorious emerald eyes. He doesn't write poetry as that was more Elijah's thing, but he could wax sonnets about those eyes

Her ivory skin stood out against the black coat dress she wore; it wrapped around her, held in place with 6 large buttons on her abdomen. The cuffs reached her knuckles displaying claw-like nails and matched the collar with the faux fur lining.

There was a small strip of skin at her thighs, where the end of the flared coat ended, and the thigh-high leather boots began.

But the thing that made his knees buckle, was the power rippling off her in waves

Astrid Sirius Black couldn't help but smirk at the feeling of Kol inspecting every inch of her with his eyes. So, she felt like she could do the same and she liked what she saw.

His fluffy brown hair was ruffled as if he raked his hands through it a lot. From where she was standing, the yellow porch light highlighted his wild pitch-black eyes

Kol's clothes were modern, but plain. 

A simple cotton top showed his lean figure or what she saw of it as he comfortably wore an oversized tan or light brown jacket.

Just because she hasn't worn glasses since her death, doesn't mean her eyes were perfect. He honestly looked like a high school student, but then again, he didn't want too much attention brought to him being far too old to be a high school student. His ripped jeans further attested to this, that and his battered untied Convers

But the thing that made her eyes sparkle was how much he was seeped in death


"I believe we need to talk," Astrid demanded once again

However, Kol ignores her, so she had no other choice than to lift her hand letting her magic wrap around him like a warm blanket, needlessly whispering "Accio"

As he reached her, Kol bared his teeth "Witch"

"Wixen" Astrid corrected, with her red lips pulling into a sinful smirk

"Are you in this ploy to burn me from the earth" The Original hissed, with purple-tinted veins still on display

"If I did," Lady Black conceded "I would have let you walk through that door once more"

"It is a shame; you have a strong tongue but not strong enough for survival" He softly spoke as he brushed a ringlet behind her ear, after calming enough for his eyes to become the shade of a steaming hot chocolate 

She in turn responds by lovingly placing her rough palm on his cheek, giving him a disarming smile and showing off her small dimple in her right cheek "We will see each other again soon"


Astrid didn't let Kol contemplate her words, before she snapped his neck.

Her thumb, moved ever so slightly from his cheekbone to his chin, all it took was a small push. Letting his body drop to the ground softly, as if he was a feather floating in the wind

"What did you do?!" Elena screamed as she sped over towards the stunningly beautiful woman. The Gilbert vampire had been listening to the pair of them, waiting for a moment so her brother could kill him

However, she didn't have time to say anything else as Astrid had her on her knees screaming in pain from the mild Crucio the Wixen gifted her.

Only when blood started to drip down her nose did the Mistress of Death stop her suffering. That and another whoosh of the still air alerted her to another presence


Niklaus Mikaelson, The Immortal Hybrid, The Big Bad Wolf.

He was terrified.

He was involved in The Cure, just like every other supernatural in town, in some shape or form. Even Bonnie was doing her own research as her ancestor created it, 2000 years ago

Yet it wasn't the reason he was so scared. It was his brother; Kol

Klaus was supposed to be baby-sitting Damon Salvatore as Kol decided to compel him into killing the only map to the cure. The Hybrid was just waiting for Kol to be daggered and the compulsion to break. Not caring for what the dagger did to every sibling, when it was embedded into their heart

Simple enough

Until the elder Salvatore, for once told the truth. And revelled in the chaos

He needed to save his brother, he couldn't lose another brother

And it was safe to say, Niklaus was startled and utterly confused to see his younger brother dead in the middle of the road, at the feet of a woman he had never seen before. She wasn't even focused on him; she was looking at the slumped form of the Doppelganger

Elena was too busy trying not to be overwhelmed by the crashing waves of power of the woman who defended, in her opinion a monster, to notice Klaus

Only when he said, "That's what I would like to know too" Did she feel like her world was slipping through her fingers

Smiling so softly, scaring the Original Hybrid more than anything.

But don't mistake the serenity, Astrid was presenting to the world, in fact, she was seething in silent rage. Her eyes her glowing, brighter than any star. 

The night was silent waiting for any command Astrid would give, and wasn't disappointed. "You should ask her about Kol Mikealson"

Not even a second later did Niklaus round on Elena with venom dripping from his fangs, he didn't realise Astrid had left, taking Kol with her


Just a few hours later, Kol awoke in a house. Upon seeing the woman who snapped his neck last night he launches himself at her

He didn't get very far as Astrid set a silent and wandless Flipendo towards him, into the wall making the sacred ground shake

"A thank you would be nice," Astrid commented, crossing her arms over her chest "Not throwing yourself at me"

"You snapped my neck," Kol shouted.

Unfortunately for the Original, that was all he could do as he was trapped on the wall, by The Bennett Spirits guarding their house. Honestly, they had been waiting to do something like this since Astrid arrived, with his body floating behind her.

Glaring at where he felt someone's hand, Kol hissed lowly "It's only fair I do the same"

"Go on then," Astrid shrugged effortlessly walking closer to him "Kill me" 

The order was soft, but oh so dangerous. 

