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Chapter 11: Our Instructors

When we were walking in the hall way, my classmates whispering to each other, "What do you think our teachers will look like? I hope it's one of those in novels where the teachers are all women, especially a thick one hehehe."

We're about to train and their talking about something inappropriate in a time like this.

I let out a sigh then I hear someone say, "Pathetic," next to me.

It was the maid that was assigned to me, all of our assigned maids will come with us, if one of us gets injured during training their there for aid just in case.

"What was that?" I asked.

Then the maid responded, "I didn't say anything."

"You know you can just act casual with me, no need to hide it, I know you've been your true feelings, because I also think the same, so you can talk casually with me," I said.

"*sigh* Fine, I'll do what you say, just because you requested," she responded.

"That's more like it, because whenever you talk like that, it feels awkward, so I'm more comfortable with the way you're talking now."

"Tch, well we have to, because if we do a bad performance we get scolded of the head maid and get punished and I don't want to go through that," she responded.

"So the head maid is strict that even a little mistake will get you in trouble?" I asked.

She responded, "Yes, I'm telling you, just a week ago one of the maid got in trouble just by cleaning without her "permission," the head maid yelled at her for doing "her" job, we were all there and she was embarrassing her in front of us, I want to defend her, as I was about to speak, she looked at me, telling me it's ok. Then in just 2 days she was thrown out of the castle, when I heard the news, I got pissed and confront the head maid and ask her why did she throw her out, she responded with, "Because, she's incompetent, that's why I throw her out." She was the nicest and hard working person I know and she had the audacity to say that she's incompetent, so I said to her, "You bitch..." she then slapped and beat me up until one of the maid stopped her. So whenever me and her pass by each other, she would stare at me with her cold eyes and say, "Be better," that's why I tried my best to avoid her, as much as possible."

"Wow...I'm sorry to hear that about your friend, did you hear any news from her when she was thrown out?"

"Yeah, I did, she's working at a bar right now, I sometimes visit during my day off, but that rarely happens..."

"At least you can still see her, so don't worry too much, I thought you never saw her again after she was thrown out."

"...You're weird."

"...I'll take that as a compliment."


"Hm? What was that?"

"Noel, that's my name."

"This is the first time you actually told me what you said."

"S-Shut up!"

"Ok, sorry, I'm Sie, nice to meet you."

*///* "...You too."


As we were walking, we finally reached the exit after walking for 20 minutes, how big is this place, that it took 20 minutes to reach the exit?! I'm already tired,,,

Then the king said to us, "Everyone we have reached the exit and behind this door is the training field and your teachers are on the other side of this door, and we will be introducing them and tell you the weapons they wield and what their attribute in magic is, so are all ready?"

Everyone nodded and said, "Yes! We are ready!"

You didn't have to shout.

"Splendid, I will now open the door," the king said.

When he opened the door, me and the others thought the same thing, this is the first time we went outside in this other world, and the first thing we heard was, "Ugh, finally their here, I got tired of waiting."

It was someone with Short Sword on his waist, and he has a huge scar under his left eye, and has an annoyed look on his face, and he said, "We got tired of waiting, I thought that they cowered in fear and ran away, hehehe~" he said it like he's mocking us.

Everyone was nervous, because of how thy they stare at us, they look like their looking down on us, and Syouma-san said, "Hello, instructors! We are happy that you accepted our request to teach us how to fight, we are very grateful!" he said as he bow in a 90 degree angle.

They were staring at him intimately, and as he was still bowing he heard a, "Pffft," and he raised his head and saw one of them giggling.

"HAHAHAHAHA! I'm sorry I couldn't hold it in, it was too funny, PFFFT! HAHAHAHA! HAHAHAHA *cough* MY STOMACH IT HURTS! HAHAHAHA!"

"*sigh* We already talked about this, you really suck at keeping a poker face," said by the lady in the middle.

"HEHEHE, I'm sorry, I really didn't mean to, he was so serious I couldn't hold it in."

All of us were confused by what's going, but the lady in the middle stand up and said, "Anyway, sorry for the scare, my friend over here wanted to make a first impression, because he was really excited on teaching the heroes who picked a Short Sword as their weapon, so please don't take what he said seriously."

"Hey Sara, don't tell them that, I wanted to make an impression where they think I'm strong, come on."

We were still figuring out what was happening, then the king said, "You guys are still messing around whenever I introduce you to newcomers, everyone these people are your instructors, they will be teaching you how to properly master your weapons, but first I am going to exclude the ones that picked a weapon that we don't recognize, so raise their hand."

Sunako-kun raised his hand and I raised mine as well, then the king said, "So there are only two of you, that's fine, but just to make sure, do you two know already how to hold and wield your weapon?" the king asked us

"Yes, I know the basics of how to hold my weapon," I responded, "Y-Yep, I know the basics, I-I can p-p-practice all by m-myself," Sunako-kun said unconfidently.

"Alright then, we will now introduce the instructors and they will tell what weapon they use, and they will ask if one of you chose that weapon and you will raise your hand, are we clear?" the king asked.

