The amount of Festered at the central plaza not only shocked Hao Ren, but even Veronica who was a seasoned local veteran was also caught by surprise. That intrigued Hao Ren.
"It's not usually like this?" Hao Ren looked at the knight princess. "Didn't the old man said that once the furnace has been lit, that the wandering monsters will be attracted?"
"That we did, but the Festered have always been far lesser in number than the Servants of Chaos," Veronica spoke with a hushed tone and she could barely hide her nervousness. Turning her head over, Hao Ren saw her amethyst-colored eyes flickered in the dark. "The Festered are the beings of Order that had been corrupted by Chaos, but not everything can become a Festered. Most of the time the corrupted are consumed whole and assimilated by the power of Chaos, and it is very rare for one to be fully corrupted. In the realm of Chaos, only the Servants of Chaos are the main menace."
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