The words of the Fiery-Sun Prince shocked the princes of Lingyun, Soil-Border, Clear-Wood, and all their disciples.
They knew that the Fiery-Sun Prince was right. If they allowed for the defeat of the Fiery-Sun Prince and the Golden-Arrow Prince, the Desert Queen would come after them next. They had to join the battle
Plus, the treaty only required the Fiery-Sun Prince and the Golden-Arrow Prince to fight the Fiery Supreme. The Desert Queen wasn't part of the deal.
The crown princes of Lingyun, Soil-Border, and Clear-Wood all took out their Forbidden Spiritual Treasures without a second of hesitation.
Their Forbidden Spiritual Treasures were all incredibly powerful. The treasures' mere presence blew apart the air and cracked open space itself. These supreme level eighth stage treasures were all bestowed upon them by their respective emperor fathers, and each treasure embodied the avatar of those emperors.
So each one of these rulers of the Desert buried themselves in a sand pile to wait for the fruit to ripen?
Dang that's some dedication right there.
We'll be finishing the December MEMR soon!
Oh oops, forgot to publish this yesterday apparently
December MEMR Count 14:20