Against so many guards, the girl's cousin immediately turned pale. Ah Niu's heart sank. He had never seen so many experts back in his family clan, and each and everyone of them far exceeded him in strength. He could feel the pressure.
"What do you want to do?"
Ah Yu held her breath as her heart began to beat rapidly. Were they going to plunder them for their wealth? Was there still any law here?
"Hur Hur, do not worry. These guards may look a bit fierce, but they are not planning on doing anything to you. Just now, we already closed our deal. A hundred low-ranking relics and sending you to my Li Fire Sect as a Miscellaneous Chores disciple. These people are here to escort you to my Li Fire Sect. I am a man of my word."
The long-faced man did not dare murder someone within Heaven Martial City, and to answer to the public and to be on the side of reason, he was indeed going to send Ah Niu and Ah Yu to the Li Fire Sect.
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