" * " : Indicates abilities that can be upgraded with practice, experience, or unique opportunities.]
> System inner voice ["speaking"] <
> Ash inner speech "speaking" <
The bandits continued to panic, running inside the house in fear. Some were shouting,
"Selina's ghost is here!"
"It's a ghost! Somebody save me!"
Others were cowering behind anything they could find, yelling, "No! I don't want to die!"
Seeing the chaos unfold, Ace's patience wore thin. A tick mark appeared on her head, and she shouted, "STOP SHOUTING, YOU IDIOTS! LISTEN TO US FIRST! SELINA IS NOT DEAD! SHE IS VERY MUCH ALIVE"
Her voice rang through the room, making all the bandits freeze and finally quiet down, turning their attention to her.
Meanwhile, Ash and Lucy could be seen off to the side, laughing hysterically, clutching their stomachs in amusement. Uta giggled at their antics, unable to hold it in.
Selina, who had been watching the commotion, smirked at the scene. Even Dragon and Ivankov couldn't help but grin at the situation.
Ace marched over to Ash and Lucy, her irritation evident. She bonked both of them on the heads, saying, "Stop laughing, idiots!"
Lucy and Ash, still clutching their heads in pain, apologized to Ace.
Ace let out a long sigh before turning to the bandits. "First of all, why are you guys thinking that Selina was dead?"
Dogra stepped forward, tears still in his eyes. "I was at the port, and I wanted to see the World Noble just once. I snuck over and saw Selina in the sea. She was shot by the World Noble…"
Ace sighed again and moved toward Selina, gently touching her shoulder. "See, you idiots? She's very much alive, just like I said. She didn't die. Ash saved her, and we brought her back."
Selina smiled and reassured the bandits, "Don't worry, guys. I'm alive and well. Thank you so much for caring about me."
The bandits erupted in cheers, relieved that Selina was safe.
Lucy, always ready to celebrate, shouted, "Yes! Let's party!"
Everyone cheered when Lucy shouted, excited at the prospect of a celebration. Ash chuckled, while Uta giggled along with Selina. Ace just sigh how they changed in a second by just mentioning party but couldn't help grinning at the joy around her.
Ash then turned to Dragon and Ivankov, "Why don't you join us for the party? You can leave afterward. I'll be cooking."
The bandits and Lucy cheered again at the mention of Ash cooking the food. Ash chuckled as he awaited Dragon and Ivankov's response.
Ivankov replied, "We have to leave soon, but we can stay for a quick meal."
Dragon, however, nodded, "Our people are still on the ship. We can have some food before heading out."
Ivankov agreed, "As you say, Dragon-san."
Blue jam, still in her female form, shouted from the corner, "Change me back into a man, don't leave me like this!"
Ivankov, without missing a beat, replied, "Let Dragon-san decide that."
Ash quickly added, "I want her back as a man too, so I can get the bounty."
Dragon nodded in agreement, "Ivankov will change her back when we leave."
Ivankov reluctantly agreed, "Fine, fine. We'll do it then."
Ash started cooking, expertly preparing the various meats: beef, tiger, boar, and crocodile. Uta helped him, passing ingredients and stirring pots. The delicious aroma filled the air, causing Lucy and the bandits to salivate. Lucy, unable to contain herself, kept asking if it was done yet. Ash, without missing a beat, replied, "No, not yet."
Ace, visibly irritated, snapped, "Shut up and wait, Lucy."
Lucy pouted but couldn't help but salivate more.
Dragon, observing his daughter's impatient behaviour, just sighed in resignation.
After a while, the food was finally ready. The bandits immediately jumped in, with Lucy joining them, excited to dig in. Meanwhile, Ace, Selina, Uta, Ash, Dragon, and Ivankov sat down to eat more neatly, enjoying the meal in a more composed manner.
Ivankov, glancing at the lively scene, asked, "Is it like this every day? Soo…. energetic?"
Ash chuckled, "Yes, pretty much."
After the party, the bandits cheerfully volunteered to clean the dishes, with Dadan joining them, and they all worked together to tidy up the mess.
Dragon stood up, nodding toward Ash. "We should head back. Thanks for the food, Ash. You're a good cook."
Ivankov, twirling with excitement, chimed in, "Oh, darling, you should come to our kingdom! We have so many different dishes! I can show you the Okama way of cooking. What do you say?"
Ash sweat dropped, stammering, "I... I'll think about it, but thanks for offering."
The girls chuckled softly at Ash's discomfort.
Ash then turned his attention back to Blue jam. "Before you leave, can you change Blue jam back into a man?"
Ivankov smiled and injected Emporio male hormones into Blue jam's body with their fingers. In a flash, Blue jam transformed back into a man.
Once that was done, Ash turned to the bandits. "Please wait here and guard the pirates. We'll be with the guests."
Ash, the girls, Dragon, and Ivankov made their way outside. Dragon, turning to them, shook each of their hands warmly. "You kids have good hearts, and you're powerful for your age."
He then turned to Selina. "Selina, I'd like to offer you the chance to join our Revolutionaries."
Dragon's gaze shifted to Ash, Ace, Lucy, and Uta. "What do you say? Will you join us?"
Dragon, waiting to hearing their responses, smiled softly. Lucy, still with her rebellious spirit, crossed her arms. "Old man, even if you are my dad, I won't forgive you if you take my crew. I'm going to be the Queen of Pirates! I'll be free, finding the biggest treasure."
