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15.66% A Different Kind Of Journey / Chapter 13: Arc 1: Settling Down

Chapter 13: Arc 1: Settling Down

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto, Mr. Kishimoto Does.

AN: Hello there fellow readers! I am back with a new chapter, well an old chapter which I wrote during the early days of the story before I shelved it.. I must say that fellow author, Snowwaffles, story "Changing Fates" really boost my motivation to write again. Not just the story but the perseverance and determination which can be seen through the chapters which He/She wrote. Because of that, I will try to rewrite the earlier chapters of the story and try to improve them by giving it more detail and maybe add some new scenes and stuff.

Then again, thank you Snowwafles for somewhat inspiring me and Thank you to the readers, who continue to read the story. This special chapter is also heavily inspired by a certain chapter in "Changing Fates".

Expect Grammar and Spelling Mistakes.


Arc 1 : Settling Down

What would be your reaction when you suddenly learned that you have a nephew and a niece from the future?

Some say people will freak out about it?

Others say, they will probably just accept it as time passed through.

For Neji, that was not the case. He was in between situations. He already accepted it when his cousin told him about the truth, yet he found himself being thrown in a mixer along with amusement and shock. The Hyuuga currently found himself assisting a certain lavender haired girl towards the exit.

"So, where are we going again?" Neji raised an eyebrow in question as he allowed Himawari to lean on him for support while they were going out of the hospital.

"Well, we received a letter from Granny Tsunade herself." Boruto explained, his lips forming into a small smile." She instructed us to meet her at a restaurant somewhere in the village."

Hanabi, who was walking along with beside him, raised both her eyebrows in surprised." A Restaurant?" She asked." You're joking right?"

Boruto simply shook his head and then gave a slight shrug." Well, according to my personal view Pancake House is a Restaurant!" He said with high confidence.

"Pancake House is a bistro, you dummy!" Sarada spoke this time, sharing her own thoughts.

The blonde gave a playful grin." Wanna bet on it, Sarada-chan?" He replied back with little snicker.

"Idiot." Sarada rolled her eyes and cross her arms." It's still a bistro." She muttered aloud."

"Are they always like this?" Neji, who was just listening from behind the scenes, asked.

Himawari gave a small smile." Well, since they were kids." She simply said. Whenever these two would debate on something, it always ends with either both of them losing to each other. Sometimes her big brother would take the win and at other times, The Uchiha teen was the victor.

Neji could only sigh back. It was no surprised that an Uzumaki and Uchiha would often clashed even in the small arguments. He never really understood that kind of culture. It was strange for him.


"I really have no doubts that the tradition of this Uchiha and Uzumaki rivalry has survived in the future."


"I really don't know the purpose of their argument but I really do think Pancake House is a Bistro and Restaurant combined."


"So, why would Lady Hokage want to meet you guys at the Bistro?" Hanabi asked, secretly giving a teasing look at her future blonde nephew.

Sarada gave a smirk at her childhood friend, before continuing on with a normal look." Well we're not sure but apparently she wanted to discuss some important matters." She explained.

"I guess it's the whole DNA fiasco thing." Boruto simply said. It was pretty much obvious that the blonde woman was wondering how did the heck that happened. He really can't wait to see that certain reaction from her.

Sarada nodded." And I think it's also includes, helping us settle down here in the village properly." She added.

The lavender haired girl simply nodded. "I think it's nice of her to do it for us." Himawari smiled as she tried to straighten up while walking. Neji eyed her worriedly, holding her like she was made of glass, and jumping at any signs of discomfort she showed.

"So you mean, she's gonna buy you a house or maybe an apartment?" Hanabi asked Boruto looking at him over her shoulder. She and Sarada were walking a bit ahead of them.

"Hmm…" Boruto crunched his face. "I think so." He was really hoping for that.

"Well, I hope she could help us with the rent. " Sarada noted as they walked slowly through the streets of Konoha. " At least for a couple of months, we could find jobs for ourselves and pay the rent." She added.

Jobs? What about being a shinobi?" Neji asked her. "You could earn money that way as well."

Boruto chuckled at that. "I don't know, being a shinobi isn't something I want to think about right now." His hand touched his weapon pouch for a second before falling back to his side. "I'd like to adjust to living here for a while before I start thinking about going back to active duty."

He had ideas already forming inside his mind.

"Yeah," Sarada nodded. "Same goes for me. Though I might take on an internship in the hospital at some point as well, if Lady Tsunade is willing to accept." She said before sighing." But, I guess I'm gonna start working at something simple first."

"Oh, you're training to be a medical ninja, Sarada?" Hanabi asked the raven-haired girl.

"Yeah, " Sarada said. "Mama did trained me to get that medic diploma for a few years. I eventually graduated, but I think I might ask Lady Tsunade to train this time since you know...she gave a little chuckle stopped mid-sentence and faded into silence, but everyone understood what she was telling.

