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86.95% poke fanfic fun to read / Chapter 80: 11-15

Chapter 80: 11-15

CH10 Sea Museum

The following morning was peaceful since while May was still slightly upset at the loss, it managed to spark a fire of determination in her eye. Since there was still stuff to see at Slateport, I suggested that we go and see the Sea Museum.

Now I read something about it in the tour guide I bought a while back. And to tell the truth the name is a misnomer since it has a lot more than that. It tells story about brave sailor who set out to explore the sea just as much as it had ancient artifact that originated from the island that riddles the sea of the eastern coast of Hoenn.

There was a section that was dedicated to the Draconids which alarmed me since the last time I played the Hoenn's remake it was covering the Delta Episode and the battle between Mega Rayquaza the probable origin of Mega Evolution against Deoxys.

I hope this isn't true it probably bad enough with the mural depicting Primal Groundon and Kyogre fighting. Now there might be a possibility of an extinction level meteorite heading here in either a year time after the Ever Grande Conference.

It was primarily a warning that one day another meteorite will come once again and the only way to stop it was for the King of the Sky to reach his full power. I think that the meteorite that Magma gets from Meteor Fall is the key for it to do so but until that time come I won't know.

It the group was enjoying themselves and Max managed to find a rock with no description or anything noticeable. It was then when a man walk up to us.

"Ah I see that you found our newest exhibit sadly we don't have much to say for it aside from that it was found at the ocean floor." We turned to him as he continue "You see this rock seem to emits a strange energy compared to most of the ocean floor, most of our researcher theorizes that this rock house the energy of an super ancient Pokémon that created the sea volcano this rock was found nearby."

He looked proud of the find "Since this gives proof of the existence of either Groundon or Kyogre who were said to create all known continents. Ah forgive me for rambling on. I am Captain Stern the curator of this museum."

When he introduced himself as the curator we began asking some question about the exhibit after a round of introduction. I was wondering about the Draconid's prophecy and where he got it.

"Captain Stern, about the Draconid exhibit. How did you get the prophecy?" At this he turned to me and began looking at the ceiling in deep thought.

"Well to be honest it isn't the real article but a replica the tribe themselves let us copy. I was only able to find it because of the rumors the nearby islands held. The tribe originally and probably still resides somewhere in Meteor Fall. They are said to be the Dragon Masters of Hoenn.

It was a small group that decided to settle the islands near Pacifidlog Town to live near the Sky Tower close to the area. That tower was said to be the home of the Legendary Pokémon Rayquaza. After living with them for a while they decided to share the prophecy, I asked if it was possible to make a copy of it for my museum.

They at first didn't want to let me, but the Lorekeeper the leader of the small group that separated decided otherwise. The Lorekeeper wanted me to have a copy just in case a disaster befell them so that the warning isn't lost."

Captain Stern then looked at all of us who were paying attention to his story. "Even now I decided to make a few copies just in case this one was destroying."

'I think that confirms my suspicion about a few thing. It could also explain Rayquaza's rages against Deoxys it probably wasn't the first time it meets and fought one.'

Before anyone else in our group could ask further question an alarm ranged through the museum. We were confused about what was going on when a few Aqua Grunts and their Mightyenas' decided to show their face. They pointed at the rock that we were looking at earlier but before they could get further the curator releases a Sealeo.

I released Choppers to help the Captain just as Ash, Brock and May let Pikachu, Mudkip, and Beautifly out.

"Who are you and what do you want from my Museum." Captain Stern asked sternly. The grunts looked at each other "We are here for that rock behind you! Now get out of the way or prepare to get beaten!"

One of them yelled "Forget playing nice. Mightyenas use Crunch!" The Mightyenas all charged in with their fangs glowing a dark purplish light, howling and baying like a hellhound.

"Sealeo use Water Pulse!" The Captain let out a command. The Sealeo began to form a ball of water that pulsed frecuently and shot it.

"Mudkip use Water Gun!" Yelled Brock.

"Pikachu use Thunderbolts!" Ash ordered as Pikachu cheeks began sparkling dangerously as he jumped in the air and let loose.

"Beautifly use Silver Wind!" May asked her Pokemon.

"Choppers help out Beautifly with Fairy Wind to make it stronger." To which he released a pink gust of wind from his horn that mixed well with Beautifly's attack.

