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Write a reviewReally hope this does get continued, I highly enjoyed the first version and this on. Great work overall.
This is great, would like more focus on the restaurant though. And more chapters more often. xD
Where can i read the first version? Because based on the review the mc on the first version has more flavor than the new one. (Filler to meet the word count required and approved by Webnovel.)
Well... This should be a good novel. But, somehow lately there are more and more lemon scene chapters? You know what? I hate a novel being ruined just because he's horny.That's not funny, buddy.
Tbh, there is so much potential here but it’s a couple of little things that ruin it for me. Even just knowing some of the characters background would have been 10x more interesting. The Mc needs more screen time and characters are being added too fast so it’s hard to keep up with the story. Also, describing characters one after another makes it hard to recognize the character. Although I read 5-10 chapters and then stopped, it was somewhat good from my understanding and had potential to a good story with 150+ chapters of fleshed out right.
Клас улёт продасаааааааапппааааааааааозщршмгпдпшадпдмшмшпщпжмдижржпж# ХхххххххххххххххххххххххххххххххххххххххххххххххХхххххххххххххххххххххххххххххххххххххххххххххххХххххххххххххххххххххххххххххххххххххххххххххххх
You know it's a good fanfiction but at the starting it get's jumbled up due to author introducing too many characters together and most of the time he uses 1st name only which makes it difficult to follow sometimes. Buttttt.... it's a good novel after everything is set in stage but author should also give mc some chance to show is powers and author has also totally forgotten about the system which was only shown 1 time through the entire 70+ chapters. There should be some more solo moments with heroines and him just leaving this restaurant as a gathering shot for other while he's just gone to other world to have some fun. Mc also through the whole time didn't have any information about other anime worlds and he'll be learning slowly. Mc is also not revenge oriented as he's parents were killed and author just skips the part of there revenge while sending zeref taking care of whole organisation. It should have been mc taking care of his own revenge.
Very good story, I like how the idea is developing, I hope to be able to continue reading this story for a long time. [img=Cries][img=Cries]
This shit good author must continue this story I would be happy if you stick to it till it end unlike other authors they let me hanging no updates for months to even years.Uour great keep it up!👏👍👌😁
It's very good story 💯✨✨✨✨✨ . Bnaj dbwnsmsnsndndm wmsnsndnd ndndbdnsnsnsnndndn no jnwnsnsnsnsnsnsnsnjejsbsbsbsbsbsbsbsbsbsbsbsnsnsnsndndndndndnnd
Es 5 estrellas por opinión personal, la verdad es que la historia es muy completa y se ve que el autor hizo su tarea, no se sienten agujeros muy obvios, la verdad es que el único problema es que son muy cortos los capítulos, saludos autor
Я надеюсь что ты не забросишь этот фанфик)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
La historis esta bien peeeeeeeeroooo el protagonista no me gusta no se porque ("tal ves porque solo tiene potencial" como dicen)
It is like crack. How many authors try the multiverse angle and drop after a couple of chapters? Countless. This work is a gem. It juggles a plethora of verses with respect and love for them. Great job!
Uhh for some reason the old one seemed WAAAAAAAY better? The writing now just honestly how to say this nicely? Sucks. And corney as hell. Hugging Sakura and all that. Come on now.
Sin duda es un muy buen fic, aun mas considerando que es un crossover masivo. Si tuviera que poner una queja, o algo negativo seria que, quizas al querer avanzar con la historia se han apurado varias posibles interacciones que serian interesantes, por ejemplo Kisuke deberia haber tenido algun tipo de reaccion ante Ainz que es un no-muerto, ya que el es un shinigami, un ser que proteje el ciclo natural de las almas
One of the best I have been reading lately. I wish there would be more update. I am at p@treon. Love author. Best wishes. [img=strong][img=thinking][img=recommend][img=recommend]
He dropped out again at the same point as before (The funny thing is that their Patreon keeps updating and I found out after someone mentioned that to me)
Really hope this does get continued, I highly enjoyed the first version and this on. Great work overall.
