First, I would like to say thank you to you, my readers. This book has gone further and received more supports than I've ever thought. But everything has gone out of my plans and miserably, I'll have to say good bye to you guys.
I won't quit becoming an author no matter what; however, now my time is limited and I have more important stuffs to take care of.
I'll continue writing after a year or sooner, maybe. If I come back, I'll be grateful if you support me again.
Extra thanks for:
- ronysa
- Uesuz
- lc2096
- PrinceGeorge935
- nameyelus
- Ale83
- Ermaras
- Asala_Mayscar
And many people that I do not list here.
I'm very sorry for this betrayal. Now I'm an "Oathbreaker", huhh?
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