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-Two Months Later-

Honjou and Shiramine became closer to me and we call each other by our first names now.

I don't usually let people call me by my first name, even my friends. The only people do so are my brothers and my mother, and even then they usually call me Aldous.

I walk Kaede home from school every day and we hang out almost all the time.

Risa and Kaede have even visited my house and watched a movie with me.

I must finally be in my popular phase!

They have been really supportive and kind over the time I've spent away from my family. I am somewhat attached to them now, but I shouldn't get too close. I'll have to leave after I complete my mission so I can move onto the next ones.

However, I'm not close to anyone other than Risa and Kaede, so i guess I'm actually not in my popular phase.

All three of us are currently in a video call talking to each other.

" It will be great! It will be awesome! It will be the best, so try it!" Risa said in an over-hyped voice.

"Wha...? Like right now?" Kaede asks

(Looks like I'm finally going to start on my objective now huh.) I think to myself.

"Of course! Didn't your stuff already arrive?" Risa ask Kaede

"I mean, it's all here, but… you aren't allowed to play right?"

"Well, my moms telling me I gotta focus on the next test, so you two just go ahead and play without me for now!" Risa says while winking at us

"I'll pass you guys up in a jiffy," Risa says still holding her winking pose

"Risa, the water's ready, so go take a bath!" I hear Risa's mom say from outside her door.

"Okay!" Risa responds to her mom.

"She's calling me. Anyways, just give it a go! It's the best! You're totally going to love it!" Risa says with her face full of enthusiasm while making a fist with her hand.

Risa then left the call and hung up.

"I'll see you there then, Kaede," I say immediately leaving the call.

"H-hey Risa, Maou!" Kaede says, but there is no point because we have already left.

"Jeez," Kaede says while opening the box.

After I load New World Online, into my VR headset, I lay down on my bed with all of the gear needed on and begin to start the game.

"LINKU STA-" The game starts without allowing me to finish my cool phrase…

It's probably just jealousy over my awesome phrase.

I appear in a room with blue walls that have neon white stripes on them.

In front of me lies a system Interface telling me to choose my name.

I already have had this name in mind for a while, and used it for all the other games I played in my first life.

Making sure Komeko can hear me, and asking if she can change my keyboard to an English one temporarily. She agrees and does it.

I push the buttons in the order, zsxcfvbhnmk123

(That should do it, let's move on to the next part.) I think while pressing the button [Confirm]

The interface goes away, and I am surrounded by weapons.

A tome, Greatsword, one-handed sword, spear, caestus, dagger, rapier, and a tanto all slowly circle me while hovering above the ground.

I can't select one, but there is a button in front of me that says [Confirm]

What do you mean "Confirm" I can't even choose a fucking weapon!

"Fuuuu" I exhale and start to calm myself down slowly.

AN: These can all be found on the "Rouge Lineage Trello"

It seems I'm too eager to play..

Well, it can't be helped, the games back in my new world are utter trash. It's confusing how the world hasn't killed itself yet due to a lack of such entertainment. I guess one cannot have the tongue of a god if they have only ever eaten trash.

(Not very wise, but passable.) I think to myself while pressing [Confirm]

"Now, stats," I say while looking at the new interface in front of me.


[Name]: zsxcfvbhnmk123

[Lvl]: 1

[Hp]: 40/40

[Mp]: 12/12

[STR]: 0

[AGI]: 0

[INT]: 0

[VIT]: 0

[DEX]: 0

I want to kill players, so I'll focus on offense and mobility!

I'm confident in my dodging skills, and quick thinking

"I'll put 70 in Strength and the remaining 30 should go to…" I say to myself while my quick thinking tries to think of a way to not look dumb for the way I put my stats in.

"You know what, I'm the one who will be killing people with stats considered "incorrect" so what would that go to say about their stats?" I ask myself, making my choice to put the last 30 in Agility.

After I confirm it, I appear in the Starter Town.

The town is bustling with people forming parties, chatting, and overall enjoying themselves.

I look around and see Kaede talking to a blond girl around Risa's height, so I walk over to see what it's about.

"Oh! You must be a newbie!" She says with a surprised expression.

I walk next to Kaede and introduce myself.

"Hello, I'm zsxcfvbhnmk123, and friends with this girl right next to me," I say while pointing to Kaede, making sure not to say her real name.

Kaede recognizes me but keeps quiet.

(That username…) Both girls think while looking at me

"You must be new too,!" She says while observing my clothing.

My blue eyes and white hair catch her attention, the shirt I was given by the game is a bit tight and reveals my 4 rock hard abs through it.

That's right, I kept training even though I was in a different word, not that surprising.

(I have things to do, he's still perfect eye candy though...) The girl realized her thought trailed off and began to get back on track.

She blushes but pretends to pay no mind to it as she has stuff she needs to do, but still checking me out.

I don't blame her, not when I'm so good looking.

"There are monsters in the forest to the west. It's a good spot to raise levels at the start. You can just stand around, and they'll come right to you." She says while pointing to the west, but still looking at me often.

(She's kind of cute, I'm reminded of cats when I see her.) I think to myself

"Thank you, we'll check it out," I say while grabbing Kaede's hand and walking off to the leveling spot.

Kaede blushes but follows along, not taking her hand from mine.

I notice we are walking too slow so I let go of Kaede's hand, that way I can pick her up in a princess carry.

As I do so, Kaede's face goes red with embarrassment while I begin moving towards the grinding spot.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

As we are walking, I ask Komeko what my class was because of that incident that didn't allow me to choose earlier.

Komeko says that I have multiple classes and can switch them out for each other whenever I want.

She told me that my classes are the same from a game I used to play in my first world called, Rouge Lineage. I can find all the weapons I saw in the class selection menu in my inventory, but some of the weapons are class locked.

"Kaede what's your username," I ask Kaede

"Maple, why?" She asks me while tilting her head to the side.

How cute.

"Because we should call each other by our usernames, it's bad to use our real ones in games," I tell Kaede

"Then what should I call you? Your username is a bit too difficult for me to pronounce in one go…" Maple says while thinking

"I'll need you to help me make one so nobody has to struggle with it again," I say to Maple with a fake pleading expression.

"Oh, I know! I'll call you Al, short for Alphabet god!" Maple says chuckling

I flashback to when my old guild from the past would know me as Alphabet god when I carried in matches or won battles with odds against me.

Good times.

"It's perfect, but why short for alphabet god? It could just be short for my name." I ask her seemingly curious where she thought of alphabet god from

"It's easy, you used the English alphabet, right? And because you have so many of them in your name I think alphabet god fits!"

This leads to me letting out a short laugh.

"Alright then it's settled, I will be known as Al from now on!"

zsxcfvbhnmk123 zsxcfvbhnmk123

Had to republish the chapter so I could put it in a new volume

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