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42.55% I Became God's Reaper in Another Universe / Chapter 16: Precision Strike

Chapter 16: Precision Strike

*Third Person POV*

Aspen and Ghost sat in the MRAP, their eyes scanning the dimly lit streets as the engine idled. The soft hum of the vehicle was barely audible over the low rumble of the city. Ghost, his usual quiet demeanor in place, broke the silence as they looked over a map on the MRAPs screen.

"They've been poking around, trying to figure us out," Ghost said, his eyes fixed on the map. He had gathered intelligence on the Tiger Claws, identifying key locations, and now it was time to strike before the gang became a real problem.

Aspen nodded, his fingers drumming lightly on the table. "They're rather disorganized, though their previous actions prove otherwise, but seeing the information you gathered on them, they seem like a headless chicken. They're too confident in their numbers. It's going to be their downfall. But we need to hit them hard, fast, and with precision if we want to take care of them without blowing our cover or drawing too much attention to ourselves. I'm not interested in dragging this out."

Ghost leaned forward, pulling up the intel he'd gathered. "We've got three main targets: their weapons cache, their main drug distribution hub, and their leadership. Hitting all three will cripple them. We don't have to focus on killing every single one of them since they rely on those locations to maintain control, and without them, the Tiger Claws will be nothing more than scattered thugs."

Aspen narrowed his eyes as he studied the map. "Alright. Here's the plan. We hit the weapons cache first. Without their guns, their men will become easy pickings. We'll plant explosives and destroy everything they have stockpiled. I want you to infiltrate their distribution hub at the same time. Disrupt the supply chain, burn their shipments, and kill any key players. They won't have time to react before we hit the leadership."

Ghost gave a nod. "Their headquarters is well-guarded, but nothing a pilot can't handle, nothing we can't handle. The leaders like to stay up in the penthouse of the casino they run. We can use the confusion from the other two strikes to get close and strike while the iron is hot."

"Good. Once we cripple their weapons and drugs, they'll panic, and the leadership will be our last target. We hit them when they're scrambling to regain control. No one will expect us to go for all three in one night, it's practically suicide," Aspen says.

Aspen sat back, running his hand through his tangled mess of hair as his mind ran through the details. "We need to coordinate perfectly. No missteps. You'll go in through the underground. Use the tunnels they think no one knows about. I'll handle the weapons cache personally. We'll detonate the explosives remotely once you've confirmed the drug shipments are down. That'll give us the window to move on their leadership."

Ghost nodded again, his expression unreadable behind his mask. "We'll need to make sure they don't catch on too quickly. If they realize what we're doing, they'll close ranks. A timed approach will be critical."

Aspen stopped pacing and looked directly at Ghost. "You know how to stay unseen. If we do this right, we'll dismantle them before they even know what hit them."

Aspen then drove them to their building where they spent the next several hours refining the plan, going over contingencies, escape routes, and methods of distraction. Aspen was meticulous in his planning, thinking of every possible angle the Tiger Claws could respond from. They would take out the gang's power structures in one clean sweep, leaving nothing behind.

When the final details were set, Aspen stood and turned to Ghost. "We move out in a few hours, at 12 am when they'll be deep into their partying and would least expect anything to go down. Get your gear ready."

Ghost gave a curt nod. "Got it. By this time tomorrow, the Tiger Claws won't be a problem anymore."

Aspen cracked a rare smile. "Good. Let's make sure they never get the chance to learn what even hit them."

*A Few Hours Later*

The clock ticked past midnight as Aspen and Ghost moved out under the cover of darkness. The streets were alive with the low hum of distant music and the occasional shout of revelry as the city's underworld celebrated another night of debauchery. Aspen steered the MRAP through narrow alleys, avoiding main roads where the Tiger Claws might have patrols or lookouts. The vehicle, a hulking armored presence, moved with surprising quietness given its size. Ghost sat silently beside him, going over the mission details in his mind.

