Ravenjade Shangjing Tea of the finest quality had been served. Nanxuan Jue invited Yi Yun to join him at the seats of honor. The masked elder sat down right after Nanxuan Jue. He looked ashamed of himself as he met Yi Yun this time. He cupped his fists and said, "I had poor judgment, so please forgive me for any disrespect I might have shown you."
Yi Yun said, "Senior, you are being too polite. If it were me, I too would feel suspicious about an unknown stranger giving me a drop of blood to refine. It's only human."
In fact, Yi Yun never refuted the masked man's words of mistrust against him, nor did he feel displeased about his attitude in any way. The masked man's reaction was only natural, for Yi Yun never gave them a reason to trust him.
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