Tang Meng stood there dazed for a moment as he thought to himself, This Tie Xiaohu can be quite a bad guy when he wants to be! To think that the matter which I was having trouble with would be simplified by him to this extent!
Tang Meng followed that up by saying, "Anyways, the method in which we go about this matter is not up to me. It has to have Boss's seal of approval first."
Tang Meng knew that Ling Yun was no longer interested in the monetary aspect of this gamble. Rather, Ling Yun was hell-bent on ensuring that Gou Junfa and Xie Junyan would suffer great losses.
Ling Yun knew that letting the two of them run loose in his vicinity would only bring him displeasure and trouble in the future.
Tie Xiaohu nodded in agreement. He then asked Tang Meng, "So, about Boss's plan to open the clinic… What do you intend to do about it?"
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