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100% A Different World where the demons are good / Chapter 10: King Of Demons

Chapter 10: King Of Demons


"And That is how I fall Ha-ha-ha-ha" Agares Laughed.

"Eh? What's funny about that old man?"

"It's horrible you know?" Akuma added.

"I know it is… But it's all in the past"

"Yeah… Wait… What happened to vignette? You Promised her right? That you will come back for her?"

"Yeah… After I fall and cast out from heaven… I---"

While Agares is telling stories, Akuma and Agares felt the ground trembling.



Akuma saw a Bunch of demon soldiers coming to them.


"I said chill and calm yourself"


The Group of demons riding Undead horses Are approaching them.



"They're not enemies… They allies Have you forgotten that Azazel called some help from the capital right?!" he added.

"Oh… Ha-ha-ha I forgot Sorry"

And then the soldiers wearing silver colored armor with a goat skeleton on the chest while the commander is wearing a crimson armor with skeleton goat and a helmet approached.

The soldiers saw Agares.

"There! I saw him… seems like he got some company" the commander said.

A moment after the commander saw agares they reached them.

"we're here to aid you, my lord," the commander said.

"Oh long time no see Klaudia"

Agares smiled at her.

"Where are the enemies, My lord?"

"Oh, the enemies? They're gone… we defeated the Archangel… no, more like He defeated the Archangel." he pointed at Akuma.

Klaudia looked at Akuma and she was surprised.

"This mere demon defeated an Archangel?"

"You think I'm lying?"

"No…It's not like that my lord… I'm sorry"

'Wow, She really respects agares… and also she kept saying, my lord… damn this old man he's really a duke'

Akuma looked at Klaudia and smiled.

"Hello, I'm Akuma… Nice to meet you"

'Wow her body is so slim… but I can't see her face because of the helmet I wonder if she's beautiful too'

Klaudia removed Her helmet and Akuma saw her beautiful face with Crimson colored hair.

"I'm Klaudia Commander of the royal battle army, nice to meet you"

"I can't believe you really defeated an Archangel huh?" She added.

"Uh… Uh…"

A minute passed Akuma is still dazed after she saw Klaudia's face.

"huh? Are you deaf or mute? Can you talk?"

Then Akuma snapped.

"Oh! What was that?!"

"I said I can't believe you defeated an Archangel"

"Oh no, it's not me … it's complicated he-he"

"huh? What do you mean?"

"We also don't know Klaudia, That's why we need to go to the capital and ask the others in the palace about the situation," Agares said.

"Oh… I see… it seems that this place is already saved, We should leave then."

"Here we brought a horse for you Lord Agares."

"H-Hey what about me?!!!"

"Oh Sorry… Lord Azazel didn't mention that Lord agares got some company so we didn't bring another"

'That damn Azazel How could he forget The one who's wielding his sword!!!!!!'

"Nah… Don't worry we got our own Ride here"

"Uruktor!! Goshawk!!! Come!" Agares added.

Uruktor and Goshawk were injured during the fight so he's moving slowly towards Agares.

The soldier exclaimed after they saw Uruktor.


"there's a monster!! Ready!!!!" soldier 2

"Formation ready!!!" Klaudia Use an Offensive stance.

"whoa!!! chill Your soldier Klaudia this is my buddy and he's injured."

"Are you sure That this Monster is yours My lord?!"

"Yes he is and please don't call him monster he has a name, okay?"

Klaudia bowed her head .

"Yes my lord, I apologize"

"Do you have any healer there? I need someone to heal my Buddies here" Agares shouted.

"Healers!! Step forward!!!" Klaudia Yelled.

Five soldiers Moved forward and cast A healing Spell.


Cure- a spell that causes a wound or injury to heal rapidly.

Uruktor And Goshawk's Wounds and injury started to heal.

"I didn't know you have a huge monster, my lord."

"Yeah I told you not to call him monster klaudia… By the way, Uruktor will be our ride so we don't need the horses you got We'll follow your lead to the capital"

"I'm really sorry It won't happen again My lord, Okay Soldiers! We will now leave and get back to the capital!! MOVE!!!!"

The soldiers Started to move Then Akuma and agares started to mount Uruktor and they started moving.

While they are following Klaudia and the soldiers Akuma asked Agares.

"Hey, agares! About earlier… what happened to Vignette? You said you will come back for her right?"

"Oh, you really want to know huh?" He smirked.

"Of course! Don't tell a story if you're not gonna tell it completely you damn old man!!"

