As expected, Zhao Youyue did as well as before in the monthly examinations. She was the top scorer for all of the liberal arts subjects. After the elite scholar, Huang Zongchao, decided to take science instead, Zhao Youyue had automatically moved up the rankings, as their respective streams separated the boards. A lot of people believed that Zhao Youyue would end up just like Huang Zongchao in the previous year, all alone in the top student zone...
Zhao Youyue's achievements had left the class representative Bai Yunshan speechless. Bai Yunshan was hoping that Zhao Youyue would flop her monthly examinations. This was because Zhao Youyue would always fool around during lessons, and spend all her free time playing on mini 4WD cars, like a childish elementary school student. This time, although Bai Yunshan had worked extremely hard, she still only managed to place second in the whole grade.
Tonicquill: Infinite endurance is very much a superpower. If you’re involved in sports and stuff, you know very well that your output (after warming up) in the first 2 minutes or so can never be repeated for that session. People train to hold themselves back in the form of ‘pacing.’ We also try to increase our threshold through stuff like HIIT (High-intensity interval training) (Not everyone believes in it, I do). As it is, without having to limit oneself via pacing and being able to go all-out from the beginning to the end – is terrifying. I’m not a particularly strong cyclist; I know that much, I could have gone pro if that wasn’t the case. But I can top out at 35 miles per hour or so on a road bike. For a good half minute. Then I’d be gassed for the rest of the ride. Might even suffer cramps and finish the ride on one leg. If I paced myself, I would never allow that to happen. So you can imagine how ridiculous it would be if I went 30 miles per hour from start to end for a moderate distance (40 mile ride).