The plan was surgical, each move was timed to perfection. They couldn't afford any mistakes. The Tiger Claws were dangerous in numbers, but if they were disarmed and confused, Aspen and Ghost knew they wouldn't stand a chance.

As they approached the first target, the weapons cache hidden beneath an old warehouse, Aspen brought the MRAP to a halt a few blocks away. "This is it," he muttered, checking his gear one last time. "I'll handle the explosives. You head to the tunnels and make your way to the drug hub. When you give me the signal, I'll detonate the cache."

Ghost nodded, already slipping out of the vehicle and disappearing into the shadows. His movements were fluid, like he was born to be unseen. Aspen watched him go, then turned his attention to the warehouse. "Time to get to work."

He moved with purpose, his combat boots barely making a sound on the cracked pavement as he approached the side entrance. Aspen's enhanced vision allowed him to scan the perimeter without alerting the guards posted near the front. He moved to the back, cutting through the alley and using a small device to bypass the door's security. It opened with a soft hiss, and Aspen slipped inside.

The interior was dark, the only light coming from the dim glow of overhead bulbs. Crates upon crates of weapons were stacked high, ranging from assault rifles to rocket launchers— enough firepower to wage a small war. "Good, this will set them back months, if not longer."

Aspen moved quickly, placing charges at key structural points. His hands worked with practiced efficiency, each movement calculated and precise. Once the last charge was set, he made his way back to the entrance, careful not to leave any trace of his presence.

Meanwhile, Ghost had already made his way through the tunnels. The drug distribution hub was located in the basement of a nightclub, a den of illegal activity where the Tiger Claws ran their operations in plain sight. Ghost knew the layout by heart after hours of studying blueprints and surveillance footage. As he emerged from the tunnels, he spotted his entrance point—a back door used by staff and low-level members of the gang.

Slipping inside, Ghost moved through the dark corridors like a wraith, avoiding cameras and guards with ease. He reached the main storage area where the drugs were being prepared for distribution— piles of product lined the shelves, overseen by a few armed men. Ghost could hear the muffled bass of the club above him, the sound of people blissfully unaware of the chaos about to unfold.

Drawing his blade, Ghost moved to the nearest guard. He grabbed him by the mouth and snapped his neck, pulling him into the dark corner and stabbing him multiple times in the neck, ensuring he was dead. He then moved to the next guard and slashed his throat. The third and last guard in the area noticed what happened and was about to call for help when Ghost swiftly threw his knife at him. It pierced the guard's eye and the blade's 7-inch length penetrated fully. 

Ghost then looked around, ensuring no one else was around. He noticed 2 guards coming down the stairs and hid himself in the shadows. The two leaned on a shelf and started smoothing a cigarette. As they enjoyed their cig, Ghost pulled out his pistol which he had put a suppressor on. He aimed at their heads and fired twice, "Pfft" "Pfft".

Their bodies dropped limply to the ground and Ghost approached them, firing twice into each man's head. Then, with cold efficiency, he began rigging the place to blow. "No more drugs, no more money."

Satisfied, Ghost slipped out of the distribution hub, making sure to not get spotted by the remaining guards who had yet to notice their missing comrades. He tapped his comms and said, "All ready here, waiting for your signal."

Back at the warehouse, Aspen heard Ghost on his comms. "Blow it," he said into his comms, as he pressed the detonator.

A thunderous explosion rocked the warehouse, sending a fiery plume into the sky. The shockwave rippled through the surrounding blocks and was followed by multiple smaller explosions from ammunition cooking off. Aspen could already imagine the chaos it was causing within the Tiger Claws' ranks. Their weapons were gone— everything they relied on to enforce their rule had just been reduced to rubble.

"Rendezvous back at the MRAP," Aspen said into his comms as he made his way back to the MRAP. When he arrived, Ghost was already there waiting.

Aspen and Ghost got into the MRAP without saying a word and started driving.

The final leg of the operation was the most dangerous— taking out the leadership. With their operations in disarray, the Tiger Claws would be on high alert. But that played into Aspen and Ghost's hands. The gang leaders would be scrambling, unsure of who or what was attacking them.