"ho ho ho!!! Chill … hmm okay so"


After They cast me out I woke up in a dark cave in the underworld and I knew I was already fallen I saw my self lying on the dirt so I stood up and I walked then I reached the haier town… first I asked where am I then I had a hard time getting a home and a job, but still I manage to survive and live on my own so I live with a normal life, I work but one day I remembered my promise to vignette so I did some research on how to go in the lower world I started researching, I spent days, weeks, months and then while I'm walking around the town hopelessly I heard some demons talking about the scroll, so I asked them and I learned how to summon a scroll to the lower world

"I never thought that demons can summon teleportation scrolls, but I thought that I'm a fallen so I can't but I don't know how did I summon it"

then the day of my departure to the lower world an Archdemon appeared in the town and he's looking for me

He's asking for the name Agares but I changed my name to Aries in the town because I want to live a normal life and change my way of living.

A Huge Demon he has a swollen face and chest, huge nostrils, horns, bat wings, duck feet, lions tail and a covering of thick black hair.

"The demons in this town I have come in your presence to search for the Fallen angel named Agares!"

The demons exclaimed and started murmuring.

"A fallen? In this town? That's dangerous!" Demon 1.

"Yes, but don't worry everything is under control"

"So… where is he?!"

"But my lord, We don't know anyone here in town named Agares, If Some fallen Infiltrated the town we should've known." Demon 2

Agares Heard The Archdemon mentioned his name and he approached him.

"I-I'm Agares, What do you want from me? Who are you?"

"Ah, There you are … I'm Baal The lord of Flies One of the seven Archdemons, Our King Needs your presence"

The Demons in the town exclaimed and was surprised.

"How Did You Enter the town?!" demon 3

"It's a long story And I'm sorry for being a Fallen"

"We've been searching for you for how many months and now I found you… now come with me! It's futile to resist It's the king's order You must obey !" Baal smirked on Agares.

"Tell me the reason first why would I come to you! I got some business to do, so make it quick!"

"I'd rather not to say because I was ordered not to by my father The king"

"Then I don't have reasons to come"

"Are you really resisting the King's order in his realm?!!"

"Eh? I don't even know who you are… so why would I come?"

Agares Turned his back to Baal and started to walk away from him.

"How dare you turn your back on me!!! ARGH!!!!!"

"Huh?! I don't want to fight! And also I have some business to do so I won't waste anytime fighting you!"

Baal started to transform into a Huge Black Horned Fly with a sharp Tail.

"Too late Fallen!"

"Huh?! So that is your true Form huh! Now it's my turn!"

Agares Showed his wings But he noticed something, He felt that the air is passing through his wings and when he saw it, the wings have no feathers and it looks like a torn bat wings without wing membrane, He was shocked when he saw it.

"W-What happened to my Wings?!"

"Ha-Ha-ha!!! What happened? Did you already forget you've fallen? Are you expecting that you still have those beautiful white wings huh? Ha-ha-ha-ha!! FOOL!!!"

"Now!!! Let's Dance!!" Baal added.

Baal Casts a spell on Agares.


Exploding Flies- Baal's skill that summons a swarm of Flies that explode with contact

A swarm of flies Is coming to Agares

"Damn they're fa--"

Agares was hit by the flies and exploded he was thrown mid-air then collided with the walls.

The demons starting running and screaming.


Agares screamed in pain.

"Ah… I told you It's Futile to resist Ha-ha-ha-ha"

Agares started to stand up and summoned his Black sword.

'What?! even my sword became black!!! Damn it'

Agares angel sword was formerly shining yellow but when he falls, it became black.

"D-Don't Mock at me! Do you think these changes affect my skills? Huh!"

"Goshawk!!! Come forth!!!" Agares added.

Goshawk has appeared and it also changed its appearance from a Normal Goshawk to Black Colored with red glowing eyes.

'Tsk even Goshawk changed!'

Agares casts a spell.


Light of hope- A laser-like beam that pierces through the target body it's basically Goshawk that moves fast.

"oh? So you also have some flying animal huh"

While Goshawk is moving towards Baal A sudden Black Circle Appeared in the middle and Shouted.


Agares And Baal were Shocked with the voice they heard.

"that voice…" Baal said.

"Who's that?!"

An old demon with red hair, a huge body holding a goat staff wearing a Robe riding in a huge three-headed Dog Appeared in the middle of the fight scene.

"Enough! You're gonna destroy the whole town!"

Baal and the other demons in the town kneel before the demon.

"W-Who are you?!"

"FOOL!!! Kneel Before Your King!!!!" Baal shouted.


"It is nice to meet you Fallen Archangel Agares, I'm The King of this realm Adonai"

"Adonai? King of this realm?"

"Yes, I am the creator of this realm"

Adonai descended from his mount and approached Agares.

"I ordered My son Baal to get you because I have something to discuss to you"

"That shit told me the same But I need a reason first why you badly need me"

"It's because something is happening in the lower world and upper world"

Agares was shocked and he remembered Vignette.

"I can't say it in the middle of these people, so I'm asking you to come to my castle" Adonai added.

"So… will you come?"

"Hmm… Make it quick I'm going somewhere"

"Well then…Cerberus!"