"So you're telling me that Sakura became the head of the Hospital and is one of the most respected Medic-nin in the village?" Neji spoke this time. He wondered on how the pink haired teen had reached that level.

Sarada simply nodded, yet gave an slight uneasy gulped." Well, I guess "Nation" would be the right word to replace "Village." She clarified and corrected the Hyuuga.

Neji became even more speechless as ever. It was just unbelievable for the pink haired teen to become a higher and respectable person compare to what she is currently now. A simple girl, with a simple dream of serving her own village.

Sarada gave a little shrug. Her thoughts were alive at the same time. Deep down inside, there was this little jealousy since she was often overshadowed by her mother's own legacy.


"Well, we were very excited as we imagine the jobs that we would take in the nearby future. Sarada wanted work in the Hospital and I think I would end up working as Chef or something.

- Boruto

"I wanted to be a part of Medic-nin crew but at this point it won't be easy because of the current situation at hand. As for Himawari, I'm not really sure though."


What about you Himawari?" Hanabi spoke this time, changing the subject so swiftly. "What do you plan on doing now?"

Himawari looked deep in thought for a moment. She wondered if she should really get her own job or maybe something else." Well, I haven't really decided yet but I'm looking forward to something more simple." She said.

"What do you mean by simple, Hima-chan?" Boruto asked her.

"Yup!" Himawari smiled proudly. "I can be an apartment designer and caretaker!" She said as she was already planning on how will she decorate their new home." Maybe I could give it a little dose of Hair ornaments, Vases, New wallpapers, and of course give the place a refreshing smell!" She added.

Neji sweat-dropped. "Wait, How did hair ornaments and Vases get mixed into the list…?" He asked. Himawari shrugged, clearly not bothered by his question. Hanabi, Sarada, and Boruto laughed at that.

"Say, Himawari," Hanabi said. "You were a ninja too in your time right?"

Himawari stopped in her tracks in seem to give it a thought. " Well, I'm not sure," she admitted. "Sure, I could fight like any other ninja, but I never went to the academy, or was assigned to any team."

Sarada tilted her head to the side. "But you did go on missions," she pointed out. "Missions officially assigned from the Hokage."

"Yeah, but that was because of…" Himawari stopped mid-protest and only gave a simple gesture. "So basically, it's a no, I wasn't a shinobi of the village." She told Hanabi and then chuckled. "I didn't even have my own headband to begin with!" She smiled.

With that, she continued her journey walking forward, Neji supporting her in her shaky steps. Boruto made sure to walk around the same pace as them, to make sure that if his sister tripped he would be able to catch her. Hanabi and Sarada saw a row of sweet and cafe shops ahead and the former dragged the latter over to the shop window to look at cakes and other food.

It was also at this time that the Uchiha teen finally had the idea on the job that she was gonna take.

It was around mid morning, and the streets were getting beginning to get busier due to the rising ambience. Boruto watched the people around them. Families out shopping and bonding. Merchants selling their goods. Shop owners arguing and yelling with each other or with the customers. Everything seemed so… peaceful. So Konoha-like. It made him smile softly.

It was at this time that a series of growling sounds, Particularly stomach growls began to plague them, especially for the Uzumaki siblings. Eventually, their long walking had finally paid off as they finally reached their destination.


"Looks like we are here!" Boruto announced to the group.

They found themselves staring at a certain food establishment, Particularly a Bistro, a breakfast bistro which had the sign "Pancake House" displayed in front of the entrance. The outside appearance of the Bistro itself looked modernish since it wa actually one of the first establishments to have a modern flavour to it compare to the old designs of the other food establishments.

As the group of observed the place once more, Sarada immediately noticed a shade of blonde from one of the seats inside the bistro itself. She widened her eyes in surprised as she immediately recognized the person.

"Isn't that Lady Tsunade drinking coffee inside the shop?" Sarada asked. She was so sure that the blonde woman inside was indeed the Hokage.

"You're right, that's Granny over there!" Boruto said.

Sarada gave a simple nod." Well, I guess we get going now and-"

Hanabi grabbed Sarada by the arm(again) and started dragging her and Boruto ahead, leading them through the streets of Konoha with Neji and Himawari following.

They finally reached the said shop, which all of them thought was very modernish and entered inside. It was a simple small bistro with rectangular tables and grand chairs. They had a food display window near the cash register and entrance. There were around four customers in the bistro. two reading the newspaper and the other two having a conversation.

Sarada scanned the whole area in search of blonde Hokage and found her sitting on a long seater table beside the window still drinking her coffee.

They made their way towards the area where the Hokage was located and It didn't took long enough for them to reach there.


"We were quite surprised that Lady Tsunade would be waiting for us there. Not all Hokage had the free time compare to hers.


"Granny Tsunade!" Both Boruto and Himawari greeted the blonde woman like they were meeting a family member.

