After that, Ning Xi was brought into the visiting room.
The person sat down right across a piece of glass that separated the prisoners from their visitors. He rested his head on his palm lazily, looking like he was annoyed by this visit. Not only did he not look anything like a prisoner, he looked even more arrogant than ever as if he was not in prison, but his turf instead…
"What's the matter?"
He made it sound like this was his house.
This was her first time meeting him after knowing about his relationship with Lu Tingxiao. Ning Xi was not sure how to face him.
Ning Xi stared at him and was mumbling to herself silently, "Is this guy really Lu Tingxiao's brother from another mother? No matter their appearance and aura, there was nothing alike at all… How mysterious! Gene mutation?"
"Are you done gawking?" The man narrowed his eyes when he noticed Ning Xi staring at him.
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