With little time on hand, Arix quickly took the Deanna siblings home for a short visit, then they left promptly, nudged along by Fleur's reminders.
They boarded a spaceship bound for Planet Waste and arrived just before sunset.
As they stepped out of the transportation hall, Arix stood still, taking in the surrounding buildings with a bit of shock.
She remembered the first time she traveled to this spot, piles of garbage were everywhere, even near the hall.
But now, those stinky garbage mountains were gone, replaced by gleaming high-rise buildings.
"Arix, what's up?" Deanna asked, noticing Arix lost in thought.
"Nothing, just blown away by the changes. I remember garbage mountains here," Arix replied, scanning the area with a strange mix of nostalgia and surprise. It felt like coming home to a fully renovated house, almost making her think she was in the wrong place.
Shoutout to Nikkid21
Thank you for your golden tickets!