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7.05% Titan Beneath the Heavens / Chapter 18: Second Episode: Chapter 9

Chapter 18: Second Episode: Chapter 9

Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The golden tent was decorated with knitted tassels. The Sun shone through the translucent, pure silk tassels and slowly fell onto the floor of the room. The Sun’s charm seemed to have rubbed off even on the dust in the air. They danced lightly and gracefully in the ray of light, like fish swimming in a river of light.

The spacious bedroom seemed as if it lacked furniture. This was the Titan Empire’s His Imperial Highness Prince O’Neil’s deliberate design. If you looked around the whole house, you would not find a single suitable hiding place. Although the Prince indulged in cozy furniture, but in places like the dining hall, bedroom and study, His Imperial Highness the Prince’s decor had immense strategic significance. This was because he had previously helped his assassin mentor calculate statistics, which revealed that the above-mentioned rooms were the best places for murder cases to occur.

The Prince’s bedroom was in a terrible mess. The female clothing that were scattered all over the floor very clearly spelled out the message of "sex". Of course these were things that outsiders could not see. Even the handmaidens who came to tidy up the room early in the morning did not dare take more than a few glances.

His Imperial Highness the Prince’s bed was extraordinarily huge. It may have been that the impression left on him from the decorations in the Perseus tearoom had not waned. His Imperial Highness the Prince himself chose the materials to carry out a remodeling of his huge bed. The bed curtains that were the same color as the curtains at the windows completely obscured the inner view. We can only pry through the slightly translucent tassels to see the fair bodies intertwined together inside.

Oscar was not too sure about how he ended up rolling around in bed with a beautiful young lady. Although the Prince had had quite a few partners, but those girls were all well-behaved, proper people. The youngster acquired from them only a small portion of pleasure that lovemaking brought. However, Oscar really did not care much at all and thus he had already forgotten some details of the happenings the previous night.

The girl that was sleeping soundly beside him was beautiful. Although it was not the kind of beauty that stood out, but her youthfulness was enough to cause you to catch your breath. The girl’s breathing rose and fell. She was too tired, so tired that even in her sleep, she wrinkled her eyebrows. However, the slightly raised corner of her mouth revealed some of her inner thoughts.

Oscar was not a careless boy. Moreover, his status did not allow him to have reckless relationships. However, when faced with a beautiful girl’s passionate invitation, it could be believed that no normal boy would be a wet blanket. So everything happened very naturally.

The little miss Fenrar Donarte had already passed the age of a little girl. She would not consider that she had fallen in love with His Imperial Highness the Prince. Likewise, His Imperial Highness the Prince’s gentle and soft touch did not mean anything. Ever since she could remember, she had lived in Damorga. She and the youngster who held her were extremely clear about the true meaning of survival. So, Fenrar’s method of offering herself to His Imperial Highness the Prince to indulge in their passion together was seen as a type of method for survival, a kind of method to obtain a better environment for survival.

Despite that, the young lady would soon become a young married woman. Fenrar was full of gratitude towards the Prince’s consideration and tenderness. That kind of feeling was like... was like being loved, absolutely, truly being loved; but not long after, Little Miss Fenrar would start scolding herself. Only idiots would think this way. Back in Damorga, she had heard too many rumors about Brother Balance. She never thought that a person like him, knew how to love.

However, this had nothing to do with her, little miss Fenrar Donarte muttered in her heart. The sole purpose of doing this was so that she could live slightly better. After all, Brother Balance had given to her the thing that she found the most majestic and most valuable – freedom. She pulled the swan down blanket tighter and right after that, she smelled a scent that would make one flush in embarrassment. That was the smell of joyous love. At that moment, little Miss Fenrar firmly believed that it was agreeable with the air of freedom.

Oscar woke up. He turned his head to look at the girl beside him, and then kissed her breasts. This youngster loved that particular female anatomy the most. The girl’s body had some greenish-purple bruises. It seemed like he really put in a lot of energy last night. His Imperial Highness the Prince laughed at himself, thinking that way.