As for Tsunade herself, her eye twitched and her ears reddened by the time she heard that forbidden name again. She immediately recognized their voices and proceeded to calm herself down. She then looked to see the two little rascals greeting her with their signature grins and the blonde woman gave a small smile.

"Good morning, Lady Tsunade!" Sarada greeted too.

"Looks like you guys made it." Tsunade commented before darting her eyes towards the other two Hyuugas." As expected, I knew you two would be coming also since you already knew their secret." She added.

Neji and Hanabi stayed silent but both gave a simple nod of understanding. They automatically tasked of keeping everything in secret. This was also somewhat a classified meeting in the middle of a quiet bistro.

"Well, I already have my coffee but feel free to order any food you like!" Tsunade the broke the brief silence." It's my treat!" She added.

"Are serious Granny?" Boruto asked. His eyes widened in surprised.

Tsunade's eye twitched again." Yes, I'm serious." She said, trying her best to keep calm as possible. She had no choice this was her distant grandson from the future that she was talking.

The rest had somewhat the same reaction. Sarada was glad since she could order her most favorite and costly meal in the bistro. Himawari was excited since she could order as many as she wanted while the Hyuuga cousins where sighing in relief since they could still save their money in the bank.

Neji helped Himawari sit down before taking a seat next to her, grabbing a menu and reading over the options. Sitting on Himawari's other side, Boruto opened a menu himself and glanced over it. There weren't many options, and the light peach pages were all decorated with cute stickers and pictures of certain dishes.

It was at this time that the waitress had finally arrived. Holding a pen and small notepad. "Have you decided what to order yet?" She asked.

"Hmm… everything looks so good it's hard to decide," Sarada glanced over Boruto's shoulder to his menu. "I think I'll have the Grilled Cheese and a Red Ice tea for my drinks.

"Alright," the waitress wrote the order down. "What about you guys?"

"I'll have the golden brown waffles, Thank you very much." Neji all but informed the waitress with a stoic face as he closed his menu with one swift movement.

"R-right…" the waitress seemed a bit frightened at Neji's sudden cold exterior and serious expression that didn't seem fit for a cutesy café like this one.

"I'll have cinnamon flavoured Pancakes," Himawari told the waitress with a wide smile.

"Cinnamon Pancakes?" The waitress repeated after her. "You mean, sets of them?"

"Yes." Himawari nodded, her happy demeanor shifting into a serious one. "Just bring me as many as you can carry."

"A-alright then…" the waitress was seriously frightened by now. "What about you, s-sir?" She asked Boruto.

"I'll have set meal of your delicious original Pancakes," Boruto answered with confidence.

"One Original Pancake set meal, then." She wrote down his order. "And what about something to drink?"

"Just water, please."

The waitress then turned to Hanabi. As she was about to open her mouth and asked, the Hyuuga girl had managed to beat her into it." I'll have the Tuna sandwich, and a glass of Pineapple Juice!" She smiled.

"Okay," she closed her notepad. "I'll bring your food to you shortly!" She hurried off, still a bit shaken by their orders.

Hanabi laughed at the waitress' slowly distancing body. "Honestly, Neji-niisan," she turned to her cousin. "I get that you're excited to eat your favorite food, but that doesn't mean you need to scare the poor waitress because of it."

"Wait," Sarada raised her hand. "He looks like this when he's excited?"

"Yeah," Hanabi nodded. "It's kinda hard to tell if you don't know him very well."

"Do I really look that scary?" Neji asked worriedly. He thought he had practiced the right expression.

Himawari placed her chin on her palm as she leaned her elbow on the table. "I don't think you look scary."

"Of course you would think that," Boruto gave a little chuckle placing his hands behind his head. "You can look a monster in the eye and think it's cute."

"Some monsters are cute!" Himawari protested.

Boruto patted her head. "Sure they are."

"Boruto, are you perhaps not good with horror stuff?" Neji asked his nephew." Or maybe watched horror movies before?"

Boruto's cheeks reddened. "No!" He still had that traumatic memory of getting jumpscared multiple times when tried watching a marathon with his little sister.

Himawari laughed at that. "He's lying," she said. "Onii-chan is the absolute worse when it comes to horror movies or books." She said." He often hates getting jumpscared." She snickered while the rest reacted.

"Am not!"

"Yes you are"

"Am Not!"


"Sarada! What'd you hit me for?!" Boruto rubbed the now sore spot on the back of his head.

"You were being way too noisy," Sarada told him. "Someone had to shut you up."

"So you just had to smack me on the head?" He asked her, feeling betrayed.

"Well, I didn't have to hit you…" Sarada said slowly. "But it just seemed like a much funnier way to make you quiet down, so I went for it."

"You…" Boruto's unfinished sentence managed to convey his annoyance at his friend's lax way of telling him that it's fun to hit him.

Himawari and Hanabi laughed at that scene, and Neji just watched the Uchiha and Uzumaki and silence, a somewhat nostalgic look in his eyes.