The casino loomed ahead, its neon lights casting an eerie glow over the streets. The penthouse, where the leaders resided, was heavily guarded, but the confusion from the explosions would thin the defenses. Aspen parked the MRAP a block away, and they approached the building adjacent to the casino on foot.

"Stick to the plan," Aspen whispered, as they rappeled up the side of the building. "No one survives in that penthouse."

Ghost simply nodded, his body already tense with anticipation.

Once on the rooftop, they pulled out their DMRs which were now suppressed. They flipped a switch on their sights and their scops turned into hues of reg, orange, and blue. "Thermal's working just fine," they both confirmed as they scoped in, scanning the building in front of them.

"I got activity on the 17th floor, below the penthouse. Doesn't seem like much though. Only four, one woman and 3 men engaging in sexual activities." Ghost said as he scanned up the building. "The penthouse seems very active, count at least 14 tangos, 20 if we include the 2 bartenders and 4 servers."

Aspen nodded as he scanned the lower half of the building. "Got some on the outside, by the front. Count 6, the first 6 floors seem like gambling areas, next 4 floors seem to be VIP lounges and gambling areas, nothing of interest there… let's just rappel up to the 16th floor, it seems uninhabited. Take the stairs to the 17th, take them out, move up to the 18th and kill them all, ignore the uninvolved unless they pose an actual threat."

Aspen nodded and signaled Ghost to move. They secured their rappel lines to the edge of the roof and ascended in silence, stopping at the 16th floor. The windows were dark and unoccupied, just as they had scouted. With a few practiced movements, Ghost picked up the window's electronic lock, and they both slipped inside, landing softly on the plush carpet. The silence was deafening, broken only by the low hum of the building's ventilation system.

Aspen gestured to the stairwell at the far end of the hallway. They moved with surgical precision, guns raised, every corner checked as they approached the door. Ghost reached out and quietly turned the handle, peeking into the stairwell. It was clear.

The ascent to the 17th floor was quick, their boots making no sound as they climbed. When they reached the door, Aspen held up a hand, signaling for Ghost to get into position. Ghost crouched low, DMR ready, while Aspen slowly pushed the door open.

Inside, the scene was exactly as Ghost had described. The woman and three men were engaged in their illicit activities, completely unaware of the two shadows slipping into the room.

Aspen gave a slight nod, and Ghost moved in. He was a blur of motion, his suppressed DMR already aimed. Before any of the targets could react, he fired two precise shots as Aspen did the same—pfft, pfft, pfft, pfft—all four bodies slumped over in an instant, blood pooling on the bed and floor, staining the luxurious sheets.

"Clear," Ghost whispered as he lowered his DMR. Aspen proceeded to put two more shots into each body to ensure they wouldn't be getting back up. He then stepped over the bodies without a second glance, moving toward the stairwell that led to the 18th floor, the penthouse. The real fight was about to begin. He took a moment to listen at the door. The sound of muffled conversation, a little bit of angry shouting, and some glasses clinking could be heard on the other side.

He motioned to Ghost, signaling that it was time.

Aspen aimed his DMR through the door and started firing at the guards through the door. A guard by the bar dropped instantly, a clean shot through the head. Another near the pool table went down with a bullet to the chest, his drink spilling onto the floor as he collapsed.

Ghost opened the door and moved in like a shadow, his movements quick and lethal. He darted behind a pillar, firing two shots into the torso of a guard who had just drawn his weapon. The man crumpled before he could even squeeze the trigger.

The remaining guards scrambled for cover, but they were disorganized and panicked. One of them managed to get behind the bar, firing blindly in Aspen's direction, but Aspen was already moving. He ducked behind a couch, reloading with practiced ease. Popping up from his cover, he fired a single shot, hitting the guard square in the chest. The man fell backward, taking out the bottles behind him as he crashed to the floor.