Ash, initially stunned by the offer, snapped out of it. He hadn't expected Dragon to ask him to join the Revolutionaries. "Sorry, Dragon-san, I already agreed to be captain with your daughter. I want to become the King of Pirates alongside her."
Uta, smiling brightly, added, "Yes, Uncle Dragon, I also agreed to join their crew."
Ace, with a determined grin, chimed in, "Same here. I've agreed to be vice-captain."
Selina, however, stood in quiet contemplation. Her gaze shifted between her friends and Dragon. She had been through so much. She never thought she'd see her friends again after running away from her father. She even left to go to sea because of that, but now, here they were again. She wasn't sure what to say. After a long pause, she finally spoke.
Selina turned to Dragon, her voice a mix of sadness and gratitude. "Uncle, if you had given me this same offer yesterday, I would have accepted. But..." She was interrupted by Lucy, who burst out in tears. "Selina, you're leaving the crew? I won't allow it! No, no, no! Ash, say something!"
Uta, quick to intervene, bonked Lucy on the head. "Wait until she finishes her words, idiot."
Selina smiled softly, a bittersweet expression on her face as she looked at Dragon. She continued, "But I realized that my strength is with my family here," she pointed to Ash and the girls. "I may be able to save people from the nobles or royals who discriminate against them, freeing them... but I believe I can do the same while being a pirate with these guys. I love them. They are my family. I want to have adventures with them and write a book about it."
She paused, taking a deep breath before finishing, "So, I'm sorry, but I can't accept your offer. I'm also the vice-captain of the crew we're going to be."
As Selina spoke from her heart, her words resonated deeply with the others. Lucy, Ace, and Uta rushed to hug her, tears still in Lucy's eyes. Ash joined them, laughing warmly, feeling the bond between them stronger than ever.
Dragon and Ivankov laughed heartily, their voices echoing in the forest as they watched the group's conviction and unbreakable bond. Dragon smiled, his usual stoic expression softening. "It's fine, I didn't expect you to agree anyways" he said, his tone understanding.
Before Dragon could say more, Ash stepped forward with a serious expression. "But I have a proposal for you," he said, his voice carrying weight.
Dragon raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "What is it?" he asked.
Ash met Dragon's gaze confidently. "How about an alliance between us in the future?" he suggested. "Whenever we come across places where people are suppressed, oppressed by rules, or denied their freedom, or we face a situation just like the other day, we'll inform you and help where we can. In return can you help us train whenever you can?"
"But this alliance will be a secret. Only you and Ivankov-san, along with anyone you trust implicitly, will know about this arrangement. And we'll do the same on our end. What do you say?"
Dragon and Ivankov exchanged knowing glances, silently acknowledging the immense potential they saw in Ash and the girls. They knew that forming an alliance with such promising individuals could prove invaluable in the future. After a brief moment of thought, both nodded in agreement and turned back to face the group.
Dragon extended his hand towards Ash, his demeanor firm yet respectful. "I agree to your proposal," he said, sealing the pact with a handshake.
Ash grinned, his excitement evident, but before he could speak, Lucy jumped in enthusiastically. "Yes, Dad! Teach us! Grandpa just keeps nagging us to join the Marines every time!" she complained, crossing her arms with a pout.
Dragon burst out laughing at Lucy's remark. "Sure, me and my comrades will help train you," he said, his tone lighter. Then, with a chuckle, he added, "By the way, your grandpa's been like that since I was a kid. Always going on about the Marines. You'd think he's busy at headquarters, but really, he's just sitting there eating senbei all day."
Ash heard two distinct chimes ring in his mind just as Dragon agreed to the alliance. Though curious, he chose to ignore them for now, deciding to check them later.
As Dragon spoke about Garp, the man himself suddenly appeared, striding in with an energetic aura and wearing a flamboyant flower-patterned shirt. Without any preamble, Garp delivered a resounding "fist of love" to both Dragon and Lucy, causing them to groan and clutch their heads in pain. The sheer impact of the punches left Ivankov and the girls gaping in shock, their jaws practically hitting the ground. Even the mighty Dragon couldn't escape Garp's wrath.
Garp's booming voice echoed loudly, shaking the atmosphere. "You ungrateful son of mine! Is this how you think of your old man? And is this how you teach your kid to respect her elders? And you, Lucy! How dare you say such things and side with this fool about your grandpa!"
Lucy, still clutching her aching head, yelled back, "But you always try to kill me whenever I ask you to train me!"
A tick mark appeared on Garp's forehead as he grabbed Lucy by her shirt and gave her another firm "fist of love." "Don't say scandalous things!" he bellowed. "All I did was try to make you strong! I threw you off bottomless cliffs, left you in the jungle at night, tied you to a balloon, and sent you flying to the sky. All of it was to make you a strong Marine, which I want you to be!"
Hearing this, Ash and the girls sweat-dropped, their faces plastered with nervous smiles, while Ivankov's eyes practically popped out of his head. The sheer absurdity of Garp's "training methods" left everyone momentarily speechless.
Dragon, finally recovering from the first blow, interjected, "You old man, how could you do that to my daughter!?"