As her eyes lit up with toxic green, standing face to face with him, Astrid's breath hitting his lips as she whispered "See what happens next"

It was a challenge and Kol graciously accepted as he shamelessly closed the gap between them, as their lips brushed electricity shot through them.

Before either of them could either sink lower within each other, another presence cleared her throat

"Mistress," Sheila Bennett spoke strongly, cutting through the budding tension "There is a time and a place"

Walking over and placing a hand on her cheek, Astrid gave her a cheeky smile "Forgive me, Sheila"

"Oh, good you're alive" Bonnie commented as she walked into the main room of the house

"What in Loki's name is going on?!"

And so, they explained.

Astrid explained how she received a manic phone call yesterday morning.

How his permeant death was being planned and about to be executed.

How his meaningless death was all so the newest Vampire doppelganger could turn back human.

How every part of her body felt like it was on fire when Finn was murdered.

How every vampiric death distorted two cosmic entities: Nature and Death

How the world was covered in desiccated corpses; nearly exposing the supernatural world.

How she wouldn't survive if it came to war... again

Bonnie explained she overheard Elena order his death, not caring for the repercussions.

How she couldn't stop them herself as she was ambushed by her birth givers to stay isolated.

How her mother returned and drugged her so she couldn't help anyone.

How her father stood back and watched as he was more concerned about her practising magic than her well-being.

How everyone was pressuring her to work with a manipulative man to practice some of the darkest magic in all of Nature's history.

How everyone wanted her soul to be destroyed just so Elena could be human.

•Damon could be with Elena knowing it wasn't because of him telling her to be.

•Stefan could save Elena's humanity.

•Matt, so he didn't feel as guilty every time he looked at Elena.

•Jeremy, so he wouldn't try and kill his sister every few seconds.

•Klaus, so he could use Elena's blood once more

Sheila explained where they were.

How 100 members of the Bennett coven burned in the very walls.

How Emily Bennett burned on the pyre outside these walls, where the men laughed as her screams were drowned out by the rising flames.

How her darling granddaughter dug up every bone of the 101 dead Bennetts and put them to rest.

How she watched over her from the other side, when she was being cared for in the French Quarter. Blooming into the person she should have been since a child, and thriving in the arms of magic


Kol's head was spinning

He was in sacred magical grounds, with no ulterior motive.

A Wixen, a pure magic user. Someone who he has only ever heard from stories of Olde, had killed him with a hauntingly beautiful smile. Saving him from himself, not even his family had gone that far and if they did it was so they could fetch the dagger that stayed in his heart for centuries at a time.

That and she was exceedingly more powerful than his entire family put together, honestly, he was quite excited

Once settled, with a few cups of Blood infused tea which Astrid had gone back to Le brassage des sorcières to make, Kol asked "What happened with the hunter's mark"

"I brought it out" Astrid informed him. She wasn't scared when Kol looked like he wanted, no needed to kill her, she would only snap his neck again if he tried. But before this could happen; more importantly blood stain the sofa, The Mistress of Death said "And told him when he finds the tomb to use the cure on Silas killing him permanently"

"But the others," Kol acknowledged. Even from their attempts to rid his family back in October, and almost succeeded, were just examples of how far they were willing to go.

If the Salvatore's playthings aren't supervised, anything could happen. Just look at Finn

"Will help him" Astrid answered, with mischief sparkling in her eyes "A simple touch can do so much"

Everyone felt the utter peacefulness of fluffy pink clouds of the Imperio; even Astrid knew. 4th year had taught her many things, one was how to throw off the Unforgivable, Barty Crouch Jr will forever regret doing so

"It's not safe here anymore," Bonnie implored.

She herself was going to head to the Mikaelson Manor after, she needed to tell Klaus that Kol was alive and safe. No one needed him going on another rampage searching for another family member.

And that would happen as she was 157% sure Kol wouldn't contact him until the turn of the century if Kol had his way

"For the moment at least" The last living Bennett witch corrected herself

"Then I shall leave," He replied easily.

Kol had been travelling to all of his playhouses anyway, some that haven't been touched in 3 centuries. There was no way he would be spending any more time in the place his mother destroyed his connection to magic.

In fact, he was just about to head to Spain, when Rebekah had called. And now was coming to the conclusion that his baby sister was involved somehow. It wasn't much of a leap, all his baby sister has ever wanted was a family, a child of her own, seemingly forgetting there is more than one way to have a child

Breaking out of his overlapping thoughts that were progressively getting more murderous by the second, when Sheila asked with a knowing look, "Alone" 

Tilting his head much like a puppy, Kol lifted his mug to his lips as he mused with a wild smirk "Unless the Mistress of Death requires a companion"

Everyone looked towards the immortal Wixen, whose eyes shone with disbelief.

No one had been that forward, not since she was completely mortal. And if she was being honest, she liked it, loved it even

And in the end, Astrid could only say one thing

"I believe I am"

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