"It felt like I was watching Team seven in front me, It was really weird yet nostalgic at the same time."


Boruto noticed the look and turned to the Hyūga. "What is it?" He asked.

"It's nothing," Neji replied. "It just… you two reminded me of your parents. It was like watching the old Team 7 again."

Boruto laughed at that. "You have no idea how many times I heard that before," he said. "I mean, people say that I'm basically my dad but more smarter and calmer than he was at my age." His smile disappeared for a second before coming back, though a bit smaller this time.

"You think so?" Neji asked. "I mean, you do look very similar to each other, and your personalities are alike, but I don't think you're the same as Naruto."

Boruto gave a thumbs up. He always been compared to his dad many times before. He was often living in his shadow since the old man was the famous and revered Seventh Hokage. He knew the history of his old man saving the entire world from an all power bunny enemy and a guy from the moon. Many of his friends and even people from other villages knew the hero, that was his old man. As for the blonde himself, He was stuck in comparison, which led him to their strained relationship before.

Hearing his Uncle Neji telling him that he was different from his old man was a sigh of relief. He was glad that there was someone, who could see the through the whole picture.

It was this time that Tsunade entered the conversation and spoke." I think you're more a brat than Naruto." She gave her own comment with a little smirked.

Boruto widened his eyes in surprised. He was amused by the older blonde's comment." Exactly Granny! I am more bratter than my old man!" He said proudly, which caused the others to laugh.

"I really want to redesign the Hokage faces again." Boruto added, scratching up his chin and wondering.

Tsunade's eye twitched once more but this time she forced a smile." How wonderful!" She said with a little sarcasm.

Boruto gave out a chuckle. He raised a hand and offered a high five to which Tsunade just recklessly accepted but this time she responded with a much more tough high five by smacking the blonde's hand harder.

"Ouch!" Boruto cringed yet kept that smile on.

Tsunade gave a little smirk again." Yeah, That was nice!" She gave a comment, while the others were just laughing.

Here's your food!" The waitress has reappeared and placed down their plates and drinks. "This is everything, so please eat up and enjoy!"

"Thank you!" Himawari made sure to thank her before turning to the plate full of Cinnamon flavoured Pancakes in front of her. Her gaze reminded Boruto of a hungry Hyena waiting to devour the prey.

Neji dug into his Golden Brown Waffles with a unique expression which was the combination of stoic and delighted, creating a rather weird look on his face.

Hanabi, who had ordered a Tuna Sandwhich meal was simply enjoying it. Sarada bit into her grilled cheese with joy and Boruto, who had gotten his Original Pancake meal, ate it with small bites at the time, savoring the flavor rather than just attacking the food as his sister did. Honestly, she scared the living daylight of the poor waitress when she saw the former eat her cinnamon Pancakes as she left.

Tsunade, who was watching them eat their breakfast, continued to sip her hot coffee. She arrived at this place an hour earlier and had been thinking of a way to start a discussion regarding the DNA test and other plans.

She cleared her throat getting the attention of the rest. "So, the test results came back," she said, attracting Boruto's attention. "It looks like you weren't lying when you said you were Naruto's brats."

Boruto laughed at that. "Well, I wouldn't ever lie about being the old man's kid?" He asked the Hokage.

Tsunade laughed at his comment. "So in the future, Naruto's an old man?" She felt bizarre talking about it. "And he calls me grandma, that idiot."

"He still calls you that in my time," Boruto told her. "Or at least, he used to…" he got quiet all of a sudden, and Tsunade understood. Apparently, Sarada had briefly told the older blonde woman what happened in the future, about how the village was attacked and destroyed, and everyone was killed except for the trio who managed to survived.

She sighed and patted Boruto's back. He turned to look at her, surprised, and she gave him a small smile. Still surprised, the corner of his mouth raised a little bit, and his sad posture went back to a lax one.


"There was still things that I wasn't aware off. The stories that these kids were telling me, it felt as if it really did happened."


"So," she had decided to change the topic. "What are you going to do now?"

Boruto leaned on his chair and took a deep breath." Well, three of us wanted to stay here in the village and start a fresh new chapter." He explained." Konoha is our home, and it will always will be no matter what era it is." He added." So we would like to asked your permission if we could stay here."

There was silence that took over. Everyone was all eyes on the teenage blonde. Himawari and Sarada were glancing at two blondes back and forth, they were really hoping that the older blonde woman would accept the permission. The Hyuuga cousins were also anticipating the outcome and they wanted the trio to stay here.

As for Tsunade, it only took less than ten seconds for her decide. She gave a deep breath and gave them a look." Well, there is this nice apartment located somewhere in the district and is near one of my favorite bars." She explained." It's pretty much cheap and spacey.

It was at that moment everyone's eyes lit up and all of them rejoiced much to the weird looks that they were receiving from the other customers.

"Thank you so much Lady Tsunade!"

