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57.13% A Bend in Time / Chapter 689: Ruse Aftermath Ⅲ

Chapter 689: Ruse Aftermath Ⅲ

By 8 o'clock in the morning streams of letters were arriving at the Ministry of Magic from the former werewolves, the potion guild, and all those that had admired the genius potion master Damocles Belby pleading for justice on behalf of the deceased Potions Master. And having anticipated such an event, the Ministry of Magic released an early bulletin with the information they had acquired from the captives. A few more names were provided with various points of attack, which led the Auror's and A.P.D. to raid various other locations.

Most were failures as the persons in question had cleared out locations the night before, but enough physical evidence was found to confirm the testimonies of those found captive. While on the few raids that were successful, the suspects were taken into custody to immediately have their confessions taken in. The wheels of justice were slow, but they were moving along.

The Daily Prophet later printed an evening edition with the late testament of Damocles Belby obtained from the Goblins. In his letter, he stated that he left a portion of his wealth for the education of children and those interested in the arts of Potion Mastery to be administrated by the goblins in a trust. Still, a large portion of fortune went to his brother, Asclepius Belby, and the rest of it to his apprentice, Wilfredius. In included is the announcement of the funeral to be held the following morning, and per his instructions, Damocles Belby had asked to be cremated. His ashes would be scattered to the wind, but a tombstone would be erected for those that wished to pay their respects to his memory.

However earlier that same morning before the Daily Prophet arrived, a knock was heard at the door of a large cottage in the countryside with a neatly tended garden. A younger-looking goblin with pointy ears and long flexed fingers held a letter clutched in hand. His neatly trimmed fingernails encircle the letter, Ragnok, a goblin of Gringotts Bank, and the administrator of Rowan Prince's Gringotts accounts.

The sky was still dark, but footsteps can be heard as the door is wrenched open wide at the foul hour. "What?!" Asclepius Belby snapped sounding far too much like his older brother.

Asclepius Belby's dark brown hair was all stray just having risen from bed. His dark eyes scan the grounds in front of him in puzzlement until a polite cough drew his gaze downward and he spotted the smartly dressed young goblin. "Do I have the pleasure of meeting Asclepius Belby, the younger brother of potion master, Damocles Belby?"

"I have nothing to say to the press regarding any achievements nor words on my brother," Asclepius briskly said as he moved inside to slam the door shut.

"No sir, I would never dream to occupy such a ghastly, bloodthirsty occupation," Ragnok said with a dreadful shiver. "Mr. Belby, if I may address you as such, I have been tasked to deliver a letter as requested by the belated Damocles Belby."

"Fine," Asclepius grumbled not paying much attention to the goblin's words, and took the letter from the goblins grasp. "Well is that all?" He impatiently snapped.

"Quite, sir," Ragnok said with an annoyed sniff. "And once again, Mr. Belby, my belated condolences," he said, before making his way down the path where a winged horse carriage awaits below.

Asclepius still groggy slams the door shut as a stout witch with clear, kind eyes emerged from their chamber, his wife, Annice. "Who was it?" She asked as she tied her bed robe sash around her.

"A goblin," Asclepius huffed as he sat down at the kitchen table tossing the letter onto the table without a care nor a second glance. It must have been the early hour, but he could have sworn the goblin said his belated brother. And what was that about giving his condolences?!

"Strange if you ask me," Annise muttered as she put a kettle on the stove to make a pot of tea. "So, what did the letter say?"

"Letter?" Asclepius asked, before recalling the letter he had carelessly tossed onto the kitchen table. "Right," he said as he tore the letter open and began to read in a loud voice.

"To my vexing younger brother,

Asclepius Belby,

If you are reading this then I am no longer in this world. I am certain that you will be somewhat gladdened by my passing. However, I must admit I do regret in part the distance between us prior to my timely departure."

Asclepius's voice cut off as he recognized the spikey handwriting as belonging to that of his older brother, Damocles. With a loud quiver in his voice, he continues to read,

"It is strange to say, but I find myself lamenting the oddest of things as of late. Never mind, that I cannot stand the proximity of others, but still I find myself missing the company of others including yours. It is strange but true, I can't think of a single instance where we were not at odds with each other. We always had too much pride to ever listen clearly to what the other had to say. Alas, time is far too fleeting, and now it is much too late to change."

