No one saw how the black-clothed man kicked Zheng Chao off the stage. Feng Wu looked on in disbelief. He was sure that he wouldn’t be able to kick Zheng Chao off as easily.
Ye Mo frowned. He saw clearly that the black-clothed man’s moves were filled with eeriness and so was his inner qi. His inner qi might not be as strong as Zheng Chao’s, but Zheng Chao was obviously not used to this ghostly way off fighting. Just then, the black-clothed man had twisted his body into a double helix shape. It was very brief, but Ye Mo picked up on it with his spirit sense.
Ye Mo was sure that if the man used a style of fighting Zheng Chao was used to, victory would be hard to predict. As for him, the threat this black-clothed man posed was far less than Wang Lenchan because under his spirit sense, this black-clothed man’s elusive moves were clear as day.
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