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79.74% A Heroes Time / Chapter 63: Listen here, eye ball guy

Chapter 63: Listen here, eye ball guy

[ Late at night in Middleton around after ten or eleven ]

The moon shined in the sky as the light from BurnOut glowed up the the junction.

As the man with a bat-like eye symbol on his forehead marched towards the junction, he seized his opportunity and smashed through the barricade with ease. He stormed into the garage and made a beeline for a specific crate. Grunting with exertion, he hoisted it out of its storage and paused to glance at the gate before him. At that moment, BurnOut zapped him- a massive fireball that nearly singed his face.

"I caught you," BurnOut declared with a deep hazy voice, which is his natural voice.. "Okay, here's the deal. You put everything back where it belongs, and then I'll go hide something for you to steal. And in return, you'll try to catch me. You like that?"

The man turned back to the crate, slowly pushing it back into the junction. BurnOut's eyes glistened with amusement, and he fought to stifle his laughter.

"Oh my god, you're actually doing it?" he exclaimed. "Fucking dumbass. Alright, when you're finished here, you can grab me a shakie. Deal?"

The man stopped and threw the crate into the sky. He jumped after the crate and caught it before landing outside the gate.

"You could've just said that you're not a Shakies guy you know, instead of being unnecessary."

BurnOut exploded up and landed right in front of the guy. The man jumped at BurnOut who flipped back and then shot forward a fire ball that blasted the man straight into the gate.

"I bet you didn't think this entire thing through, huh."

The man looked at BurnOut with pale eyes and drool running down his mouth. He stood up gripping his fists as he sprinted toward the fire alien.

BurnOut shot a laser flame at the face of the man and was about to follow it up with a fire ball, but the man stopped after the laser flame. The small bat eye ball creature attached to the face of the man flied off into the sky leaving the box.

"What the hell was that thing?"

➜ [ Middleton - Lenardo Residentials]

In the night, Cameron was in his room with his arm chained to his bed while on his phone ]

"At least Ruby unblocked me," Cameron muttered to himself. "Well, not technically unblocked me. She just stopped ignoring my messages, which is a relief."

Suddenly, something thudded against the window of Cameron's room. He quickly unchained himself from his bed and cautiously approached the window, but could see nothing outside.

"Ghosts? Are there ghosts here?" Cameron mused aloud. "I suppose that wouldn't be too surprising, considering I've battled a flying robot as a blue, visor-wearing alien."

Cameron scanned the street from his window, making sure he hadn't missed anything. As he turned to step away, his eyes caught sight of something standing on the roof of one of his neighbors across the way. He squinted, trying to get a better view of the figure, when he suddenly noticed the reflection of an eyeball creature creeping up behind him.

In a quick motion, he ducked down coursing the creature to hit the glass of the window. Cameron took a move back and searched for a weapon in his room.

"I have no clue how you found out where-"

The creature pushed straight into Cameron with a surprisingly strong tackle that sent him crashing into a wall. The creature smirked as it charged straight toward his forehead.

Cameron raised his head gazing at the eyeball creature and jumped out the way, "Fucking eyeball!" He cursed when picking himself up and then sprinting out his room.

The eyeball creature shook itself and then moved out the door in search for Cameron. The creature checked the bathroom before moving into the kitchen where it was met with a smack to the face by a broom Cameron held.

"Gotcha! Now you're gonna pay for breaking and enteri-"

Another eyeball creature attached itself to the back of Cameron's head and instantly Cameron felt his entire vision start to blur. He fell to his knees and activated the omnitrix, he quickly slammed down onto it before it was too late.

As green bubbles enveloped the area, he squeezed his eyes shut. Suddenly, a bunch of eyeballs burst out from his body, accompanied by a green more green bubbles climbing up his skin and altering his skin color. The bubbles gradually approached his face, until he abruptly shot his eyes open and blasted the bubbles away, revealing his transformed appearance.

"What?" Cameron looked at his hands confused in a normal kind of grumbly voice, but it's not evident that it's grumbly because it's clouded by the fact he sounds like he is holding his nose. He quickly checked his reflection on the microwave machine. "Oh eye see... Eye transformed into EyeZ, for a second there Eye thought Eye mutated with one of you. This alien is still knew to me so Eye get confused."

The aliens attached themselves onto his face. EyeZ started moving around the room trying to pull the aliens off him when his chest eye glowed green and stretched to aim to his face. The green from the eye fired of as a green blast that shot right into the face of the eye alien.

The alien went crashing into one of the counters; breaking it. The eyeball bat creatures picked themselves up and weakly made their way out the door.

"Oh come on! Now I'm in trouble!"

EyeZ cringed when hearing the sound of his mothers room open, he quickly got up and sprinted outside the kitchen and went around his house.

