"Oh? Director Tian's house? It's on the southernmost side of the district. It's the biggest mansion of the three, super pretty…"
Perhaps it was the hot afternoon sun, the majestic formation in front of him, or Ling Yun's brilliant smile that baffled one of the three bodyguards. Nobody expected him to answer Ling Yun's question subconsciously.
"Thank you!" Ling Yun nodded and smiled at the bodyguard that replied to him as he turned to look at Tang Meng. The two of them entered the gate of the small district as they walked towards the southernmost mansion.
"Brother Yun, are you really planning to tear down Tian Botao's mansion? Wouldn't this cause too much commotion? Moreover, what's so good about tearing down a mansion?"
Tang Meng whispered to Ling Yun as he walked.
Ling Yun sneered coldly before answering, "Is that really a question? Of course I'm going to tear it down, all three mansions! I want the commotion to be as huge as possible!"
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