The wounded gray wolves lay on the ground in the pine forest. Hao Ren was moving around, treating their injuries. He was secretly glad that he did not come up with the idea of grilling wolf meat earlier. More importantly, he had just wounded the wolves, not killed them. Otherwise, things may not have been so amicable.
The wolves' injuries were serious but not life-threatening. Hao Ren did not use his high-tech medical pod, instead, he used two autonomous robots and some portable living tissue repair equipment. While he was busy treating the wolves, the werewolf maiden followed him closely and babbled, "Oh yeah, you are awesome! Oh yeah, the things you carry are awesome! Oh yeah, you know how to treat the injured wolves. Awesome! Oh yeah, are you hungry? Oh yeah, can we be sworn-brothers now?"
"Can you not say 'oh yeah' every time you speak?"
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