Once Y'zaks began his lecture, it was not going to end in a while. Not interested in the boring yet violent "education" program, Hao Ren quickly asked Bethanos a question before Y'zaks started his lecture. "Have you read the user manual?"
Bethanos was still mentally shocked. He looked like he had lost his soul. Then again, anyone who was intelligent enough would have reacted in the same way if they encountered a similar situation. Bethanos remained stunned for a moment before he could respond to the question. "User manual?"
"...It's such a sophisticated piece of equiment. Did you actually think that you could just press a few buttons the same way you switch a lamp on?" Hao Ren glanced over his shoulder at the device, which had returned to its normal shimmer. "Even if it's fool-proofed, you've got to be careful. Especially when this thing can link two worlds together."
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