At Wuya Inn, while the master and disciple conversed, in room number three of Yellow Character Hall, a certain student surnamed Meng, rumored to be deaf, also had his own visitor.
"I originally planned, after the competition in the Literary Arena was over, to promote you to a core scholar for better instruction. It is a pity..." Mr. Wuqu held up a book in his hand for Qing Yu to see.
Communicating with someone who has impaired hearing always poses some difficulty if one doesn't know sign language. Fortunately for Qingyu, as a deaf person, he wasn't the one who needed to exert extra effort.
He smiled lightly, showing no sign of despair or sadness about his impaired hearing, and poured a cup of tea for Mr. Wuqu, saying, "There's nothing to pity, compared to other fellow disciples who died in the Small Secret Realm. That I am only hearing-impaired is already fortunate enough.
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