Before he could say more, Garp turned on him and delivered another resounding fist of love. Dragon groaned, clutching his head, now sporting two bumps of pain. Garp continued without missing a beat, "I did the same to you, you ungrateful child! And look how you turned out—the best Marine of your time! But the moment I take my eyes off you, one becomes the leader of a revolutionary army, and the other starts spouting nonsense about becoming a pirate and has already formed a crew!"
Lucy, her pride stung, and Dragon, still smarting, shouted at the same time. Lucy yelled, "But I always wanted to be a pirate!" while Dragon bellowed, "I hated following those full-bowl idiots!" Their simultaneous rebellion earned them both another merciless fist of love from Garp, who barked, "Don't talk back to your elders!"
Ivankov, witnessing the scene unfold with wide eyes, leaned toward Ash and the girls and murmured, "Dragon-san is being completely overwhelmed by Garp-san. Where is the fearless revolutionary leader I know?"
Ash and the girls sweat-dropped, thinking the same thing. The mighty Dragon, who inspired legions, was no match for Garp's raw, parental dominance. The sight of Dragon, a man feared across the world, reduced to a scolded child was both shocking and strangely hilarious.
When Garp finally calmed down, Dragon and Lucy were left clutching their heads in pain, the two bumps on their heads now sporting smaller bumps on top. Garp, seemingly oblivious to their suffering, turned to Dragon and remarked, "You've gotten weak. Looks like you've stopped training since becoming the leader, huh?"
Ivankov couldn't hold back and shouted, "Obviously! You didn't even give him time to resist!"
Garp, unconcerned, picked his nose casually. Dragon, trying to reclaim his composure and authority, snapped, "Ivankov, don't tell anyone about what happened here, okay?"
Ivankov crossed his arms and sighed. "Dragon, be practical. If I revealed this, your reputation would crumble. Fine, I'll keep it a secret."
Garp then turned back to Dragon, his tone sharp. "And how dare you ask these kids to join your group of miscreants?"
Before Dragon could defend himself, Ash interrupted, "Grandpa, we rejected his offer and formed an alliance instead."
A tick mark appeared on Garp's forehead. "What did you say, brat?"
Ash, unfazed, smirked. "Old age making you deaf, huh? You heard me. We're in an alliance with him. Oh, and he also agreed to train us to become stronger."
Garp's eyes widened as his temper flared. "What?! Him, training you kids? Don't make me laugh! Join the Marines, and I'll teach you to be stronger than him!"
Ash replied calmly, "Sorry, but we're going to be pirates, not Marines."
Garp clenched his fist and shouted, "Brat, do you want to try my fist of love?"
Unfazed, Ash retorted with a smirk, "By the way, you already promised to teach us and help us get stronger."
Dragon looked between Ash and Garp in confusion. "How did that happen?"
Uta, recalling the events, began to giggle. "Let me tell you how Ash tricked him!" She then explained the story to everyone.
When she finished, Dragon burst into laughter acting out of his character, clutching his stomach. He pointed at Garp, who now had a visible tick mark on his forehead. "Old man, it seems you've lost your touch! Manipulated by a kid my daughter's age!"
Garp, unable to contain his irritation, bonked Dragon so hard with his fist of love that his head hit the ground, leaving him stuck like an ostrich. Turning back to Ash, Garp grumbled, "Brat, I only agreed to train three of you, not Ace and that other brat." He gestured toward Selina and Ace.
Ash smirked even wider. "Oh, so you can only teach three of us because of your old age? Sorry for asking, then."
Garp's anger exploded again. "Who are you calling old, brat?! I'll show you! I can train and teach all five of you!"
When he finished, Ace and Selina cheered enthusiastically. Dragon, still laughing despite the bump on his head, pointed at Garp again. "Old man, you got tricked again by the same kid!"
Realizing the truth, Garp's jaw dropped. He couldn't believe he had fallen for Ash's ploy a second time. Before he could respond, Dragon stepped in. "Don't worry, old man. If you can't train them, I'll do it."
Not wanting to be one-upped, Garp sighed deeply and muttered, "Fine. I'll teach and train all five of you. But as I said, if you can't grasp it, I'm not explaining it twice."
Ash and the girls cheered loudly, pulling Garp into a group hug, much to his embarrassment.
Garp, trying to hide his embarrassment, grumbled, "Alright, brats, leave me be now," before pointing at Selina. "Okay, now who is this brat?"
Ash stepped forward with a grin and replied, "Her name is Selina, and it's a long story". Ash starts telling the whole story.
Garp, after hearing about the royals, clenched his fists in anger but knew he couldn't do anything. He had been informed by Sengoku about the incoming Celestial Dragon but was powerless to act. He turned to Dragon and asked, "So, you didn't come to save people?"
Dragon shook his head, replying, "No, I came here after getting information that a Celestial Dragon was coming to Goa Kingdom, which is my home. Fearing they might cause harm, I came here. Thanks to Selina, I found out about the royals' plan, and thanks to Ash and the girls, I was able to save the people before anyone could die."
Garp asked, "Where are the people now?"
Dragon answered, "They're with my people on the ship. I'm going to find them a safe place or island away from here."
Dragon grunted, "Why? Are you going to arrest us?"
Garp replied, "No, brat. I'm on vacation here, not as a marine. I don't care what you do."
Everyone understood that Garp supported their actions and was grateful they were there to help the people. Meanwhile, Lucy and Ace turned to Dragon.
"Hey, dad/uncle, will you come here after and train us with grandpa?" Lucy asked.
