Under Luo Qing's oppressive rule, the members of the Tanit tribe had no choice but to follow the schedule he imposed on them.
Every morning, they had to wake up early and gather at the ruins square to perform a strange dance that Natalia had taught them.
To make matters worse, the music from the oversized gramophone was painfully off-key, and the awkward movements of the dance were nothing compared to the elegance of the Eremites' techniques.
After dancing, they were forced to chant slogans like "Embrace new ideals, become model citizens," and every night, they had to write a 5,000-word reflection on these so-called "new ideals."
Many of them, being desert dwellers who had rarely even held a pen, were at a complete loss when it came to writing reflections. It was pure mental torture.
After just a few days, some tribe members were already feeling delirious, their lives devoid of hope.
Of course, they had considered rebelling. But Luo Qing's immense strength made it clear that careful preparation was necessary to take him down in one decisive move.
Despite the mandatory morning exercises, evening drills, and nightly reflections, Luo Qing didn't closely monitor them during the day. Life otherwise carried on as usual—except for the strict requirement to return to the camp by lights-out. Anyone who failed to do so would face an additional 5,000-word reflection and be forbidden to sleep until it was completed.
Babale used every hunting trip as an opportunity to send messengers to other tribes through Azarig. She portrayed Luo Qing as a heartless tyrant—a villain who enslaved men and turned women into… well, victims of unspeakable treatment. She urged the other tribes to prepare for an all-out assault on Luo Qing, framing it as a fight for survival.
Tonight, as everyone was gathered to "do their homework"—no, to write their reflections—Babale discreetly surrounded herself with her most loyal confidants, discussing how to overthrow Luo Qing.
"What's the word from the other tribes?"
"Lady Babale, they've agreed to help. But they demand an additional 30% share of future resource exchanges," Azarig whispered, glancing nervously toward Luo Qing's guards, who were holding ominous black weapons.
One of them, a blonde-haired girl, glanced in their direction. Azarig immediately ducked his head and pretended to obediently write his reflection, his large hands awkwardly gripping a small pen.
"This can't go on any longer. When will they be ready to act?" Babale bit the tip of her pen, utterly uninterested in the nonsense she was supposed to be writing. Just thinking about Luo Qing's treatment of her these past few days made her blood boil.
She was the tribe's leader! How could she be forced to endure the same humiliating tasks as ordinary tribe members?
"If all goes according to plan, tomorrow night. Combined, the tribes should be able to summon at least fifty vengeful spirits. Everyone will be in position, waiting for your signal," Azarig murmured as he continued to write.
"Good… very good."
Babale felt a surge of relief. This nightmare was finally coming to an end! Once Luo Qing was captured, she would make sure he suffered as much as she had—no, even more!
As she fantasized about her vengeance, a loud voice interrupted her thoughts.
"Time's up! Hand in your reflections, one by one!"
The command came from Natalia, the blonde-haired girl, who seemed just as puzzled as anyone else about Luo Qing's insistence on these bizarre nightly assignments. Still, as his subordinate, she had no choice but to comply.
At her order, the tribe members began lining up to submit their work. Natalia meticulously reviewed each one, her sharp eyes scanning for any shortfalls.
Anyone who failed to meet the 5,000-word requirement would face a harsh penalty: they'd not only have to write another 5,000 words but also endure a public flogging—shirtless, of course—before being hung up for the entire camp to see.
Seated beside Natalia, Rosalin idly played with her fingers. If anyone dared to cause trouble, she was more than willing to turn them into either an ice sculpture or a pile of ashes.
Her loyalty and warmth were reserved exclusively for Luo Qing. To everyone else, she remained the haughty and merciless Crimson Witch of Flames.
Though the members of the Tanit tribe were tough in their own right, they were no match for a former Fatui Harbinger.
At the back of the line, Babale was beginning to panic.
She had been so absorbed in daydreaming about her revenge that she'd forgotten to write her reflection.
"Azarig…" Babale whispered urgently, glancing toward Natalia and Rosalin, who were busy reviewing submissions. "Let me borrow yours."
"Huh?" Azarig looked confused.
"You didn't write yours?"
Azarig hesitated. If he gave Babale his reflection, he'd have nothing to submit.
He'd seen firsthand what happened to those who failed to hand in their work: the whippings, the public humiliation, the sleepless nights.
