Immortal Chuan gave Immortal Green Staff a look, who stood reverently and quietly on one side. Then, he gave Immortal Ke He a look, who kept growling and bellowing on the other side, with a face all purple and swollen up with bruises, and body bathed in blood. Finally, he lightly cleared his throat while bringing his right palm forward and slightly pressing it down, "I'm sure my fellow Immortals know the laws of the Heaven. No matter how fiercely you were to fight each other, as long as you are outside any of the Heaven's administrative centers, Heaven will not interrupt the matter between you."
He paused for a brief moment, raising his head as he said with a sigh, "But if anyone dares to actively stir up a fight in any of Heaven's administrative center, on the very ground ruled by the Heaven, he or she would have to be severely punished. Without doing that, how are we going to preserve the Heaven's dignity? How are we going to protect the dignity of all the Emperors?"
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