Dragon chuckled, "I can't come every time, leaving my people. I have to be there to give orders and guide them. Also I'm a wanted man you know."
Uta asked, "Then how are you going to teach us?"
Garp laughed, "That's right, brat! Leave it to me! I'll train these kids to become strong marines!"
Ash and the girls shouted, "No, we're going to be pirates, not marines!"
Selina, thinking of a solution, said, "How about whenever Garp-san is on vacation, he can train us, and Uncle Dragon can train us the rest of the time?"
Dragon nodded, "Good idea, kid." He took out a Den Den Mushi and continued, "We'll be in contact with this. It's a special one that the marines can't track, so be careful using it."
Ash took it, slipping it into his pocket and opening his inventory to hide it from view. Dragon continued, "Call me, and I'll send you a ship to bring you to our base."
Ash and the girls agreed. Meanwhile, Garp just picked his nose, uninterested.
Dragon and Ivankov finished explaining how to use the secure Den Den Mushi and then turned to the group. Ivankov smiled and twirled dramatically. "It's time for us to leave, kids. Stay safe and keep growing stronger!"
As they turned to depart, Ash spoke up. "Before you go, I have one suggestion. The people you rescued from Grey Terminal—some of them might be criminals. Please be careful with them."
Dragon laughed, his tone light but confident. "We already considered that, even without your suggestion. But thank you, Ash. I appreciate the concern."
Ivankov waved flamboyantly. "We'll see you again soon, darlings! Don't let that Marine geezer turn you into boring rule-followers!" which made Garp have a tick mark on his head.
As Dragon and Ivankov walked away, the group waved goodbye, Lucy being the most cheerful among them. "Bye, Dad! Come back soon!" she shouted with a wide grin.
Once they were out of sight, Ash and the girls turned with Garp toward Dadan's house. Inside, Dadan and the bandits peeked nervously from behind windows and doorframes, sweating bullets as they watched the approaching group.
Garp's voice boomed, "Dadan! Get out here from wherever you're hiding!"
Dadan hesitantly stepped out, forcing a nervous laugh. "Garp-san! What a surprise! I didn't see you coming!"
Garp gave her a sharp glare. "What did I tell you, huh? I said I wanted these brats to stop spouting nonsense about being pirates. And now, you've even let another brat join them with this crazy idea!"
Dadan stammered, beads of sweat rolling down her face. "G-Garp-san, they're too strong for us! We couldn't stop them if we tried!"
From inside, one of the bandits shouted, "It's true, Garp-san! Those monsters are way too strong for us!"
"Be silent!" Garp bellowed, making the bandits cower in fear.
Turning back to Dadan, who was trembling, Garp crossed his arms. "You and your gang escaped jail this time because you risked your necks to save my grandkids—even though you knew they could handle themselves."
Dadan and the bandits blinked in shock before collectively bowing their heads. "Arigato, Garp-san!"
Inside the house, Garp's sharp eyes immediately landed on Blue jam and his crew tied up in the corner. His face darkened with rage as he stomped over to them. "You scum dare to harm my grandchildren? Who do you think you are?"
Without waiting for a response, Garp began pummeling them mercilessly, his fists moving with the speed and power of a seasoned warrior. Blue jam, already beaten and bruised, received the brunt of Garp's wrath. After a few minutes, the once-tended wounds of the pirates were now replaced with fresh bruises and swelling. Blue jam, who had already lost a few teeth, spat out even more, groaning in agony.
When Garp finally stopped, the pirates were a pathetic sight, piled in a heap and barely conscious.
Ash stepped forward and asked, "Grandpa, can you help us collect the bounties for these guys?"
Garp nodded, pulling out a Den Den Mushi. "Fine, brat. I'll take care of it." He called his right-hand man, Bogard. "Bogard, bring some marines with shackles and enough rope to tie up about 100 people. Get to Mt. Colbo, Dadan's hideout, quickly."
Roughly 15 minutes later, Bogard arrived with 12 marines. Garp pointed to the beaten pirates and commanded, "Shackle these fools, tie them up securely, and load them onto the ship. Don't leave a single one behind."
The marines moved swiftly, locking the pirates in heavy chains and binding them with thick ropes. Blue jam groaned pitifully as he was dragged away. After a short while, Bogard and his team left, hauling the defeated Blue jam pirates down the mountain toward their awaiting ship.
Garp remained for a few more hours, sharing stories and keeping a watchful eye on the group. Eventually, he stretched, letting out a loud yawn. Turning to Ash and the girls, he said, "Alright, brats, I'll be leaving now. Take a couple of days to rest and enjoy yourselves. I'll be back after handing these pirates over to the nearest Marine branch and get their bounties after locking them up."
His tone shifted, carrying a hint of amusement. "When I return, the real training starts. I'll make you regret asking me to train you!"
He let out a thunderous laugh, the sound echoing through the hideout. Ash and the girls froze, feeling an ominous chill run down their spines as they imagined the gruelling days ahead.
"Enjoy it while you can, kids," Garp added with a smirk before turning to leave, his laughter fading into the distance.
Ash turned to the girls; his expression determined. "Okay, girls, we can't let him discourage us. Since we have a couple of days, let's take as much rest as we can. That means no extra physical activities or training or straining activities, okay?"
Selina nodded, her tone firm but understanding. "I agree. It's a good chance for me to recover too. But after this, I'm going to train harder. You guys have already gotten stronger than me, and I need to catch up fast."