Everyone nodded, and the king said, "Alright then, this 7 right here are the most powerful adventurers in the whole kingdom, and they will now introduce themselves, so you 5 who will go first?" the king asked them.

"I guess I will go first," said by the lady in the middle.

"Splendid, now everyone let's go to the side when they introduce themselves," the king said.

"*ahem* I will start, Hi, my name Sara, an S-rank adventurer, I've been an adventurer for 15 years, I have a world record of the shortest time to become an S-rank, and I use a Longsword, if you use a Longsword come forward and stand on my side," Sara-san said.

5 people raised their hand and went to Sara-san's side, and Sara-san said, "Nice to meet you 5, I am Sara, I'm looking forward to working with you 5."

The next one is up, "Heyo~ everyone, my name Enna, A-rank adventurer, I've been an adventurer for a 5 years, and I am a Mage, so I'm going to teach you about magic, so you can just raise you hand if you picked magic, ok~?"

5 people again raised their hand and went to Enna-san's side, and Enna-san said, "Wow~, there are a lot you than I thought, nice to meet you all, I really look forward to teaching you all~"

The next one was the guy with the scar under his left eye and he said, "Yo, nice to meet you dear heroes, my name is Rayn, I'm an A-rank adventurer, been an adventurer for 8 years now, and I use a Shortsword, all of you who picked a Shortsword can go to my side."

5 people raised their hand and went to his side, and he said, "Ok, 5 of you will be learning anything there is to know about wielding and mastering a Shortsword, it's gonna take a long time, so I hope you can handle it."

The next one is the huge guy at the back, he's like the size of an orc, but he looks human, that's not normal, that's not a height any human should have, we look like ants to him, he's looking down on us with his eyes like he's pitying us.

He went to the front and as he walk to the front we never realized that he was more like a giant, as got closer to us he then opened his mouth and said, "Hello everyone, my name is Balak, I'm Tank to and I use a Battle axe and a shield, I've been an adventurer for 4 years and I'm an A-rank."

He's a nice guys! He looks intimidating, but his personality is like an innocent person!

"Please raise your hand if you picked a Battle Axe and a Shield," he said in a polite way.

5 people raised their hands and they went to his side and said, "There are a lot of you than I expected, I hope we can get along with each other, I can't wait to teach you all," he said so with an innocent smile on his face.

The next one is the lady with next to Balak-san, She doesn't have a weapon on her, so she might be a fighter, some of my classmates picked fighter, so she must be their instructor.

"Hey, nice to meet you all, I'm Mei, an S-rank Fighter, I'm one of the strongest Fighters in the kingdom,, I've been an adventurer for 8 years, so the ones that chose to be a Fighter come right up to my side," she said.

5 of them raised their hands and went to her side and she said, "Hmm...less than I imagine, I once taught 20 students, but given that there are only few of you, I understand why only a few chose close combat, still be prepared for your training, and I won't show mercy."

The next one was the one laughing earlier she stood up and said, "Yoohoo, hello everyone, my name is Maria, been an adventurer for at least 5 years, and I'm an A-rank, and I use the Whip, just raise your hand if you chose this weapon."

We only know one who chose a Whip to be a weapon, she raised her hand and said, "I'm the only one who chose a Whip to be my weapon," Tsukiko-san said.

Then Maria-san said, "Heh~, is that so?"

She looked at Tsukiko-san very closely it made Tsukiko-san uncomfortable and said, "W-What is it?" she asked.

"Oh~ nothing, just checking something, so you're the only one who chose a Whip to be your weapon?" Maria-san asked.

"Y-Yeah, what about it?"

"Umm...well it's just that you're the only one I'm gonna be teaching, right?"

"Yeah, I just told you,"

"Well, I'm a strict teacher when I teach only one person, you think you can handle it?"

After Maria-san said that, Tsukiko-san looked at Syouma-san and looked back at Maria-san and said, "Yes, whatever you're trying to pull, I can handle them."

After she said that Maria-san smirked and said, "Huhu~ I'm looking forward to working with you, let's get along ok~?" she said as she offered Tsukiko-san a handshake.

"Yeah, I'm looking forward to it," Tsukiko-san responded.

The next one was the was at the very back, she has a bag of arrows on her back and her bow is right beside her.

She stood up and went to the front and said, "I am the last one huh, hello everyone I'm Amelia, an Archer, I'm an S-rank adventurer and I've been an adventurer for 10 years, anyone who chose to be an Archer please step up and come to my side."

5 people raised their hands and went to her side, then she said, "I have one advice for you 5 who picked a bow as their weapon, Don't regret your decision, if we're training and you start to regret choosing a bow, then I don't have a reason to teach you any longer, that is all, I look forward to teaching you all."

After she said that the king said, "Alright then, now that everyone has an assigned instructor, we can now start the training! Everyone Do Your Best!"

We can finally start training for real now.

Sie_Ryu Sie_Ryu

Warning: All of this are all fiction, please don't take anything I wrote here seriously.

Thank you for reading this chapter. :)

Also, Thank you so much for 5K views. <3

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