The splendid milky way traversed through the night sky. It was nearly a full moon, and its bright light was shining down from the night sky.
Ling Yun cast an illusion spell and got Xian Er to do the same to hide the cave abode from view.
He was confident that unless it was a master of spell formations, no one else could see his cave abode even if they were standing right in front of it.
In fact, it wasn't necessary since it was just a simple cave. However, Ling Yun knew that once he left, the Japanese would definitely come again. He didn't want this place to be a tourist attraction.
The corpse of the Japanese and the Americans were long devoured by the fish in the sea, so the scenery remained unspoiled.
Once they were done with a final check, they went immediately to the speedboat and started their journey home.
The speedboat left Turtle Island quickly, using the same route they came in on.
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