Lucy, ever cheerful, grinned and declared, "Then I'll help you, Selina!"
Ace and Uta chimed in enthusiastically, joining Lucy in agreement as they all enveloped Selina in a group hug, laughing together.
After some time spent talking and teasing, the exhaustion from the previous sleepless day finally caught up to them. All 5 of them, worn out completely but comforted by their bond, headed to bed, eager to get a long and much-needed rest.
To be continued...
Hey everyone! I'm always looking for ways to make this story even better, and I'd love to hear your ideas. What powers do you think should be available in Ash's store? Maybe you have some cool concepts for abilities, weapons, or items that could make the adventure even more exciting!
Feel free to drop your suggestions in the comments, and if there's anything specific, you'd love to see in future chapters, let me know! I might even integrate your ideas into the story.
Also, don't forget to give some Power Stones if you're enjoying the journey! Your support means the world. 😊
" * " : Indicates abilities that can be upgraded with practice, experience, or unique opportunities.]
> System inner voice ["speaking"] <
> Ash inner speech "speaking" <
The morning sun streamed through the gaps in Dadan's hideout, filling the space with a soft, golden light. The bandits and the girls sat around, waiting for Ash to finish cooking breakfast. After the chaotic events of the past couple of days, the rest they'd gotten had been much needed, and it showed in their more relaxed demeanor.
Ash soon brought out the freshly cooked meal, and everyone eagerly dug in, enjoying the rare moment of peace. Once breakfast was over, Ash stepped outside, leaving the girls behind to help around the hideout.
Making his way to the clearing by the cliff, he found his usual spot under a sturdy tree. The salty breeze caressed his face as he leaned back against the trunk, closing his eyes for a moment. The serene sound of waves crashing below and the gentle rustle of leaves in the wind made him smile.
As he let the moment sink in, his thoughts drifted to the rewards he'd received the previous night, the memory bringing a sense of anticipation he hadn't shared with the others just yet.
After their dinner, the girls huddled together inside the house, falling asleep as usual. Ash, however, stepped outside, choosing the soft grass beneath the open sky as his resting spot. Lying on his back, he gazed up at the twinkling stars above, their quiet brilliance calming his thoughts.
"Celeste," Ash called, in his mind as the cool breeze carried by the still night. "Open the messages I received earlier."
In response, Celeste's familiar voice echoed in his mind. ["Of course, Ash. Opening the first one now."]
A glowing display appeared before his eyes, detailing the completion of the Grey Terminal quest:
Quest Completed: Prevent the Grey Terminal Incident
- Defeat the Blue Jam Pirates. ✅
- Disrupt the plans to burn the Grey Terminal. ✅
- Save as many people as possible before the fire breaks out. ✅
Rewards Breakdown:
-> EXP Gained
- Blue jam Defeated (Boss-Level Enemy): 8,000 EXP
- Mid-Level Pirates Defeated (x10): (Each pirate earns 700 EXP) 7,000 EXP
- Low-Level Pirates Defeated (x10): (Each pirate earns 300 EXP) 3,000 EXP
- Rescued Civilians (x178): (Each civilian rescued earns 200 EXP) 35,600 EXP
=> Total EXP Gained: 53,600 EXP
Other Rewards:
-> +1 Level
-> 1,000 Store Coins
-> Lottery Tickets (x5)
Ash smiled, pleased by the sheer amount of experience gained. "That was worth the effort," he thought, feeling a sense of accomplishment.
["You've still got a couple more messages waiting,"] Celeste reminded him cheerfully.
Ash blinked, recalling the notifications he'd received the day Dragon left. "Yeah, I remember. Show me—I'd like to check those now," he said.
Without delay, the second message began to materialize before his eyes.
Hidden Quest Completed: Changing the Fate of Ace and Selina
- Recruit Ace as a full-fledged crew member, changing her future path.✅
- Recruit Selina as a full-fledged crew member, steering her away from the Revolutionaries. ✅
Hidden Objective: Save Selina and help her to maintain her full memory and identity. ✅
Rewards Breakdown:
-> Objective 1: 5,000 EXP
-> Objective 2: 5,000 EXP
=> Total EXP Gained: 10,000 EXP
-> 1,000 Store Coins
-> Lottery Tickets (x3)
Hidden Objective Reward: Bonus Reward
Ash seeing this gets confused and asks Celeste, "But didn't Selina already accept to join with me, Lucy, and Uta? Ace and Selina accepted to become vice-captains, right? Why didn't it finish then?"
Celeste responds, ["Even though Selina accepted, she had doubts because of her past. But due to the events that happened, her thoughts were confused, and she couldn't decide. After she got saved by you and met the girls again, she finally decided which path she should take."]
Ash, in his mind, thinks, "So, in a way, she started to accept that we've got her back, no matter what kind of situation she gets in. We gave her the hope she needed making her break the shackles of her past, right?"
Celeste responds, ["Yes."]
Ash smiles and replies, "I'm happy that we gave her hope then. Okay, Celeste, open the bonus rewards."
Celeste opens the message, revealing five glowing mystery boxes marked with a glowing "?".