As the Pokémons were starting to unleash their attack the Sealeo's attack managed to hit first followed by Mudkip's. The hounds were still raring to go before Pikachu's Thunderbolts reached them their fur still wet increase the attacks power shocking them.

But the Mightyena were still standing until both Beautifly and Chopper combo move hit them. The move was effective in knocking them out, just as we were about to deal with the grunts the wall to the side of us was blown.

From the smoke appeared a huge man in a ripped suit followed by a lady with a similar suit and both had the mark of Team Aqua on their chest. "What is taking so long ya useless lout?" The huge man asked the grunts but before they could answer.

"Matt it seem there was more resistance than we expected." She gestured toward us "But it seems like it was just a coincidence. So let get moving and knock them out before Magma gets here." The grunts who were still their let out Pokémons just as the two new people did as well.

We were cornered by their Pokémons which were all menacing us. Mightyenas again from the grunts, with the two admins who I finally recognizes as Matt and Shelly released a Crawdaunt and Crobat respectively.

Knowing that the situation could get worse I called Hestia and Saphira out to help. Ash and the rest help out by releasing Corphish, Golbat and Torchic to help as well. But before the fight started the grunts were taken out by a blast from behind.

We all looked at the new comer and it was Team Magma grunts with a fat man showing up from the stairs. 'This is spiraling out of control way to fast with both Team Aqua and Magma here. I know that they are after the same thing but couldn't they at least done this at night with less witnesses…'

I was beginning to worry about what will happen to us, with us being in the crossfire zone of the teams. When Matt called out "Shelly! I got the objective we need to leave now! Grunts cover our escape." Team Aqua admins left from the hole they made.

"Deal with those grunts. I will chase those Aqua's so they won't escape." The fat man 'Tabitha' I realized as the Magma grunts "Yes Lord Tabitha" they yelled as they focused on the Aqua grunts that were still here.

"Back up. Let them fight each other as we wait for the LSDF to come." I told them quietly as we backed up with our Pokémons in front of us. "Get ready to use Protect in case an attack come towards us." My Pokémons gave me a quick affirmative before they focused.

What happens was easily one of the most violent battle I have seen since I came to Hoenn. The teams were ripping into each other with a fury I didn't really want to see in this world. The Mightyena were fighting viciously biting and tearing their opponents apart.

The weaker one didn't last long and were now laying on the floor with patches of fur missing and gashes all over their bodies. The stronger one had their snout covered in blood. A few decided that we were also target and jump toward us to which they were repelled viciously by our Pokémons.

One even tried a sneak it way towards May but was beaten down by Hestia who noticed the sneakier one. I turn to May who was shaking and paling faster than before so I pushed her and Max behind me quickly before another decides to sneak attack as well.

Before long most of the fighter were exhausted when the LSDF finally arrived. They moped up the remaining grunts before they asked if we were okay.

When I looked at the group I noticed that Ash and Brock had a bitter expression on their face. 'Ah that right they probably remember New Island and for Ash Greenfield as well if I remember right… They probably didn't expect to see something like this again.'

May and Max were extremely pale which worried me a lot, since you shouldn't have to see such violence and had a close call like they did near the start of their journey or before it in Max's case. I wanted to ask if they were alright but I couldn't at the moment because they were being questioned.

When it was my turn I gave my version of the event, and when I told them the name of the admins they asked how I knew it. "I heard them talk during the fight the Aqua called each other name before and during their escape, but the Magma grunts only revealed it when they answered to the order they were given."

At that they also asked the other if they heard the name to which Captain Stern and Brock confirmed the information I gave them.

It was a bit after noon when we returned to the Center, both Ash and Brock went up to the room and locked themselves in it. I saw May and Max head toward the video phones. 'They are probably are about to call their parents and talk about the events…'

I went to the canteen to eat something along with my Pokémons, it was quite since they were still tense over the situation. 'I think they want to train right now but I don't think it a good idea right now as thing could go badly with this tension'

"Solaire?" Braking out of my thought I looked to the Maple sibling who probably just finish talking with their parents. "Hey you two. What happened at the museum was a right mess. How are you both holding up?"

They both gave a shaky nod to which I gave them a considering look before I sighed "Look you two I will be honest with you. Today was a horrible day and you both need your rest before we can continue on our way to Mauville. That is if both of you still want to continue. I won't judge whatever you decide as both of you are stronger than you think."

