The crowd of people that were jolted awake could not believe their ears.
Hibernation Awakening! Furthermore, it was the Hibernation Awakening recognition of the Empress Earth Dao Tree!
People were such curious creatures. When a person that was always much stronger than their wildest imagination, such as Ran Yu or Gu Luo, they would not doubt feats accomplished by those people despite feeling shocked. They would only accept it reluctantly, and they would even look up to the person as an idol. An idol being great was taken for granted.
But if the person who accomplished a feat was one who everyone believed was someone weaker than them, it would become something unacceptable.
Eye Opening was already unbelievable for them, but now… it was Hibernation Awakening!
"Impossible!" The moment Cang Mang said his words, Lie Ya could not help but cry out.
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