The Myriad Pavilion's manager quickly delivered detailed reports of available stores. Yi Yun took one look at the prices and could not help but waver.
Myriad City was thriving just a little too well. It could be considered a megacity even in the entire Yang God Empyrean Heaven. The amount of profit the stores in the central region took in was astronomical. Even ignoring the Myriad Divine Territory's factions, there were several factions from other territories of the Yang God Empyrean Heaven that set up shop in Myriad City. This made the stores in Myriad City hot property.
Some of the large storefronts in the central district had an annual rent of 20,000 runes, with a ten-year deposit required.
It sounded very expensive but, on second thought, a few big deals a year would pay that rent and then some.
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