Asclepius's hand quivers as something wet threatens to creep out of the corner of his eyes.

"Now enough of that utter sentimental drivel, I have put my affairs in order, and I leave a portion of my wealth to you, Asclepius. I hope that you do not take after our father and squander the entirety of the fortune which I shall bestow upon you on nonsense as our father did on drink and pissing wagers. I should hope to think that I raised you better.

I have never had many kinds words to say, but a belated congratulations on your wedding, Asclepius. I saw your bride, she seems rather stout, but the sympathetic, nurturing type. I apologize for my lapse in attendance at the wedding, but I thought it prudent to not attend considering the several attempts on my life that had already occurred. That and my presence would have stolen the limelight from the rightful wedded couple. There was no sense in ruining your wedding with my presence."

Asclepius's voice broke as a splash of moisture falls onto the parchment down below. A visible tremble is heard in his voice as he struggles to read on.

"I sent a wedding gift, I do not know if you received it, but it was a set of silverware and expensive chinaware. The girl at the shop said that all newlyweds require such things, and I could not contradict the girl for the life of me nor select another gift which I thought suitable in its stead. I hope at least you find it useful for Merlin knows what."

A weak watery chuckle escapes from Asclepius as he recognizes his brother's attempts at humor.

"Now do not weep for my sake, you sentimental brat, I know those eyes of yours must be smarting by this point. You inherited a portion of our mothers' gentle spirit. I hated that about you for the longest of time. It was a constant reminder of how she died and abandoned us to the whims of that bastard, whom, we called father."

Asclepius's hand shook as the letter in hand crumbled a bit as suppressed tears slid down his face despite the admonishing words from his brother's letter.

I do not deserve to be wept over. I have many faults and failings though which I loath to admit, but I find it is much easier to do so without the presence of a witness. I am callous and have often wielded with great skill a bladed tongue to injure and distance others. I will admit that I possess an overabundance of pride, but at least I never lorded over anyone with it. That and I am far too easily angered and speak without consideration much like our father did hurting those dear and near to my heart.

Enough! I dislike bearing my sentiments opening as it is nor is the correct time to bare my soul. Mollycoddling that's what!"

Asclepius attempts to dry the dampness streaking down his face with his sleeve as he continues to read through blurry eyes.

"I am not a man of words when it comes to my own sentiments, Asclepius, but they are all spoken truthfully and are most sincere. May your days be long and full of joy. That they may be all that we wished for as children and did not receive. I wish you and your wife a loving and long-lasting marriage, and many children as well to continue the Belby family line; one of us has to do so, and logically that duty falls onto you, my dearest younger brother.

Still, I suppose this is it. There is nothing more to say. Although I would ask that you visit my grave now and again. You know to keep the riffraff away and ensure that my grave is properly weeded by the graveyard caretakers. But all sarcasm set aside, I truly do wish you happiness, Asclepius.

Goodbye and Farewell,

Your belated brother,

Damocles Belby."

Asclepius chocked. "He-." He wasn't able to finish his sentence. "-Always was such a stubborn fool," Asclepius finished through a watery sigh.

His wife, Annise gathers her husband into her arms and rocks him. She knew of the distance between her husband and his elder brother. She had suggested to her husband during their engagement to make amends with his brother. He had tried and sent his brother a wedding invitation. Naturally, the lack of an appearance at their wedding only cemented with absolute certainty in her husband's mind that his elder brother, Damocles wanted nothing to do with either of them. As a result, nothing more was said between them on the subject.

Now, there was nothing more she could say to ease the heartache in her husband's heart. It was too late. Pride is the most awful of things to possess and destroys the relationships with those we love. None are exempt from this most terrible of ailments.

EsliEsma EsliEsma

I said it before, but "What If,' is the cruelest of words in the English language."

Well, that is the last of the chapters, so I hope that you all had a good, Easter!

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