"You're a blessing from heaven Granny!"

"I will vote for you, if there is any election Lady Hokage!"

The praises were too much already for the blonde Hokage. She could only gave a sigh. Although, she didn't expect that noises would die down early as a sign of respect and manners.


"We were all very happy when Granny Tsunade told us that we were welcomed to stay. It really was heart touching since we really needed a home."


She then continued.

"I guess that if I were to rent that place for a couple of months, I'd have a place like that," Tsunade paused." But The thing is, Shizune doesn't like it when I disappear on my own. So even if I were to stay there, I wouldn't be able to live there. What a shame" She sent them a smirk. "So if I were to rent it, I would give the key to someone else, they'll be able to live there for the first two months I paid for and start their lives there." She smiled at the trio.

"Wouldn't that be nice?"

Everybody had a smile on their, especially for Boruto. Tsunade could see that there was a hidden sadness beyond that eye and the large scar on his other eye helped with increasing the sorrow that seems to have settled behind Boruto's happy gaze. She gave a slight sad smile. The kid was so young, yet he already has been through a war, although she didn't knew how big of a war that was and lost many people dear to him. If she could help him regain even some bits of happiness by helping him stay in the village with his sister and friend, so be it.

She then gazed at the Hyuuga siblings, catching their attention." Well, since you already know their secret." She briefly paused." I entrust you that you would take care of the trio and watch over them." She said, as if she was instructing them to follow the order.

Finally finishing her coffee and getting up, she stretched her arms above her head. "Well, I'm off," she told him. "The apartment is not going to rent itself."

Boruto raised an eyebrow. "Yeah, isn't that the whole point?" He gave out a question as he munch his pancake.

Tsunade amused, turned to face him fully and ruffled his blond locks. "So you've got yourself a smart mouth, huh?"

Boruto laughed at the comment and seemed a bit bashful as he scratched the back of his head, though a trace of a smirk was seen on his lips.

"Anyway, I'll have Shizune come and get you to see the apartment later today, so meet her later at Evergreen Street." She started to walk towards the exit.. "I'll give her descriptions of you, but just don't make it tough for her."

Yeah, sure thing."

As she was about to leave, she was suddenly called yet again.

"Granny?" Her twitched for the final time but she managed to calm herself down and turned around. "Alright, what is it you want to-" She was cut half through as she found herself suddenly being embraced by the lavender haired teen, who stood up as she was about to walk away.

Himawari smiled as she gave the blonde woman a hug as a sign of a thanks." Thank you, Granny!" She said.

Tsunade was surprised by her move and she slightly returned the hug back and pat the girl on the back. She then gazed at the other two and found herself staring at the eyes of gratitude and sadness. She was beginning to realized that it was a good thing that she could help people but not just people, but a family to which she somehow cared for.

All she could do was smile back, and wave as she turned back and made her way to where the apartment building was.

She was going to get that place for them, even if she has to break something for it.

Somewhere else, an innocent landlord felt a sudden chill running down through his spine.


"Well, they were just kids to begin with. They deserved to live a normal and peaceful life. Far away from any trouble.



As the day continued on. The group found themselves walking along the main district of the village. It was during this time that a lot of people were already on the streets. The crowd was forming and the atmosphere was perfect since the time has called up for Hanabi to spend some of her money in the name of shopping.

Like any kind of montage, the shopping spree had began. The girls were everywhere as they mainly focus on clothing and more clothing. The whole idea, which came from Hanabi was that she and big cousin would be spending their budget on buying clothes for the trio since theirs were already worn out.

Boruto and Neji, sweats dropped. They pretty much understood it all but were helpless this point. They were turned into literal human carriers as they found themselves carrying a huge of number of shopping bags and it was getting already heavy everytime they enter shop by shop.

The good thing about the shopping spree was that they were given ultimate freedom of choosing their style of clothing. Boruto preferred the usual black and red attire while Neji focused more on buying out civilian clothes and secretly some attire for his occasional costume events.

The group also spend their time hanging out in the village's local arcade. trying and playing every game machine that they stumbled upon. The climax of it was the Photobooth and the group immediately headed there and posted for more than twenty photos.

Some of the photos include, Himawari and Boruto drewing out peace signs with the Hyuuga cousins. Sarada secretly leaning on the blonde's shoulder with a smile. Every photo printed symbolizes a new memory, created and formed between the time travelling trio and the Hyuuga cousins.

It was a day to remember for the rest. Especially, for the trio since they haven't spend their most of their time enjoying because of the war back home.

Their time of enjoying and bonding ended on a very high note.


"Neji and I really enjoyed spending time with them. We were like the coolest family ever!



As the mid afternoon finally arrived. The group found themselves heading towards the street where the apartment was. They weren't expecting it to be located somewhere far away from the main busy districts.