This is great, would like more focus on the restaurant though. And more chapters more often. xD
Where can i read the first version? Because based on the review the mc on the first version has more flavor than the new one. (Filler to meet the word count required and approved by Webnovel.)
Well... This should be a good novel. But, somehow lately there are more and more lemon scene chapters? You know what? I hate a novel being ruined just because he's horny.That's not funny, buddy.
Tbh, there is so much potential here but it’s a couple of little things that ruin it for me. Even just knowing some of the characters background would have been 10x more interesting. The Mc needs more screen time and characters are being added too fast so it’s hard to keep up with the story. Also, describing characters one after another makes it hard to recognize the character. Although I read 5-10 chapters and then stopped, it was somewhat good from my understanding and had potential to a good story with 150+ chapters of fleshed out right.
Клас улёт продасаааааааапппааааааааааозщршмгпдпшадпдмшмшпщпжмдижржпж# ХхххххххххххххххххххххххххххххххххххххххххххххххХхххххххххххххххххххххххххххххххххххххххххххххххХххххххххххххххххххххххххххххххххххххххххххххххх
You know it's a good fanfiction but at the starting it get's jumbled up due to author introducing too many characters together and most of the time he uses 1st name only which makes it difficult to follow sometimes. Buttttt.... it's a good novel after everything is set in stage but author should also give mc some chance to show is powers and author has also totally forgotten about the system which was only shown 1 time through the entire 70+ chapters. There should be some more solo moments with heroines and him just leaving this restaurant as a gathering shot for other while he's just gone to other world to have some fun. Mc also through the whole time didn't have any information about other anime worlds and he'll be learning slowly. Mc is also not revenge oriented as he's parents were killed and author just skips the part of there revenge while sending zeref taking care of whole organisation. It should have been mc taking care of his own revenge.
Very good story, I like how the idea is developing, I hope to be able to continue reading this story for a long time. [img=Cries][img=Cries]
This shit good author must continue this story I would be happy if you stick to it till it end unlike other authors they let me hanging no updates for months to even years.Uour great keep it up!👏👍👌😁
It's very good story 💯✨✨✨✨✨ . Bnaj dbwnsmsnsndndm wmsnsndnd ndndbdnsnsnsnndndn no jnwnsnsnsnsnsnsnsnjejsbsbsbsbsbsbsbsbsbsbsbsnsnsnsndndndndndnnd
Es 5 estrellas por opinión personal, la verdad es que la historia es muy completa y se ve que el autor hizo su tarea, no se sienten agujeros muy obvios, la verdad es que el único problema es que son muy cortos los capítulos, saludos autor
Я надеюсь что ты не забросишь этот фанфик)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
La historis esta bien peeeeeeeeroooo el protagonista no me gusta no se porque ("tal ves porque solo tiene potencial" como dicen)
It is like crack. How many authors try the multiverse angle and drop after a couple of chapters? Countless. This work is a gem. It juggles a plethora of verses with respect and love for them. Great job!
Uhh for some reason the old one seemed WAAAAAAAY better? The writing now just honestly how to say this nicely? Sucks. And corney as hell. Hugging Sakura and all that. Come on now.
Sin duda es un muy buen fic, aun mas considerando que es un crossover masivo. Si tuviera que poner una queja, o algo negativo seria que, quizas al querer avanzar con la historia se han apurado varias posibles interacciones que serian interesantes, por ejemplo Kisuke deberia haber tenido algun tipo de reaccion ante Ainz que es un no-muerto, ya que el es un shinigami, un ser que proteje el ciclo natural de las almas
One of the best I have been reading lately. I wish there would be more update. I am at p@treon. Love author. Best wishes. [img=strong][img=thinking][img=recommend][img=recommend]
He dropped out again at the same point as before (The funny thing is that their Patreon keeps updating and I found out after someone mentioned that to me)