"Oh, they are here!" Ezekiel beamed as Rivana and Azrael stepped into the hall.
The entire room fell silent, everyone turning to look at the main stars of the night. Men gulped as they gawked at Rivana, who looked like a wicked queen, coming straight out of the hell in her crimson dress. But they immediately looked away, feeling the intense gaze of the devil himself staring at them. Women couldn't help but squeal as Azrael passed by, envious of Rivana, who got to be his wife.
Viktor stared at Rivana, his expression darker than before. Not only had she become rebellious, but also bold, considering how daring the dress was. He felt Azrael's gaze and gritted his teeth, jealousy visible in his eyes. If his annoying brother hadn't made a scene at their wedding, he would have been the star of the night, of this party.
Ohhh~ Did Rubina regress too? What did she mean?