Ash selects the first three of the five mystery boxes. As Celeste opens them, the rewards are revealed:
Ash selects the three of the five mystery boxes without wasting the time. As Celeste opens them, the rewards are revealed:
Name: Nimbus Staff
Grade: Epic
Type: Weapon - Transforming Staff
Description: A mystical staff bound to its wielder's soul, allowing for control of its form and size. Crafted from ancient magic, it responds only to its true owner and adapts to their will in battle.
• Soul Bound: The staff is bound to the wielder's soul, making it impossible for anyone else to wield or break.
• Will-Controlled Movement: The user can control the staff's movements and direction with their will, allowing for effortless strikes and maneuvers. The staff can also be returned to the user at any distance by simply willing it to their hand.
• Unbreakable: The staff is immune to elemental and physical attacks, making it indestructible.
• Size Alteration: The user can change the staff's size at will, from small to large, to suit the combat situation.
• The staff's size change requires a brief concentration period, leaving the user vulnerable for a moment.
• Will Control: The staff's movement and ability to return to the user are tied to the wielder's focus. If the user is mentally distracted or fatigued, the staff's control becomes less precise, reducing its effectiveness in battle.
Name: Poseidon's Grace
Grade: Epic
Type: Fruit (Consumable)
Description: Poseidon's Grace is a rare fruit that permanently removes the weaknesses of Devil Fruit users. Upon consumption, the user becomes immune to seawater and Sea Stone, eliminating the usual debilitating effects these elements have on Devil Fruit powers. Additionally, the fruit grants immunity to any ability or power that would normally negate or nullify a Devil Fruit user's ability.
• Immunity to seawater and Sea Stone.
• Immunity to all powers that negate or suppress Devil Fruit abilities.
Limit: The effect is exclusive to the consumer.
Name: Utility Upgrade Ticket (x5)
Grade: Epic
Type: Consumable
A specialized ticket that upgrades a utility item to the next tier of quality, enhancing its functionality and reducing its limitations. Applicable to items from Common to Epic, this ticket cannot be used on Legendary or Mythic items.
• Upgrades utility items from Common → Uncommon, Uncommon → Rare, Rare → Epic.
• Enhances the item's abilities, reduces cooldowns, or unlocks new features.
• Cannot upgrade items beyond Epic grade.
• Only usable on utility-type items.
Ash's eyes widened as he saw the three rewards revealed before him. "All Epic again?" he muttered, scratching the back of his head in slight frustration.
Celeste giggled in his mind; her tone playful. ["Well, what can I say? It was you who selected them, Ash. Maybe your luck is just stuck at Epic level for now. But do you really think the reward not worth it?"]
Ash pouted slightly, crossing his arms. "Still, it's... a bit disappointing." But as his gaze lingered on the descriptions of each reward, his expression softened.
"Even though they're Epic, these rewards are actually pretty amazing," he admitted with a small grin. "The staff sounds incredible, Poseidon's Grace is a game-changer, and those upgrade tickets will be super handy."
Celeste chuckled again. ["See? I told you it's not all bad. You've got some real treasures here."] Ash nodded, his pout fading into satisfaction as he examined the items more closely.
Ash asks Celeste, "Alright, Celeste, open my last message."
Celeste responds cheerfully, ["Sure thing, Ash. Here it is!"]
Hidden Quest Completed: Ally of the Revolutionary
- Gain the trust and earn a good opinion from Dragon. ✅
- Decline Dragon's offer to join the Revolutionary Army. ✅
Hidden Objective:
- Make an offer and establish an alliance with the Revolutionary Army. ✅
-> Relationship boost with the Revolutionary Army.
-> Training offer from Dragon and revolutionary.
-> 5000 EXP
-> 1500 Store Coins
-> Lottery Tickets x2
Hidden Objective Reward: Tailored Reward Box (x5)
Ash asks, "What is this Tailored Reward Box, Celeste?"
Celeste replies, ["It's something special, Ash. Let me give you a brief description about it, see it."] She then displays the following description:
Tailored Reward Box:
A unique, one-time-use box that adapts to the user's current needs. Upon opening, it grants a random item, skill, or boost tailored to what the user requires most at that moment. Whether it's a healing item, combat-related boost, skill upgrade, or equipment enhancement, the box ensures that the user receives something directly useful for their journey or a recent challenge. It guarantees a meaningful reward based on immediate needs.
Ash considers the five Tailored Reward Boxes thoughtfully. "Four of these will be perfect for Ace, Lucy, Selina, and Uta," he thinks, smiling to himself. "I'll take the last one for myself. It'll be more meaningful to open them together when I give theirs."
With that decision made, he stores the boxes in his inventory carefully. Taking a moment to reflect, he tallies up the rewards in his mind and realizes with some excitement, "That makes 10 lottery tickets now, thanks to the rewards I just got."
Ash grins and says, "It seems I've got 10 lottery tickets. Do the spin, Celeste."
Celeste replies with a cheerful tone, ["Alright, Ash. Let's see what luck has in store for you!"]
The wheel spins in colorful lights, coming to a stop, revealing Ash's 10 rewards:
(Lottery x 10)
Name: Basic Health Potion (x5)
Grade: Common
Name: Basic First Aid Kit (x5)
Grade: Common
Name: Minor Luck Charm
Grade: Common
Name: Cameko
Grade: Uncommon
Type: Item (Transponder Snail)
Description: A Transponder Snail that records video and audio, allowing for clear transmission of visual footage.
• Captures both video and audio, unaffected by external interference or forces. Transmits footage to paired snails without disruption.