The journey to the apartment was not a long one. It was only filled with occasional conversations and sightseeing. Boruto was in awe as he observed his surroundings even more. The village, the streets, and the ambience in entirety, Everything looked much… retro, than it did in his time. The flashing lights and blinking signs he was used to were instead replaced with wooden signs and soft-lit street lamps. In all honesty, he found that much more relaxing than his ever so bustling village with the neon lights everywhere at any time.

Himawari was in the same thoughts as her big brother. She was wondering about the location of their current house back in the future. What did the area looked like before their time? Was it just a piece of vacant field?

Sarada on the other hand, was wondering about the location of the famous and still abandoned Uchiha compound. Back in her time, the whole place was turned into a museum to commemorate the anniversary of the deadly massacre that took place there. Maybe if they finally settled down, she can search for that place of her clan's heritage.


"It's a very different vibe when you're in the Past. Everything was just so simple and nostalgic.


"It was very surreal for me, I thought I was a tourist or something.


The apartment building was in one of the more distant streets located in the peaceful street of Evergreen and few walking distances away from the local market and the Hokage mountain.

Himawari was skipping excitedly the whole way there, jumping and turning while at it. Boruto watched the road and tried to memorize it by engraving certain objects and houses in his mind as he walked past them. Sarada and Hanabi engaged on a conversation as they talked about Medical Ninjutsu, which the Hyuuga girl was curious to learn and had forgotten about the rest of the world. A light breeze had begun, fluttering on his face while he walked, flowing through his hair and making his clothes rustle.

They found themselves being led them through a maze of streets and houses, locating the street itself. After awhile of searching, they finally arrived.

His cerulean eyes finally caught a shade of brown haired standing near the middle of the street sign, "Evergreen St."

Shizune-san!" He called out and lifted his right hand in a greeting. She noticed him and looked like she was breathing a sigh of relief before making her way to their group.

"Are you Boruto?" She asked him once she arrived. Sarada made her way to stand next to him, scanning Shizune with her gaze.

"Yeah," Boruto smiled at her. "Did Granny Tsunade send you?"

"Tsunade-sama did send me here, yes," Shizune nodded. "She had told me about your… situation. I am to guide you to the apartment she had rented for you and show you around."

The trio nodded in understading as they decided to follow the brown haired lady towards the apartment.

As for Neji and Hanabi, they decided to go along as well since they still have the time and the sun hadn't set yet. The Hyuuga girl was overjoyed as she always wanted an apartment of her own when she grows up. Neji, on the other hand, was sticking to his job of looking out for his cousin's safety.

The apartment building was a five floor building with stairs leading five doors on each floor. It was quite a large building, clearly meant to house a large number of people. Shizune had started to climb up the stairs to the last floor, and they followed. the fifth floor had a safety rail on the side to make sure nobody fell from it. As the walked down the hall, Boruto's hand fluttered over the rail, feeling the cold metal against his fingers. Shizune got to the last door on the floor and pulled out a key, unlocking the door.

Opening it wide, she went in and signaled them to follow her. They went in the door, wondering what's on its other end.

What was revealed to them was a big wooden floor before them, with a place to remove their shoes in the entrance before going into the apartment itself. Removing their shoes, they made their way onto the wooden floor. On their left, there was a corridor leading to two closed doors, two one next to the other, and one in front of them. To their right was a small kitchen with a counter which had two small wooden stools and a table fit for four with four wooden chairs. In front of them, was a small living room area, already equipped with a tiny light purple couch, a purple arm chair, and wo big cabinets.

There was also a partition with spirals drawn on it separated between the kitchen and the living room, leaving just enough space for a person to walk between them. Lastly, there was a door located in the laundry area where a small balcony stood.

Hanabi was in awe as she explored every bit of the aparment unit. This was the first time that she had ever been into a big unit. The whole thing itself was the size of of houses back in the Hyuuga compound. Neji, on the other hand simply sat on the purple armchair to rest for the time being.


"The Apartment was already alright for the three of us. It was this simple, newish unit that would be a good fit for new movers like us.


"I was pretty much excited to live in our new home, I was eager to redecorate the whole place.


Shizune walked further in as the other three just stood and stared into the apartment from their place on the crossing between corridors. "So," she said nervously. "Do you like it? Tsunade-sama had already added a few furniture she found in storage and didn't have use for anymore."

"That's cool!" Boruto commented.

Shizune nodded before clapping her hands. "I almost forgot," she searched through her pocket before bringing out a white envelope which seemed to be full. "She also gave me this to give you. It's some money to buy food and necessities, maybe even furniture, until you can get a job and pay for it yourselves."

Boruto' eyes widened in surprised. He took the envelope from Shizune and looked at it. It was much heavier than he expected and seemed to be stuffed so much there was no room for air in the envelope. He gave a a smile as he imagined the blonde woman stuffing banknotes into an envelope and then trying to close it.

"Um…" Shizune had tried to get their attention. "Is everything okay? You haven't said anything ever since you entered."