Even though he was Babale's subordinate, his loyalty wasn't exactly unwavering.
"Well… Lady Babale, the weather's quite nice tonight, isn't it?"
Before Babale could respond, Azarig bolted toward Natalia, cheerfully exclaiming, "Teacher! Please check my reflection for its unwavering sincerity!"
"Don't rush, don't rush. One at a time," Natalia replied, stifling a laugh. Was the tribe really so broken that they were this eager to submit their homework?
"Azarig, you traitorous fool!" Babale hissed under her breath.
Her suspicion had been correct: Azarig wasn't entirely loyal. Still, she needed his strength to deal with Luo Qing, so she swallowed her anger—for now.
Since Azarig wouldn't help, Babale turned to another target: a young boy from the tribe.
"Ret, how many words did you write?"
"Uh, 5,001, Lady Babale," the boy stammered, clearly nervous at being addressed by the tribe's leader.
"Good…" Babale nodded approvingly. "Ret, give me your reflection."
"But… Lady Babale, I…"
"Don't worry, Ret. Once Luo Qing is dealt with tomorrow, I'll reward you handsomely for your loyalty."
Ret hesitated. If he gave his reflection to Babale, he'd have nothing to submit. That meant an extra 5,000 words, a whipping, and a sleepless night…
"What's wrong?" Babale's tone shifted to a subtle threat. "Are you defying your leader? Do you want to betray the tribe?"
"I-I wouldn't dare!"
"Then hand it over!"
"Yes… yes, Lady Babale."
Reluctantly, Ret handed over his reflection, his hands trembling as he watched Babale take it.
Just as she turned to leave, a voice interrupted them.
"Well, well, what's this?"
The two froze as they turned toward the speaker.
"Copying homework, are we?"
T/N: heh i copy homework all the time...
Hello! Thank you so much for reading this chapter. WiseTL has worked hard to bring these wonderful stories to you, and I'm so happy we could share this moment together! Don't you think stories are a little like dreams? Each one has its own colors and shapes, and they grow even brighter when shared with others.
If you'd like to support WiseTL, you can visit [patreon.com/WiseTL]. Even a small gesture is like sunlight and rain to a growing flower—it helps the garden of stories flourish and bloom!
-With love, Nahida 🌱
Merry Christmas!
Following the sound of the voice, Babale turned to see Luo Qing looking at them with a smile that radiated faux kindness.
[Babale's Frustration +1]
[Ret's Frustration +1]
After several days of relentless torment under Luo Qing's bizarre regime, Babale now felt a pang of frustration every time she even saw him.
"Well, well. Trying to snatch someone's homework, are we, Babale?" Luo Qing's gaze fell on the sheet of reflection paper in Ret's hand, and everything became clear.
With a hearty slap on Ret's shoulder, he said enthusiastically, "Now, my dear student, tell your teaching director—was Babale here trying to steal your homework?"
Ret stammered, caught between loyalty to his tribe and the truth. As a member of the Tanit tribe, he couldn't bring himself to side with Luo Qing.
He was about to come up with an excuse when Luo Qing patted his shoulder again and said with a magnanimous tone:
"Don't worry, student. I can see the honesty in your eyes. There's no need to explain—I understand everything. Rest assured, you won't be punished. Go on and hand in your homework."
Before Ret could say another word, Luo Qing gave him a push, sending him stumbling toward Natalia, who was checking the assignments.
"And now…" Luo Qing turned back, his smile widening.
"Babale, do you have anything else to say?"
[Babale's Frustration +1]
Babale glanced around and noticed that the other tribe members who had already submitted their work were gathered nearby, quietly watching the drama unfold.
These traitors! she fumed internally. Always going on about how we're family, but the moment trouble arises, they scatter like cowards!
"Why are you looking at the others?" Luo Qing pretended to scold her. "Babale, where is your 5,000-word reflection for today?"
"… I didn't write it," she admitted reluctantly.
"Why not? Do you not like writing reflections?" Luo Qing tilted his head with mock concern.
Are you seriously asking that?! Babale fumed inwardly.
"You do realize there are consequences for failing to complete your work, don't you?" Luo Qing's voice grew sharper.