➜ [ Middleton - Highschool ]

In the morning, Cameron is now at school somewhat rested after the Incident]

During recess, most of the sophomore boys that year hung out together in one particular area. They tended to split up into different groups, each of which occupied a specific section of the space. Many of the boys gathered around a nearby field that provided ample space for a game of football to take place.

_Cameron is dressed in a dark wool shirt and knee-high light blue jean shorts_

"What's wrong man?" One of the boys raised a question to Cameron.

"I couldn't sleep... I was up all night last night."

"You knew you had school the next day why the hell didn't you sleep?" Another boy asked.

"I don't know Ajay, I don't want to speak about it."

"You're so lucky we don't have a test today." One of the boys added.

"You know the weirdest thing happened to my neighbour last night, my mother said she saw her walking outside our house with a box and some eyeball thing on her head."

"Seriously?" Cameron raised a question.

"Yeah, I wish I was up last night to have seen it, but I guess some of us are deep sleepers you know."

"Hey Cameron." One of the boys nudged Cameron, "Look who's here to see you."

Cameron turned to the direction the boy was looking and almost smiled when he saw it was Léla. He stood up from the bench he was seating on and made his way over to her.

|| "Now 15 years old and older, Léla remains a strikingly beautiful young woman a peach brown African American complexion. Her long, dark hair have been made into locks that still shape around her face, framing her dark eyes"

Hey." He waved tiredly.

"You look awful, what's up with you?"

"I didn't sleep last night, well no I couldn't sleep last night."

"Somebody was keeping you up am I correct?"

"Not even close, whatever was keeping me up definitely wasn't a thing. Anyway, so what did you want to talk about?"

Léla paused for a second to think. "I was thinking we could go to the park or something, you know... For a date."

Cameron nodded, "That sounds like a great idea, but it's also kinda chilly outside. Maybe we should try something not out there?"

Léla scratched her head, "Hmm, I see what you mean. What about the cafe near the school? They have good coffee and a cozy atmosphere."

Cameron thought for a moment and then grinned, "Oh, I know that place! The cafe's walls have these big windows that look outside."

Léla's face lit up, "Yep that's the place! Afterschool we met and then date."

Cameron nodded, "Date it is."

Cameron and Léla agreed to meet at the cafe after school, and the rest of the day.

Tina, Jake, Maya, Oliver, Mia, Emma, Liam, and Tyler were random background characters that were sitting in front of Cameron in his class while he was studying.

Tina said, "So, what are your plans for the weekend, guys?"

Jake replied, "Nothing much. I'll probably just chill at home, watch some Netflix."

Mia added, "Me too. My parents are going out of town, so have the house to myself."

Emma said, "Thats cool. I'll probably go shopping with my mom."

Tyler said, "I'm planning to go to the beach with my sister."

Liam said, "I might hit the gym."

Suddenly, Oliver piped up, "Hey, guys! Did you hear about those eye ball creatures?"

Everyone turned to him, confused. Cameron raised his head slightly amused by what the background characters were saying.

Mia asked, "What the heck are eye ball creatures?"

Oliver said, "My dad works at the warehouse, and he saw these weird creatures with eyeballs. He thinks they might be dangerous!"

Emma shuddered and said, "That sounds creepy. I hope they're not real!"

Jake replied, "I highly doubt it. It's probably just some made-up story."

Tina said, "I don't know. My cousin mentioned seeing something similar in the woods last week."

Liam laughed and said, "Come on, guys! You know this is just a silly urban legend. Don't scare yourself over nothing!"

A sly grin appeared on Cameron's face as the background characters continued talking, but then a thought hit his head because he knew he was going to investigate this afterschool, but he also knew he had a date so he to think of the perfect lie.

[ Middleton - Wayne's Café ]

The following hour after school. Cameron was on his date with Léla ]

"Oh no, Léla, I have to leave early. My neighbor called, and he needs my help fixing his car."

Léla looked at him skeptically, "Really? Is it that urgent?"

Cameron nodded, "Yes, he's stuck on the side of the road, and he doesn't know what to do. I can't leave him hanging."

Léla said with a shocked voice, "Damn shit if that's urgent then okay, Cameron. Of course, you should go help him. Don't worry about our date. We'll make it up."

Cameron thanked her and gave her a quick hug, and then he quickly left the cafe.

Léla watched Cameron leave with a smile on her face, "Oh boy he's a mystery." She knew Cameron was lying, but she appreciated his commitment to the lie to get out of the date.

Cameron sprinted out the café and made his way onto the sidewalk where started running while clicking the omnitrix checking through his roster of aliens.

"I have no clue how she believed me, but I shouldn't look a gifted horse in the mouth or whatever they say." He said to himself as he ran into the corner.

