"You were instructed to produce your blood, so why are you still in a daze?"
The thick-browed personal disciple said unhappily when he noticed that Yi Yun did not react to his instruction. Yi Yun glanced at him and knew his surname was Song. He was ranked the lowest among the four personal disciples. According to Senior Brother Ji, Song would only become an official disciple of Elder Taiqing in a couple more days.
Song was infuriated when he saw Yi Yun glance at him indifferently before ignoring him. As a personal disciple, he had always been placed on a pedestal and was accustomed to people looking at him with envy and respect. When had a candidate disciple ever shown him such contempt?
Just as he was about to teach the punk who did not know better a lesson, Senior Brother Ji stopped him. "Junior Brother Song, that's enough."
"With that said," Senior Brother Ji looked at Yi Yun. "Are you not willing to produce more blood?"
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