A woman, one with a tattoo of a tiger scratch on her neck, attempted to flee, but Ghost was faster. He darted forward, slicing through the air with a knife in one hand. The blade found its mark, cutting the woman's throat before she could make a sound. Blood sprayed across the marble floor as she fell.

"Five down," Ghost muttered, his voice barely audible over the gunfire.

"Nine to go," Aspen replied, his eyes scanning the room for movement.

Suddenly, two guards burst out from behind a set of double doors, fully armored and armed with automatic rifles. They opened fire, sending bullets tearing through the furniture and glass. Aspen rolled behind a steel pillar as rounds pinged off its surface. Ghost, already anticipating the attack, flanked to the side, slipping into a shadowed corner of the room. He fired two quick shots, catching one of the guards in the neck. The man dropped his rifle, clutching his throat as blood gushed between his fingers.

The second guard turned toward Ghost, but before he could fire, Aspen was already in position. He stepped out from behind the pillar and fired three rounds, the shots punching through the guard's chest armor. The man staggered, dropping to his knees before collapsing in a heap.

The last few guards, realizing they were outmatched, made a desperate attempt to flee. Aspen raised his DMR, tracking one of the men as he sprinted toward the elevators. He squeezed the trigger, and the guard dropped mid-stride, sliding across the floor, and leaving a smear of blood in his wake. 

The remaining guard tried to hide behind a large bar cart, but Ghost had already closed the distance. He grabbed her by the neck, slammed her into the wall, and drove his blade into her chest with a sickening crunch. She gasped once, her eyes wide with terror, before going limp in his grasp.

"That's nine. The servers and bartenders ran out when they had the chance. The last 5 are behind the door. One guard, shot in the leg, 2 more, the other 2 leaders. 2 men. There are 2 more, not sure of their relations."

Aspen nodded as he aimed his DMR through the door. He found the injured man and shot him in the head. A frightened scream came from inside as Aspen scanned the man who had screamed. He ignored him, moved his DMR, and shot the two men in the middle. Once he did Ghost pushed the door open.

"Hands, hands, let me see your hands or you get to eat lead as your final dinner," Aspen shouted as they walked in. The two men raised their hands, the one who had screamed was pale with fear while the other seemed to be examining Aspen.

"Do you have any idea who you're fucking with?" said the man that was examining them. "We're going to hunt you down and kill you both, and your famil-"

Aspen shot the man in his pelvic bowl which caused him to immediately fall to the ground groaning. "Wrong choice of words. And you, what do you have to say for yourself?"

"I-I'm Vlad, I-I work for Einco Inc., I'm just here to break a deal between us." the man said in a shaky voice.

"Well, that's unfortunate," replied Ghost as he shot the man 4 times through the chest. The man clutched his chest, a look of shock and surprise on his face.

"Very unfortunate," Aspen said as he shot the man in the head, putting him out of his misery. "And you, Mr. you were searching for us, weren't you? Well, here we are. And as the saying goes, when death knocks on the door, you can only smile… well, in this case, when the reaper knocks on your door, and wouldn't you guess my monicker."

" you." Those were the only words the man muttered as he spat in Aspen's direction.

"..." Aspen looked at him with pity. He raised his DMR and shot the man 5 times in the head, leaving it nothing more than a mush of brains and broken skull bone.

Aspen and Ghost walked out of the room and scanned the penthouse. Bodies littered the floor, blood pooling beneath them, but there were no more sounds of movement. The room was deathly silent, save for the faint sound of glass breaking under their boots as they walked through the carnage.

Ghost sighed, surveying the scene one last time. "No survivors," he said.

The Tiger Claws' leadership had been wiped out in mere minutes, leaving their entire operation in ruins. Aspen and Ghost moved quickly and rappelled down the building onto the rooftop of the other as the guards who were downstairs were going up in the elevator to the penthouse. They then made their way into the streets, disappearing into the night as silently as they had come, leaving nothing but death and destruction behind them.

Word Count: 3217 Words 🙂 ︻デ═一

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