Hao Ren's heart skipped a beat when Raven 12345 told him to bring Vivian along. He could instinctively sense that Raven 12345 had something to say to him. He immediately tucked Lil Pea in his pocket and got ready to bring Vivian to "Heaven".
"Don't forget the egg," the MDT reminded him as it opened the portal. "Be careful. Don't break it!"
Hao Ren held the mermaid egg in his hand. He wanted to put it into his pocket but was afraid that he would accidentally crush it. He thought better of it and carried it in his hand instead. "Let's go. We'll use the portal."
The two of them arrived in "Heaven" with the fish. For the first time in history, Raven 12345 was standing at the door waiting for them. Hao Ren brought Vivian up to Raven 12345 and showed her the mermaid egg. "Lil Pea just laid it a while ago."
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