Hao Ren should not have told them about "traffic police". He had to spend additional time and effort to explain the concept to the four ascetics. After they finished their long explanation, Hao Ren and Becky got a little thirsty as well as tired. The burly, bearded man with grey hair meditated in silence for a while. He was the eldest ascetic among the four of them. Hao Ren eas beginning to think that the old man could not understand him. He was about to explain again when the old man suddenly looked up and said, "I understand all of it. There are two worlds—one is on the surface while the other exists subtly with a fragile link. The process of teleportation and umm... the 'traffic police'; I understand all of it."
Hao Ren was immediately relieved and said, "That's good…"
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