Name: Proko
Grade: Uncommon
Type: Item (Transponder Snail)
Description: A Transponder Snail designed to project video and audio from other snails.
• Projects live video and audio content received from other snails, immune to external interference or outside forces.
Name: Sea stone Shackles (Advanced)
Grade: Rare
Name: Training Boost Pill (x5)
Grade: Rare
Name: Gravitational Weights [Debuff Gravitational strain Str, Agi:70% ; End : 40%]
Grade: Epic
Name: Mental Fortitude Pills
Grade: Epic
Type: Consumable
Description: These rare pills permanently enhance mental strength and cognitive abilities. Consuming them grants a permanent boost to intelligence, increasing mental clarity, focus, and problem-solving skills.
• Increases intelligence stat permanently. (+50)
• Improves strategic thinking and comprehension.
Limit: Single-use item.
Name: Devil Fruit Extraction Core
Grade: Mythic
Type: Artifact
Description: A small, orb-shaped core that emits a faint, glowing aura, bound to the wielder of the Basket of Eternal Fruits. When activated, it extracts Devil Fruit powers from a weakened or unconscious target. These powers are then transferred to the Basket, where they transform into a new fruit. The core can only be used once per month. Only the wielder of the Basket can use the core.
• Extracts Devil Fruit powers from a weakened or unconscious target.
• Powers transform into a new fruit stored in the Basket of Eternal Fruits.
• Can only be used once per month.
Limit: Only the wielder of the Basket can use the core. Target must be weakened or unconscious for extraction to succeed.
Ash feels a mix of emotions as he reviews the rewards. Six of them, like the Health Potions and First Aid Kits, are already familiar to him. He can't help but feel a little disappointed, knowing he has already got them before.
Yet, there's a silver lining. The two Transponder Snails—Cameko and Proko—seem interesting enough for Uta, and the Mental Fortitude Pills look like something that could use to further enhance intelligence.
But what catches his attention most is the Devil Fruit Extraction Core. A Mythic grade item. Ash couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement. The idea of extracting Devil Fruit powers and turning them into new fruits felt like a game-changer.
The rarity of such an item stirs a sense of pride and wonder within him. "A Mythic reward..." he thinks, a quiet smile creeping onto his face. "It's worth the spin, after all."
While the other rewards felt familiar, the Mythic one had made it all feel worthwhile. Content, Ash decides to rest for the night. He places the rewards in his inventory and heads inside, the weight of the day's events catching up with him as he closes his eyes to sleep.
As Ash was reminiscing about the previous day events, a cheerful laugh followed by giggling reached his ears. He turned around and saw Lucy running towards him, her face bright with excitement. The rest of the girls were trailing behind, shouting for her to wait. Ash couldn't help but smile as he watched them approach.
Lucy, full of energy, jumped towards him. Ash, still sitting and leaning against the trunk, caught her effortlessly. The girls arrived shortly after, breathless but laughing.
Ash raised an eyebrow, glancing at the group with a smile. "What are you guys doing here? I thought you were helping around the house."
Lucy, full of energy, yelled childishly, "It's boring to do chores, Ash!"
Ash chuckled, unable to hold back his laughter. "Hmmm, you're correct. Then how about some gifts for you guys then?"
Lucy's eyes sparkled with excitement. "Yes, yes! Give me, give me!" She shook Ash, making the rest of the girl's chuckle at her eagerness.
Ash grinned. "Wait....Wait.....Let me take it out first."
With a dramatic flourish, Ash retrieved the Nimbus Staff from his inventory. He knelt in front of Selina, holding it out to her. "First, My lady, a worthy weapon as promised."
Selina flushed, clearly embarrassed by his theatrics. "You don't have to be so dramatic. You could just hand it over."
Ash mockingly gasped, wiping an imaginary tear from his eye. "Blasphemy! How can you say no to dramatics?"
Selina pouted, still blushing. "Just give it to me, idiot!" She snatched the staff from his hand.
The moment her fingers touched the staff, it bonded to her soul, the activating immediately.
Before Ash could explain about the Nimbus Staff, Selina, full of curiosity and excitement, tossed it far off the cliff without a word. The girls gasped in surprise, shouting, "Selina, what are you doing?!"
Without responding, Selina simply willed the staff to return to her. The staff flew back toward her, gliding through the air as though responding to her command. The girls' eyes widened in awe as Selina effortlessly controlled the staff with just her mind without touching the staff, making it rotate in mid-air and circle around her like a dance.
She changed the staff's size, shrinking and elongating it, manipulating its form with ease. With a final move, she shrank the staff down to the size of a needle and brought it to a perfect halt, stopping it inches from Ash's face, right between his eyes.
Ash, despite trying to maintain his composure, couldn't help but feel his legs shake like jelly. He wasn't afraid, but his body clearly betrayed him. The girls looked at Selina and asked, "How did you do that? How could you control it like that?"
Selina casually replied slightly exhausted, "As soon as the staff bonded to me, I understood everything about it. You guys saw how it works just now. Also, it's indestructible, even to both physical and elemental attacks. Only thing is it takes good concentration and mental power to control."
The girls' eyes widened in astonishment, with Lucy exclaiming, "Sugoi!" in awe. Uta also tells it happened same to her when she used her pendant to which Ace also agrees nodding her head. Hearing this Lucy pouts as she didn't get something like that.