Himawari sniffed beside him. Looking to her, he saw her wiping her eyes. "It's, it's perfect," she said, looking around in awe. "Everything here is so perfect. I love it!"

"Yeah," Sarada nodded. "Me too."

"Me too!" Hanabi joined in the mixed, before noticing Neji giving her a slight puzzled and stern look.

"Thank you, Shizune-san." Boruto said.

"Oh, no need to thank me," Shizune waved her hands nervously. "I'm just the messenger. Tsunade-sama was the one who did everything else."

"Then, tell her to come to visit as soon as she can," Boruto smiled at the Hokage's aid. "So we can thank her in person."

Shizune smiled back at him and nodded. "Will do! I'll make sure she comes to visit you three!"

Sarada approached Shizune and gave her a quick hug. " You should come too, Shizune-san. Thank you"

Shizune seemed surprised, but returned the hug, smiling softly. "No problem, Sarada," she said. "Just tell me if there's anything you need. I'll help you."

"Will do," Sarada released the woman from her hug. "Thank you again."

Shizune smiled at her, before turning to Boruto. "There are some blankets and pillows in one of the closets, and the electricity and water will be connected a little later." She explained.

"There are also some instant noodles and canned food in the cabinet, but I highly recommend eating fresh food rather than the instant things." She added, before drawing out three metallic objects.

"Oh, and here are the keys." She then placed three identical keys in Boruto's palm. "I have to get back to Lady Tsunade now, but I'll come by and check on you when they connect the electricity."

Boruto nodded. "Thank you, Shizune-san."

She waved him off. "Not at all," making her way past him, she bent down and wore her shoes before getting back up. "Goodbye, take care of yourself." She told them and waved before exiting the apartment and closing the door behind her.

Silence then overtook the whole unit thereafter. There was a feeling of peace and relief as their journey had finally ended. They were finally given the signal to start their lives once again.

It was this time that Himawari began to cry as she released her emotions once more. The feeling and the thought of starting a life again far away from the life she previously lived and the absence of her dear loved ones. It was going to be tough.

Neji and Hanabi immediately headed to the lavender haired teen. The Hyuuga girl pulled her into a huge embraced and comforted her. "It's alright Hima, you can let it go." She said.

Boruto and Sarada both gave a sad smile. They too felt the emotion and understood the situation. To all the things they have been through lately, this was going to be a tough one, a tough time to adjust and moved on.

Yet, they have no choice.


"Even though, we already have gone through the tragic events, the memories were still fresh in our minds. We really vowed to ourselves that we will at least try moved on from that."


"Me and Neji really understood on what they were going through. We promised to ourselves that we will look after them no matter what."



It was it when late afternoon arrived that Neji and Hanabi had to leave and bid there farewell. The trio found themselves outside of the apartment having their last conversations before they went their separate ways.

"Take care you guys." Hanabi said, as she gave Himawari and Sarada hug.

The lavender haired teen smiled." Please do come and visit us anytime, Auntie." She replied. She was already comfortable in calling her by that name.

"Thank you for you helping us, Auntie." Sarada added, she too gave the girl a hug.

The same did do for Hanabi besides being now comfortable on being called "Auntie". in just two days, she had gotten to know more about her niece and nephew. It was actually heart-touching since she now had actual people where can spend time with and talk to.

Meanwhile, For Neji and Boruto, both Uncle and Nephew exchanged their goodbyes. They even shared advices to each other with Neji giving the most of the advices regarding on coping and moving on. The blonde took this to the heart and will make sure that this new life would continue on peaceful.

As the two finally left the place, the trio found themselves staring at the beautiful sunset. It did somehow symbolized the ending of an old chapter and the start of a new one.


Boruto collapsed in exhaustion as he laid down on his bed. His eyes automatically moved towards the window near him. Gazing at the beautiful night sky and the moon, a sense of peace took over him. He found himself between the boundaries of slumber and waking as his thoughts overtook him for the first time.

The first thing his mind did was recapped the events that had transpired over the course of several days.

A LOT had happened.

He can't even count the number of the events that he had gone through, with the exception of Himawari's spring cleaning session which ended a couple of hours ago. How he was push to the core as he battled the dust and dirt that reigned over this apartment for a long time. Not just them but also the nightmarish toilet of doom to which he often despise. There was also empty bottles of Sake which he found in the storage.

His suspicions were actually true about Granny Hokage sneaking in occasionally.

He remembered his little sister being the commander and General during that cleaning session. She wanted the dirt and dust to be eliminated as possible. She wanted every spot cleaned and made sure that the whole unit would the refreshing feel. He could still smell the lemony smell of the soap he used to clean the bathroom even though he had washed his hands around four times already.

It was hell alright, but he did eventually enjoyed it no matter what. It was more fun than throwing off the garbage outside.

The room that he was in right now, was the smallest room in the whole unit. The other room was more bigger compare to where he was now and He reluctantly gave the room to the two girls so that they can their own big space.

