What the prisoners expected most was not the day when the canteen held a feast, or the occasional activities in the prison, nor the day when they were exempted from work.
They looked forward to "Visiting hours" the most.
The day they could meet their families and friends.
"Cheng Youmin, Li Sicheng, Wang Wei, Zeng Jinfu…"
The prisoners would stand up when the jailer called their names one by one. Some would go into the meeting room with sweet smiles. Some went out of the room in melancholy. And some would sit there waiting in helplessness.
Certainly, there was a man who was never called… as no one came to meet him.
The man was about 60 years old with short straight hair. His hair was half-black and half-white. He might be younger than his real age. After all, the life in jail was not comfortable so he looked old.
But Zhou Xiaokun knew that the old man sitting beside him by the field was 57 years old today... because today was this old man's birthday.
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