With a smirk, Selina turned to Ash, noticing his shaky legs, and teasingly asked, "Ash, did I scare you?"
Ash quickly tried to sound convincing, declaring, "No, nothing can make me fear... the future King of Pirates!" His words were confident, but his legs were still trembling like jelly.
The girls, watching Ash's struggle to keep a straight face, couldn't help but giggle at him. "Your legs are shaking, idiot," they teased with playful smiles.
Ash quickly covered up his nervousness, saying, "It's just because the climate is cool." The girls looked up at the clear, sunny sky and gave him a look that clearly said, "Really?" They all giggled for a while, clearly amused by his attempt to hide his nervousness.
Once he composed himself, Ash turned to Selina and asked, "So, how is it? Do you like it?"
Selina smiled and nodded, "I like it a lot. Thanks, Ash." She then placed the staff in her inventory bag, clearly satisfied with the gift.
Ash then took out the Mask of Alteration and the Utility Upgrade Tickets from his inventory. Turning back to Lucy, Uta, Ace, and Selina, he said, "Ok, Now take out your masks I gave you."
The girls quickly retrieved their own masks seeing that ash has different type of tickets which they are seeing for the first time, and Ash handed each of them a Utility Upgrade Ticket. Ash tells them about the ticket and what it does. "Alright," he said, "on the count of three, we all tear them at the same time."
Nodding in agreement, everyone held their tickets ready. "One… Two… Three!"
As they tore the tickets, their masks glowed brightly in their hands, radiating a soft, magical aura. After a moment, the glow subsided, and the masks displayed their newly upgraded features.
Each mask now had the added effects of reduced cooldown time, increased usage duration, and invisibility is added for cum, alongside the existing features.
The girls stared in awe at the shimmering masks, clearly impressed by the information they got in their minds after the mask got upgraded.
Name: Mask of Alteration (Upgradable)
Grade: Rare
Type: Utility
Description: A magical mask that allows the wearer to alter their appearance, height, and voice entirely for up to 12 -> 18 hours. Comes with a full-body cloak that enhances disguise capabilities, concealing the user's identity perfectly.
• Grants complete anonymity by altering physical and auditory traits.
• Even advanced detection methods, including Observation Haki, cannot uncover the wearer's true identity.
•Adds invisibility and immunity to scent-based tracking. (New)
• Usable again only after 48 -> 36 hours of cooldown.
• Invisibility cannot be maintained while engaged in combat or high-energy actions like using abilities.
Selina is the first to voice her opinion, saying, "Wow, now we can also become invisible."
Lucy exclaims excitedly, "Sugoi! I want to try it now!"
Uta shakes her head with a small smile and says, "Not now, Lucy. There's still time for that."
Lucy, hearing this, just pouts in disappointment.
Ash then takes out the Cameko and Proko & hands them to Uta. Uta looks at the snails, confused, and asks, "Why are you giving me these Den Den Mushi?"
Ash smiles and replies, "They're not normal Den Den Mushi," and begins explaining the unique features of the snails.
After explaining, Ash looks at Uta and says, "I want you to have this. You've always wanted your singing to reach the whole world, right? Now, with this Cameko, everyone can hear you. You know all the snails are connected telepathically everyone with a Proko can see you and hear your song.
"Also, since there is a chance Marines can track regular ones, but with these special ones different than regular one, they will keep you safe from the marines or anyone who tries to track you— since they won't be able to trace you. But your voice will still reach everyone. Just make sure to use the mask and give yourself a disguise for now, at least until you're strong enough to defend you know."
Hearing this, Uta's eyes glisten with tears, and she steps closer, hugging Ash tightly before giving him a kiss on the lips surprising Ash even Selina, Lucy and Ace. Pulling back slightly, she softly says, "Thank you, Ash."
Ash chuckles, rubbing the back of his head with a blush. "I'm lucky Celeste gave these; you don't have to thank me."
Uta shakes her head with a smile, her voice filled with warmth. "Even though it came from Celeste, you're the one who thought about giving this to me. It means a lot. Also, tell Celeste I said thanks."
Ace and Selina, witnessing the moment, both blushes deeply with a twinge of jealousy, glancing away awkwardly.
Lucy, however, stares at the scene with confusion etched on her face. Not fully understanding what just happened, a little jealousy stirs within her, after seeing the display.
Ash then takes out five Tailored Reward Boxes from his inventory.
Seeing this, Ace crosses her arms and asks with a smirk, "Seriously, how many things do you have hidden in there? Just take everything out already."
Ash chuckles, shaking his head. "This is the last one for now, I promise."
He hands a box to each of them and explains, "These boxes are going give us exactly what we need most right now, for each of us different—whether it's an item, may any skill related, boost, or something else entirely. Just open them and see what they have for you."
All of them eagerly open their boxes, anticipation etched on their faces.
As the box opens, a blinding light bursts forth, causing them to shield their eyes and gasp in surprise.
To be continued...
Hey everyone! I'm always looking for ways to make this story even better, and I'd love to hear your ideas. What powers do you think should be available in Ash's store? Maybe you have some cool concepts for abilities, weapons, or items that could make the adventure even more exciting!
Feel free to drop your suggestions in the comments, and if there's anything specific, you'd love to see in future chapters, let me know! I might even integrate your ideas into the story.
Also, don't forget to give some Power Stones if you're enjoying the journey! Your support means the world. 😊
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