A smile formed around lips. He adjusted and stacked a number of pillows and rested on them. His eyes still concentrated on the night sky. Outside, the moon had broken out of the clouds and was now shining through his window, illuminating the entire room and a certain Katana, black cloaked, and rusty Konoha Headband which were placed on a nearby chair next to a nearby small table.

His thoughts continued once again, this time as he looked back on the time during his final confrontation with Kawaki and the eventual destruction of his home. His felt the pain resurface in his chest after a long time as he felt his emotion being released like lions inside a cage.

For about a couple of minutes, he stayed there crying. It must've been years since he cried. He had to kept that serious and strong character for his loved ones during the times of trouble. It was just the right time for him to be emotional and he had the complete freedom to do so.

He stared at the moonlight once more and gave a smile." Thank you, Kami-sama." He whispered aloud. He had been into different kinds of challenges, all of them were tough as anything they could be. He never knew that he would eventually overcome those challenges to begin with and it's all because of his strong faith.

Boruto wasn't sure on how he would handle the challenges ahead of him or if he was still capable of doing it. Although, despite all of the hindrances thrown at him, he won't give up no matter what it takes.

He gave a deep breath, As he finally released all of his emotions. Soon, he felt his consciousness slowly drifting away as the natural coldness of the room took over. Boruto laid there once more gazing at the moonlight sky before his eyes slowly shut down.

By the time he was on the verge of slumber, he let out a smile and wondered for the last time.

"Could all of this be just a dream?"


"I wondered if all of this was just part of my crazy dreams. I guess played too much video games back then, maybe I woke up, I would be back in my old room. Although, it was just a reality that I'm hoping for.


It was a quiet night. The cold breeze of the wind along with the rustling of the trees made it a sight for a certain man. He stared at the raging but calm bonfire and watched how it lit up the area. Jiraiya sighed. They just started their journey on their way back to village after all these two years. He supposed that this long training trip was enough for the blonde to handle the future dangers that he will have to face.

The Akatsuki were on the move, Orochimaru's group was also planning something big. There were a lot of enemies waiting to strike. It was only a matter of time that they will be targeting the blonde's head and his power inside. Although, A few of his investigations revealed that there was more to this than meets the eye. There was a far more larger conspiracy and indeed that there was something behind of all these. He was getting there but it will be a very difficult task. Who knows what might he discover.

Jiraiya then darted his eyes to the sleeping blonde. He really had grown up. He almost looked like his father. The white haired sannin then looked up at the night sky. When will all these conflicts end? Will he be the child of prophecy that will bring lasting peace to this world?

Will He be enough for the storm that was to come in the near future?

The white haired Sannin sighed yet again. He had been feeling restless lately, He doesn't even know why? There was a little bit of worry growing inside the man.

There were just a lot of enemies from every corner. It was his job to continue watch over what they were planning and bring the classified information to the village or any ally. He also had a big communication sytem where he could spread out his connection to the other people that he knew in other villages, they were very much helpful on gaining information that he was unaware.

But recently, there had been some strange news that he had heard from his communications with his connections. Certain People were mysteriously disappearing out of thin air. There was really no logical explanation but according to the source of information, The certain people that disappeared were either, abducted or salvage. They were never seen again.

The white haired Sannin took a sip of his hot coffee. He then recalled a case that he investigated not too long ago. There were these few scattered small villages that existed in the elemental nations that worshipped some kind of being called "The Enlightened One." It was not a well known idol for many but the villagers claimed that these was being so powerful that it rivalled the power of Kami-sama himself. This " Enlightened One" also had guardians which were tasked to do every bidding that he wished to do. No one knows the origins of this guardians except that they were a group of cruel and fierce people.

This case fascinated the white haired Sannin himself, He also planned on visiting one of these small villages but it was too late. These small villages suddenly disappeared out from the map. He tried to search for answers of their disappearances but there were no traces or clues. As if it had been wiped out from the history records.

Jiraiya wondered if these mysterious disappearance could be attributed to raiders or bandits which were common back in the day and even now. But so far, there was not enough evidence to support the disappearance. What even made it more mysterious is that these small villages were intentionally put down to protect a classified secret. It was pure mystery on top of another mystery. It will take a long time to further get all the answers.

Jiraiya suddenly snapped from his thoughts, He felt that something was behind him. He then turned around to face nothing but an empty tree. It was strange, this kind of thing had been going on for quite sometime now. It's like He's been closely followed or monitored.

Sensing that danger or any threats of presence was no longer here, The white haired Sannin resumed his coffee and thoughts. They still have a few weeks in the journey back to the village. He wondered what changes had been made since they were away for two years?

The white haired man gave a sigh. There was only one way to find out.

Turning his attention back to the boy." Tomorrow." He finally made his decision." We'll start heading back to the village."

It's about time they went home after two years.


AN: Thank you for reading Chapter :)

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