His Imperial Highness the Prince’s toilet was connected with the bathroom. The whole area was surprisingly spacious. All the equipment and accessories were the handiwork of a famous designer. The gold gilded handrails and black marble gave the toilet with a sense of grandeur. All the various little items inadvertently displayed their precious value.

Turning on the water tap, genuine water from the hot springs squirted out. However, the steam did not make the little prince warmer, instead he felt cold. The teenager stared at the splashes of water rolling over and over, somewhat entranced. He seemed to have lost himself in the void and infinite steam.

The first thing that Oscar did as soon as he woke up, naturally, was to relieve himself. However, truthfully speaking, the only thing that the teenager was not happy about was the toilet. Over there was an iron window that was used for ventilation. The cool breeze that came down from Mount Anubis would enter the prison cells there. When the teenager entered the toilet from the prison room that had a stove heater, he would usually experience pain when urinating. But please? This was Damorga! Damorga, for heaven's sake! It was a place filled with death and all sorts of filthy things.

The teenager daydreamed in the freezing cold toilet. He recalled the little girl he met at the concentration camp yesterday. The girl was about the same age as he. The boy was a little confused because the situation at that time appeared surreal. He saw her and she also saw him. He was one of the few people in Damorga prison who should not be angered. She was one of the very ordinary underage prostitutes in Damorga prison. In her arms were the remains of a goose leg from her dinner with the warden. A few bodyguards escorted himself. Only an old tattered cotton shirt was draped over her frail and tiny body. Her mother had already discussed the price with that lanky fellow and the price was those winter clothes.

Oscar had not had nightmares in a very long time, but last night he dreamt of that little girl. The girl looked towards him with eyes that seemed to hold a lot of meaning. And Oscar remembered that the girl's gaze never had a ripple in it. The nightmare was very bizarre. The boy and girl were focused in looking at the rear view of a person dismembering a human body. There was no fresh blood spurting out, because the weather was too cold. When blood was exposed to the atmosphere it would freeze quickly. They continued looking on in concentration. Their eyes did not blink even once. Their ears were filled with the sound of a knife sawing on frozen mincemeat.

"It should not be like this... It should not be like this..." Oscar held his head in his hands and squatted on the ground in agony.

You wouldn't believe that the heavily guarded inner fort of Damorga prison would have a place such as this. The snow was just cleared up by the guards and the shabby state of the tiny garden was revealed. A thin layer of snow outlined the crooked Chinese Parasol tree while the Italian-styled pavilion appeared quite amusing during the cold winter. As for the tiny shrubs along the small curb, they were now piled up with snow and presumably, people would rather believe that it was some kind of trench or something else.

During the summer this place would actually be filled with the serenity, elegance and greenery that could compete with any other place. However, it was winter now. The cold current that came from Anubis' towering mountains and precipitous ridges had completely robbed it of its vitality.

Towering forts and iron windows surrounded this garden. The limestone revealed its distinctive greenish light seen only during the winter. The guard's slogan echoed through the courtyard walls that were toweringly high, like that of a heavenly well. No one would like this kind of place. However, for the big shots imprisoned in Damorga, this was the only recreation for them when they were let out once each week. So there was really nothing to be picky about.

Duke Cara Siva and his little tenant were taking a stroll through this lifeless garden. The old Duke could still be considered fit. The many years of prison life did not bring him much harm; at least, that was what he thought.

Duke Siva was the famous representative of Enreud School at that time. His editorials and articles were thought of highly in the Westland’s Religious World. However, clearly, he was not a very outstanding politician. This is because an outstanding politician would not get himself sent to Damorga prison.

Oscar followed the landlord who also acted as his teacher and walked on slowly. The child’s eagerness in learning made the old teacher feel extremely gratified. The previous Secretary of State personally instructed the teenager to read and write step-by-step. Oscar was familiar with those words and he remembered that his beautiful mother had guided him this way before. Even during the final moments of her life, she did not forget to let her son recite a segment of religious eulogy.

