It was difficult for the huge commotion Yi Yun had stirred up at the guest exchange to not spread. Furthermore, they were in a pocket world within the hundred thousand pavilion palaces. It only took minutes for the news to proliferate the many areas of the hundred thousand pavilion palaces. Yi Yun's Poison Demon also became elevated to a godlike existence. Even maidservants of the White Lunar Divine Empire were discussing what had happened at the Lunar Maple Pavilion. They talked of a powerful ancient Fey that was the size of a mountain which left the entire pocket world trembling when it struck with its tiger claws, as though everything would crumble.
And when Yi Yun became the focus of attention, a rumor began spreading: Yi Yun was the husband of the empress-designate of the White Lunar Divine Empire!
Yi Yun had come to the White Lunar Divine Empire not to congratulate the empress-designate's ascension to the throne, but to seek his wife!
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