Adonai And Agares mounted Cerberus.

"Baal! Stand down and fix the mess you made in this town"

"O-okay my king"

Baal summoned a demon from his legion and ordered it to fix the broken walls.

"Fix the walls!"

"Yes My Lord," the demon said.


Rearm- a skill that lets you fix the broken things easily.

After casting the skill, The damaged houses are gradually being repaired in a minute.

"The houses are now repaired, Your highness…"

"Good… okay now let's move"

The demon Returned to the darkness where it belongs.

Agares mounted Cerberus with the king and Baal returned to its normal form.

Adonai opened A portal To the gates of the Kingdom And Adonai, Agares, Baal And the rest entered.

After entering They Reached The kingdom and the guards saw them.

The Guards started to barricade the Demons to prevent them from Approaching them.

"Hey… Who's that demon?" demon guard 1.

"I don't know, maybe he's a prisoner" demon guard 2.

Agares noticed that some of the guards started to talk about him.

'What's wrong with those demons? Prisoner?! Do I look like Handcuffed of something?!'

But agares ignored them and started to talk with Adonai.

"Why don't we just enter inside the castle?"

"You can't teleport or make a portal through the castle"

"Eh? And why is that?"

"Just come to think of it… Do you really want rats to appear in front of you or in your home without permission? And also If I do that what's the use of the castle's door?"

"Oh… You're right "

As we enter the gate I saw demons gathering.

"Oh, it's the king and the prince!!"


The demons started to praise the king and the prince

"Woah!! why are there so many demons in here?!"

A moment after entering Agares saw Houses and different kinds of buildings inside.

"Woah!! There is a town here? I didn't know that!"

"Well… It's normal to greet their king and also This is the capital of the kingdom… As you can see there is the castle over there"

Adonai Pointed The castle And Agares was shocked when he saw the Floating Chained Burning Castle in the middle of the town.

"well I'm sure that this kingdom has a name right"

"Oh yeah, I forgot… It's asphodel… The kingdom of asphodel"

"Ah Now I know ha-ha-ha-ha"

A moment after, Agares Noticed that something is happening in the Castle.

"H-Hey!!! The castle's on fire!!!! Is it under Attack?!"

"Chill The castle's always on fire"

"eh? Why is that?"

"It's because That is the sign that the castle is alive and well, He's the source of our armies power"

"EH!!?! Wait…What do you mean alive?"

"Oh… It's hard to explain, When we reach the Castle You will know it"

"Hmm… This is intriguing!"

Then they started to approach towards the Castle as they pass the crowd.

And then after a minute, they reached The Castle And Agares Looked up Above him.

"Woah!!!!!! Damn!! This castle's so Damn fucking Big!!!"

"Well… It is though… that's why it is called a castle Ha-ha-ha-ha!! "

"Eh so how do we enter?"

"eh? Don't worry he will know"

"he? Who's he--"

While Agares is talking A circle of Fire Appeared beneath them.

"W-What is happening?!! Wha-!!!

"Calm Down Agares it's the Door Ha-ha-ha"

The Circle of flame Engulfed them and then they disappeared.

"W-Where am I?"

"Welcome home My king"

"Who are you?!"

Agares saw A Blind Folded man With Burning Shoulders with Chained crossed hands in his breast and a burning circle on his back.

"He's The castle itself Agares"

"Huh?! What do you mean the castle itself?!"

"I told you that the castle is alive right?"

"Oh … yeah I remember"

"His name is Shiro My right-hand Man and one of the orders of chaos"

"I wanna ask some questions but let's go straight to the business"

"Oh, What's the rush ? You don't wanna Enter the Castle?"

"Nah… just State here why do you want me to come here You said that something is happening in the lower world right? But I know that there is another reason why you badly need me to come here… am I right ?"

Adonai, Baal and Shiro were Surprised that Agares knows what are their motives on him.

"You better start talking now because I'm gonna leave in any seconds" Agares added.

"Mind your manners in the presence of the king Fallen!" Baal said.

"W-wait… we just want to know the reason why did you fall" Shiro said.

"Eh? And why is that?"

"We just want to know what has happened to you because you're the second Fallen Angel that we encounter and we found here in the underworld"

"what do you mean second?"

"Well… Most of the fallen Are in the Lower world and Joined the different races, but we're curious why did you fall here in the underworld instead in the lower world"

"Well… uh… I also don't know my self I was---"

While Agares is talking, A Portal circle Opened in front of them And Lucifer Appeared.

"It was me that led you here brother And Also The lower world is in grave danger to be specific The kingdom of Ydd is already on fire"

Adonai, Agares, and Shiro were shocked when they saw Lucifer and his sword Covered with Blood.

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I'll release chapter once or twice a week, Wednesdays And Sundays Thank you For reading And Supporting me.

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