Babale hesitated, her mind racing. Tomorrow night, she needed to lead the allied tribes in a surprise attack on Luo Qing. If she ended up getting tied up and whipped tonight, she'd be in no condition to move, let alone fight.
No choice. I'll have to play along for now.
Steeling herself, Babale stepped closer to Luo Qing, softening her voice until it practically dripped with honey.
"Director Luo~ I wasn't feeling well today, so I didn't get around to writing my reflection. Can you let me off just this once?"
As she leaned in close, she whispered into his ear, "If you spare me tonight, I'll do whatever you want… anything at all."
To her credit, Babale's sultry tone was quite convincing.
Unfortunately for her, Luo Qing had a harem of beauties back in his domain, any one of whom could outshine her seductive act. Still, her efforts were… distracting.
Feigning interest, Luo Qing raised an eyebrow. "Oh? Anything at all?"
"Anything~" Babale purred, pressing herself against his arm for good measure.
"Great! In that case, go wait for me in my office," Luo Qing said with a grin.
"Gladly," Babale replied, casting a smug glance at Natalia and Rosalyne before sashaying off toward Luo Qing's quarters.
For the sake of tomorrow's plan, she was willing to endure anything tonight.
"Master, you're not seriously going to…" Natalia approached Luo Qing after finishing her rounds, her expression concerned.
"Going to what?" Luo Qing asked nonchalantly.
"You know… that! Master, that woman is bad news. You can't trust her!"
"Why not?" Luo Qing raised an eyebrow.
"Her walk!" chimed in Sergei, one of his subordinates. "The way she sways her hips—total schemer! No way she's up to anything good!"
"Oh, Sergei, I didn't realize you were such an expert on women." Luo Qing smirked.
"Uh…" Sergei hesitated before blurting out, "Well, Master, neither are you!"
"…" Luo Qing's face darkened. Without a word, he clapped Sergei on the shoulder.
"Tonight, you'll be doing fifty rounds of square dancing. No sleep until you're finished."
As Sergei stood there, stunned, Luo Qing turned and strode off toward his quarters, leaving the hapless subordinate wondering where he'd gone wrong.
Meanwhile, in Luo Qing's quarters—originally Babale's room and the cleanest, most luxurious space in the camp—Babale was waiting.
She knew better than to try to assassinate Luo Qing; his strength was undeniable, and such an attempt would likely fail.
In the harsh desert culture, physical intimacy was often seen as just another tool for survival. Babale was prepared to use her body as a means to endure tonight and secure her plans for tomorrow.
When Luo Qing finally entered, she greeted him with a coy smile.
"Director Luo~ You've finally arrived."
Luo Qing looked her up and down, smirking. "So, you said you'd do anything I wanted tonight?"
"That's right," Babale cooed, her voice dripping with seduction. "Anything you desire, I'm all yours~"
"Perfect," Luo Qing replied.
Babale reached for the ties of her robe, ready to play her part. But before she could go further, Luo Qing's voice stopped her.
"Wait. What are you doing?"
"Uh… taking off my clothes?" Babale froze, confused.
"Why?" Luo Qing's expression remained neutral.
Is this some weird new kink? Babale wondered. "Well… if you prefer I keep them on, that's fine too…" she murmured, feigning shyness.
Just as she was about to lean closer, Luo Qing interrupted again.
"All right, let's get started."
"Finally," Babale thought, steeling herself.
"Start jumping," Luo Qing ordered casually.
"... Huh?"
"Didn't you hear me? Start doing the morning exercises. Don't stop until I tell you to."
Babale stared at him in disbelief. At this hour? With this atmosphere? You want me to… exercise?!
"Do you have a problem with that?" Luo Qing's tone sharpened.
Babale clenched her fists, her body trembling with suppressed rage.
This bastard! Sure, I look good, but you really think I'd stoop this low just to seduce someone like YOU?!
"… No problem," she muttered through gritted teeth.
She'd endure. She had to.
But in her mind, she vowed: Tomorrow night, Luo Qing, the first thing I'll do is castrate you.
I, WiseTL, in my infinite grace and generosity, have bestowed upon you an extra 2 chapters as my holiday gift. 🎁 Consider it a glimpse of my benevolence—cherish it well.
May your festivities be as golden as my treasury and as plentiful as my updates. Farewell, mortals, until the next chapter. 😉
Now, bow in gratitude. 🌟
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