However, Duke Cara Siva did not teach the child anything related to religion. Although the Duke had sought a very high position in the Holy See of Light before, but he was essentially an atheist. As to how he managed to get through the Holy See’s evaluation, was a wonder.

Oscar was thinking, he hoped that this respected and reputable teacher could help him answer a question this morning, but it was evident, that this little chubby boy did not fully understand the old Duke’s answer.

"Why is it like this? Why is the world this way?"

"Morality and the ways of the world are always in collision. Was the world originally like this? No, but how did it became like this? The answer is that any explanation is useless. It has its own existing reasons, once the reasons are found, then you would have found the crux."

The concentration camp was already used to this unique teenager’s presence. The secret agents already notified the few restless guys that his ten-year-old youngster was under the strict protection of the military. Moreover, he himself was an extremely dangerous fellow. So, let him be, as long as he did not cause trouble.

Oscar once again sighed at the dilapidated and miserable sight before him. He had already wondered for quite some time, whether the living things here could still be called humans.

Every year the cold current would snatch away the lives of a portion of the criminals on penal servitude. However, some say that they were the lucky few, because the remaining guys who were still struggling on whilst at death’s door still had to face a life that had not a single ray of light.

A rotten log could not bear the weight of the accumulated snow, and the whole tiny shack collapsed with a loud rumble. The cemetery-like concentration camp suddenly bustled with noise and excitement for a while. The criminals crowded over to mock the affected family living there after the calamity.

Oscar was also among the crowd of onlookers. A cold sneer was seen playing at the corners of Oscar’s lips. This was what he had learned from the "Hedgehog". Sarlat the Paladin’s rapier skills were famously fast, and his horrid appearance and signature sneer were also extremely well known. Oscar learned his high-speed rapier attack combo, and also imitated the previous Paladin’s annoying expression.

The youngster felt that the soles of his feet were cold. He motioned to the Imperial guards that they could leave this hell. That household’s performance was too poor. The woman was crying, the child was throwing a tantrum and the man was cursing, absolutely nothing was new.

On the way, people respectfully saluted the youngster continuously. There was no lack of well-informed people here. It was not easy to meet the Marshal’s son.

Oscar felt his way forwards on the dirty, snowy ground. There were always some disgusting things hiding beneath the layer of snow, for example, corpses with disassembled limbs, or perhaps a dead newly born infant. Although they were already used to it, but if they come across it, one would still feel more or less unfortunate.

The youngster walked towards a shack. He took out a bag of oat cookies that were wrapped in a handkerchief in his arms. They smelled delicious and they were still warm.

The closer to the door, the clearer the noises in it were. The youngster wrinkled his eyebrows slightly. He heard some malicious shouting and scolding and it seemed like they kept to a steady tempo.

As he drew closer still, Oscar heard the moaning of a teenage girl. No instructions were needed, the Marshal’s son took a step backwards and the guard beside him viciously kicked down the dilapidated wooden door.

Before the door was forced open, Oscar turned away. His subconscious did not want to see certain scenes.

The guards dashed into the house. After a brief bawl, a petty man holding his pants embarrassedly ran out into the snowfields.

Oscar turned around to enter the house, but when he saw the teenage girl, his face instantly reddened.

The little girl was naked and hanged upside down, on the beam of the room. Her lower parts were badly mangled. Her anus was expanded to a horrifying width. The guards were trying hard to loosen the ropes. That fellow seemed to have tied it really tightly.

Oscar did not know what to say. He also did not know why he should ask the guards to find out where this girl was staying. General Moranzo had warned him about the dangers of the concentration camp not only once, but he still came.

The guards stood outside the door. The small wooden house only had the two children left – Two children who were absolutely not normal.

"What is your name?"

"O’Neil Andrew Morisette. What about you?"

"Bruck...Ouch!" The girl was using icy cold water to wash her under parts. When she spoke, her whole face contorted up. She evidently touched a tender spot.


"No! Who would use that kind of name? It’s Brooklyn. I’m Brooklyn. "

"Oh, does it hurt?"

