Holy sh*t! That was too ruthless! Zhao Yu began to swear to himself. He knew his opponent was evil, but he didn't think he would stoop to killing his own companion.
It was obvious that the opponent was worried the fake tour guide, who had been tasered unconscious, would spill their secrets and thus decided to silence him. That was inhumane!
After killing the fake tour guide, the masked man immediately ran towards the stone pillars and fled to the back of the palace. Zhao Yu had his bulletproof vest on to protect himself and ran through the barriers without fear chasing after the man.
But before Zhao Yu ran off, he paused. He still had a bit of humanity inside him and didn't immediately give chase. Instead, he went to the fake tour guide and checked to see if he was really dead. After that, he took the Bluetooth earpiece out of his ear. With the Bluetooth earpiece, Zhao Yu would be able to know the exact movements of the enemy!
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