In front of Yi Yun, Ji Chang had a greater fighting spirit. Ji Chang thought so as well. "Start the array! What does Your Excellency think about twelve levels of difficulty?"
Although his speech was respectful, the way Ji Chang looked at Yi Yun was full of provocation. The natives of the vast wilderness were poor in technique, so even though this adonis, Yi Yun, might have great physical attributes resulting in his conferment as Kingdom Knight, so what?
"Alright, twelve levels of difficulty." Yi Yun did not care. This difficulty was nothing to him.
A scion from the Jing State Young Masters Faction grinned before pressing the twelfth crystal.
Immediately the sons of the vast wilderness held their breaths as they looked at Yi Yun with worry and anticipation.
Twelve Frost Metal Blood Balls roared and assailed Yi Yun and Ji Chang like meteors!
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