"I’m used to it, it will pass. I’ve heard a lot about you. You do not belong here. Why did you come here?"

"It doesn’t matter."

"Very well, since you’re not willing to tell me. Then just stand there." After saying this, the girl busied herself by washing up. He could see that she was very meticulous in her washing.

Oscar was a little awkward. Although he was still a child, but he understood the differences that exists between a man and a woman.

"Should I step back for a while?"

The girl was somewhat perplexed. "Why? What is your purpose of coming here? What do you need to step back from?"

"Uhh... I was just passing by. Ola! I have some oat cookies, would you like some?"

"Ha! That, of course can’t get any better! Even though this guy is a little perverted, but at least he is very generous in giving. I thought I would not have my two meals for today. Just place it there... That’s right! Over there."

After staring blankly a while, Oscar felt that he really had nothing to say. He watched the girl in front of her washing her most private parts as if there was no one else there. He stared blankly at the basin of icy cold water that slowly became a basin of bloody water.

The youngster suddenly felt like he was suffocating. He urgently needed to breathe in enough air.

"Huuu... Ahhhh!" O’Neil Andrew Morisette took huge gasping breaths of air.

Holding his breath underwater for a lengthy time made his head hurt. This was the homework that 13 left for him. Training to build up his willpower and breathing strength. The young prince pulled on the copper grips right beside his hands and got up from the hot spring bath.

"Your Imperial Highness, are we allowed to enter?" From outside the bathroom door came the respectful greeting from the handmaidens. They had just heard the summoning bell inside the bathroom ring.


The handmaidens filed in, in a line. They had recently received training in every aspect. After all, a group of servant girls born in prison would not understand how to truly serve important figures.

The Duchess Andrew had hired a famous teacher for them. Now all these girls were learning hard. Otherwise, they would not know the use of a lot of stuff in this huge bathroom.

His body was carefully wiped down, and his hair was combed carefully. When little Oscar put on the brand new court ceremonial robe with assistance from his handmaidens, even the youngster himself wanted to cheer for the person inside the mirror. That was a chubby big boy. However, the main point was, this boy was still growing, be it his mind or his vigor. Aside from that, the boy’s appearance possessed his mother’s good genes, so he could still manage to pass as a handsome little fatty.

The life of a noble was kind of an extremely exquisite way of life. They did not only pursue quality, but even more so, attention to detail. After Oscar’s hair was held firmly behind him, a golden silk headband that was inlaid with numerous small diamonds was used to cleverly tie up his unruly braids. One of the handmaidens was using a spray to scent the Prince’s ceremonial robe while the other handmaidens were holding boxes of accessories, reverently standing at one side. It was up to the senior court lady to help him match these dazzling jewels onto the prince. Next was the folding of the ceremonial robe’s collar, the positioning of the ceremonial robe’s border, the straightening of the creases on the trousers, the securing of each button, the polishing of the smooth surface of the boots, and the most important of all, the coat of arms medal that represented the Andrew family was to be worn on his chest whereas the medal that represented the Imperial household of Morisette’s totem, should be pinned tightly onto his collar.

When all the preparations were ready, His Imperial Highness Prince O’Neil Andrew Morisette finally let out a deep breath.

"Mmhm. Indeed the look of a prince, my beloved brother. I am so proud of you." The little young miss who was dressed in similarly splendid clothes and already waiting outside the door, enthusiastically kissed her brother’s cheek.

"However, I’m not keen to praise you my little young miss! For now, you would be attracting attacks from countless swarms of honeybees. Those wretched swarms of honeybees would not mind going through the trouble of pestering you." His Imperial Highness the Prince rarely displayed his jealousy in front of his sister.

"Don’t tell me my own brother would not protect me? Ola! I just thought about something! I was the one who made that silly little chap who wanted to duel with you yesterday, leave. Good gracious! I even forgot to claim my prize from you." After saying this, Sasha spread out her little hands in front of her brother’s eyes.

