Zhao Youyue did not expect this "Lin Jianzhong" to film the ridiculous plot that she created in the "Two Dimensional Gate" in its raw, mad entirety, how reckless can he be?
How did the crew even agree to this?
The "Two Dimensional Gate" was indeed incredible, whenever the author wants to turn his inspiration into reality, others who helped would also be in on it with all of their hearts.
Of course, Zhao Youyue did not know that the studio has canceled the series. Enraged, the director had decided to film the whole script, the script that he wrote when he was as inspired as he was drunk, so that it would make it to the news!
Since the war film I created was 'boring' and those blasted viewers never once gave it a good rating, screw it all, I'll just go loco here… these were the thoughts of the director.
Tonicquill: Ever seen anything so bad that it’s good? Granted, “War Heroes” had good CGI and acting to support it…I thought Transformers: The Last Knight was…. so bad that it's good. It was so terrible that I actually cried from frustration, and had tears streaming down my face. I don’t cry easily, trust me. I literally, I cannot make this stuff up. I had the sensation of pins and needles in the left posterior section of my cranium, it was an aftereffect, the film was so bad that your brain shuts down in an attempt to preserve its functions.