Alas, Isiah took a step back. His eyes were focused on Katari, he completely ignored the magic stone that was hovering close to her.
This lioness was too scary for him to be distracted by that stone. The stone carried a lot of power, but it couldn't leave his sight. Katari could literally disappear, she was the most dangerous out of all the lionesses.
"You…" Isaiah said, his voice croaking. He looked at Darius's corpse and hesitated. If he left, the corpse would fall into the hands of the lions and that would just help them increase their overall power.
The thought of the lions or wolves feasting on his friend's body made his spine tingle and his mind go numb with hatred.
But the hatred came with a surprising level of clarity, this was the type of clarity needed to plan revenge.
Without saying a word, Isaiah spread his wings and flapped them, flying into the air before opening a portal in front of him and disappearing into it.
Hehehe. Thanks for reading, and please leave a vote.