His Imperial Highness Prince O’Neil was not a person to be stumped by this tiny request. What’s more was that he feared that there may not be anyone in the world who could understand this little miss who was easily "derailed", as much as he did.

Oscar placed a small box into his sister’s hands, "as long as you can open the box, the stuff inside it will be yours."

As soon as the little miss took it, she was instantly attracted to it. This box was very special. On the outside, it absolutely had no openings and closings. However, since her brother said that it could be opened, then it must be so. This little beast that could easily go berserk actually settled down, and wholeheartedly immersed herself in the struggle to open the box.

When the Andrew family carriage of the highest quality entered the huge gates of the official residence of Sir Marquis Almodovar Godzilla, both sides of the road seemed to be boiling. The nobles knew that the newly appointed prince had rejected almost all invitations, but today he had made an exception and paid a visit to the Minister of Finance’s Salon.

After the mountain-like sized Marquis Almodovar Godzilla received word from his servant, he waited in welcome at the door. When he saw the little prince, he put on an extremely touched expression. Of course, our Imperial Highness the Prince’s performance was not lacking as well. His smile was sincere and honest. Both the big and small fatties excitedly embraced each other.

"Welcome! Your respected Imperial Highness the Prince. I cannot express the joy in my heart. Oh god, truthfully speaking, I simply dare not believe it! Your arrival has left me, the host, at a loss of what to do."

"Ola! My chairman. I have already missed out on quite a few of the club activities. So how could I refuse your invitation again? Would you not invite me in? I heard that you own a few imported sofas from faraway England."

"Hahaha! Those are indeed delicate works of art. Please come in, my beloved Imperial Highness. Being able to host you in my official residence is indeed something that’s worth being proud of. Oh, that’s right. I still have some genuine Iceland wine. What about it?"

"Ola, you are too courteous, but this I really cannot."

"Can it really not be done?" The previous warden of Damorga prison’s confidential secretary, Captain Vick, asked himself.

His was in terrible condition. His left chest was slashed wide open by a rapier while his right arm was broken. His appearance looked as if he had just crawled up from a pile of dead bodies.

Captain Vick kept fleeing. Along the way, he was attacked by assassins twice. Although he had fortunately managed to escape the hunts, but he had now reached his limit. However, Captain Vick was not a person who gave up easily. Moreover, he knew clearly, if he did not hurry back to Dulin to pass on the message, then he and his family might be imprisoned in Damorga. That was something that he could absolutely not allow to happen.

Captain Vick mustered up the unique willpower that soldiers possess, and stood up once again. The wound on his chest tore on his nerves. His right hand already could not follow his commands, but this was not important. "Nina, my wife! Katya, my child! Wish me well! Wait for me!" The Captain of the guards steeled himself and squeezed into the shrubs beside him.

A few disguised assassins appeared at their target’s brief resting spot. The head of the group looked at the blood stains on the ground and then looked at the deep growth of shrubbery. In the end, he decided to give up. It was difficult to deal with this target. Besides that, the sky was unreasonably dark. To continue to give chase was impossible. If it were like this, it would be better to set up checkpoints in places ahead that he might show up at.

Vick staggered and ran in the thicket. He navigated his way through using the faint starlight. He knew that he was getting closer and closer to Dulin. Faster! Come on, faster! The sound of Vick’s breathing sounded particularly dreadful in the late, quiet night. He was like a panicked wild beast, impatiently seeking his reinforcements.

Next episode preview:

There was great turmoil in Damorga prison. O’Neil Andrew Morisette encountered some unprecedented dangers. Captain Vick who had a secret in his heart, was traveling alone to the capital to pass on the message, but he was barely alive. Will he reach Dulin without incident?

Just what kind of environment and circumstance contributed to O’Neil Andrew Morisette’s cruel and malicious personality? All the previous happenings in Damorga prison will be revealed in the next episode.

The decisive battle with the Finance Minister will be launched. All contradictions will be resolved during the coronation ceremony.

Could the little fatty obtain victory in stages? How will his romance with Her Imperial Highness Princess Alanis unfold? How will his sinister scheme be carried out?

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