Dark clouds rolled as thunders roared. Raindrops as big as peas were falling from the sky. That night, the Beinz area was having a thunderstorm—a storm that had been brewing over a night.
Perhaps Beinz was near the relic site—Dragonspine Ridge, or maybe it was because of the influence from the mysterious Beinz Blood Lake, the weather in the area had always been extreme. Sometimes it was a storm; sometimes it snowed in the summer; and sometimes there were bolts of lightning out of the blue, which resembled weather in the steppe. People in the town were used to them, so once the thunderstorm started, residents began to seal their doors and windows. Then, they stayed indoors. Magic towers across the town had been activated to lessen the effects of the thunderstorm and prevent buildings from getting struck by lightning. It was during this thunderstorm that the head of the Royal Knights, Marshal Ophra came to visit.
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