At this hour in the night, the people of Qingshui were all deep in slumber, having their sweet dreams playing in their heads.
However, it was different for Ling Yun. He had made his way to the opposite side of the Shichiyou Herb. Looking across the river, he noticed a white figure.
It was a snow-colored fox. Just by observing, Ling Yun was able to deduce its gender. The fox's eyes were cast in the direction of the Shichiyou herb.
At this moment, the white fox seemed as if it realized Ling Yun's presence. It scurried off in a hurry, leaving nothing but a breeze.
Ling Yun chose to do nothing, allowing the petite creature to take its departure.
As the water level dropped further, Ling Yun predicted that by that night, the Shichiyou Herbs would be visible, given the decline in water level.
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