Green bubbles clouded the scene; as he rocketed into the sky. They attached themselves to his body, slowly altering his form. When he finally landed, his impact was so strong that the entire room shook. He lifted his head, and in that moment, the bubbles popped off his body, revealing his alien form; CrashSpring

➜ [ Middleton ]

CrashSpring landed in the abandoned warehouse and couldn't spot any sight nor sign of danger.

"Odd... Then again the only lead I had came from a random ass kid in my class so I shouldn't be that surprised that this is my result..." CrashSpring sighed with a facepalm. "Fuuuuuuuck, I bailed on our date for nothing, now I feel like a piece of shit."

The warehouse lights turned off leaving the entire room in jail of darkness.

"No, scratch that this is definitely the right place, or this is some talent show?"

"So you're the shapeshifting menace that has been following my spawns. I can't say I expected much."

"What? A voice? How the hell are you even seeing me right now?"

"You see hero, even in darkness, I the king can see all..."

"Wow, I get it because you control eyes and you said the word 'I' and 'see' damn you're such a comedian... Look man if I wanted to hear a comedy sketch I would've asked, right now I just want to know why the hell you've been ordering your spawns or whatevers to mess with me."

"Calm down young alien, you are not as special as you're making yourself seem, you're the one who messed with us, you're the one who started throwing fire balls at us, now we're just paying back the favour."

"Dude you messed with my town, and then you sent one of your eye ball thingies to freaken attack me at my home!"

"Oh that is true... I do apologise for sending one of them to you... I should've sent them all."

The lights turned on and a ton of eye ball creatures surrounded CrashSpring with one of them glowing in a violet color.

"You see hero, you're spoiling our plans, and until the calvary arrives my spawns will have to deal with you."

CrashSpring sighed, "I guess it's time to be a hero."

Without hesitation, CrashSpring leaped into action. He jumped high into the air, dodging the creatures' attacks, and landed on top of one of them. With a swift kick, he sent the creature flying into a wall, where it burst into a cloud of dust.

The rest of the creatures were closing in on him, but CrashSpring was unafraid. He charged forward, headbutting one of the creatures and sending it crashing to the ground.

"Hey voice!" CrashSpring kicked a crate against the glowing eye ball knocking it down, "Nice catch!-"

"-was that your best attempt on taking me down? I can not be defeated by simply killing my little spawns, I am not them, they are me, we are a King!"

They all charged toward CrashSpring, but the creatures' wings were a disadvantage in the tight quarters of the warehouse, and CrashSpring quickly capitalized on this. He leaped and jumped his way around the creatures, striking them with powerful kicks and headbutts whenever he could.

The warehouse was full of crates and machinery, giving CrashSpring ample opportunities to outmaneuver his enemies. As the creatures dove at him, he somersaulted over one and slid under another, using the crates as cover.

But the creatures were relentless in their pursuit. They swarmed towards CrashSpring, flapping their wings and screeching.

"I'll admit you're quiet skillful little alien, maybe killing you is a bad idea, maybe we should control you instead and make you one of us!"

"Would love to see you try!"

Thinking quickly, he kicked a nearby crate and towards them. The creatures scattered, their wings unable to slow their movements in time. This gave CrashSpring space to work with and an opportunity to strike.

He took advantage of this and leaped into action, jumping high into the air and bringing his foot down on a cluster of the creatures. The warehouse shook with the impact, crates falling off the shelves and machines sputtering to life.

The omnitrix released a green hue allowing Cameron to revert into himself.

"Fuck!" He exclaimed gazing at his palms. "Couldn't have picked a better time to go offline could you omnitrix?"

"Oh-oh! So you're capable of shapeshifting into a human as well, that device of yours, the omnitrix you call it right? You would be such a great help to my squad."

Cameron thought fast, "....Guess what eyeballs," He raised the arm attached to the omnitrix. "This device right here, can turn me into any single alien I ask for... That mind control thing you do won't work because the omnitrix will simply give me an alien that can counter your power and like that I would beat you so don't you even dare."

"I'm tempted, you say you could beat me? I'm a king, you can't beat me."

"Bet I can, you're just an eyeball after all, I've fought way more scarier things than you."

"Alright... Let's put this to a pause, I'll return, and I'll return in my perfect state, with a perfect body that will be able to challenge that power of yours."

"Alright." Cameron shrugged, confidently, "Go ahead and watch how I beat you."

The bat creatures swarmed out of the warehouse and Cameron breathed in relief because even he thought he was screwed there.

Editors Note - These apps that help with text revision help a lot, they point out my mistakes and even give good tips and changes. It goes against my morals, but for a good story it's worth it. Plus I'm getting better now at writing texts thanks to them.

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