They both stayed quiet which was beginning to worry me but before I could say anything May spoke up. "Thank you for worrying about us Solaire. Our parents wanted us to stop for a while but we told them that we will continue on with our journey. Since we both knew that it was never going to be easy and today will probably be the first bump in the road. And if that stop us we will never fulfill our dreams."

Max gave a more certain nod to May speech to me. "Well then that the spirit and I won't stop you but both of you still need to rest. We will probably leave early tomorrow so get some rest and enjoy what left of the day. For now since it still far from night."

With that said both of them started walking to their room as I was recalling my team I was hugged from behind. "Thanks you Solaire. For saving my life and believing in us." Before I could say anything to that May quickly left.

Seeing her retreating back disappear 'Today was surprising in all sense of the word…' I was starting to worry with the rock in Aqua's hand they will most likely find Kyogre but they still need a submarine to get to it cave. It was mention in the museum but still far from completion.

I was also worried about the Meteor in Meteor Fall since Magma use it to try to wake Mt. Chimney. After Mauville I need to hurry there and prevent them from waking the dormant volcano since doing so could wake Groundon who sleep in it bowels.

I reach the room the group rented and went to sleep quickly since I didn't want to stay awake after today's event.

CH11 Route 110, Trick House

The following morning we all woke up in a better mood after yesterday events. Ash and Brock seemed to have talked with each other while May and Max were talking to their parents. Speaking of which I looked at them "How are both of you doing this morning?"

"We're fine Solaire. You were right about us needing to rest after yesterday." May responded with more life in her voice than yesterday which calmed my worries.

"Yeah Solaire it was really helpful. So are we leaving now?" Max said. 'That's good they are bouncing back from this faster than I thought.'

"Yes we will just as soon as Ash and Brock come down from the room." It wasn't until half an hour later that both of them came down, when they reached us we all ate breakfast quickly and checked out of the Center.

When we reached Route 110 I noticed that there wasn't a bridge for the cycling road, rather for cars which made much more sense to me. The way forward was clear and around noon we came upon a house that had a sign saying [Trick House].

Curious we went inside and found that it was empty, but just as we enter I notice a glint from the bookshelves. 'I shouldn't have noticed that glint, while my eyesight was sharp it shouldn't have. Perhaps it was on purpose?'

I went to the bookshelf and look at some of the books, some of which were interesting especially the one titled "Legends of the World". When I pulled it off the shelf the bookshelf started sinking to the floor.

"Hey guys I found a secret entrance. Want to check it out?" They were just as curious about the entrance that I found. We went inside and found another empty room before a man and Alakazam teleported right in front of us.

"Welcome to my Trick House challengers. My name is Trico Tres and today challenge will be slightly different from all the other times. Today if you managed to find any items they will be yours to keep. The first one to reach the end will earn a special prize."

We were still in shock from the sudden appearance of Trico and before we could ask further what he means he disappeared again. "Well that just happens…" I weakly chuckled before I turn the group "Well are you guys up for this sudden contest?"

With various type of confirmation a sign board appear in front of us.

Marvelous! Thank you for participating in my sudden contest. It been so long since I got a decent challenge. Now to further explain the rules. First off when you pass the door that will appear in a few minute you will be randomly teleported into various part of my trick house.

So don't worry if you get separated you all will be safe and unharmed. Second my challenge has multiples obstacles that you will have to challenge if you want to proceed. If you complete a challenge beyond my current expectation you will receive a prize for that.

Third is that Pokémon cannot be used to help with your challenge. If you use them you will be disqualified and teleported out of the challenge.

Last but not least when the first to finish the challenge does so the rest will be teleported and be rewarded on how well they did their challenge.

Now good luck and may fortune be ever in your favor.

As I finished reading the sign board I noticed that a door appear while we were busy reading. So I went to it "Alright guys I will be going first so see ya at the end." With that I cross the boundary and found myself in the middle of a fenced off area, I looked up and saw that there were fluorescence light bulbs hanging down from the ceiling.

'Huh his house must be underground or extends further than I thought.' With that I began to look around and then found a small item in the ground. When I check it I found a metal plate with a riddle inscribed on it.

What runs but never walks,

Has a mouth but cannot talk,

Has a head but doesn't think,

And has a bed but refuses to sleep?

Well that was a particularly easy one so I either answer out loud or I need to find a river. I decided to try both just in case. "The answer is a river." I waited a moment and looked around to see if there was anything new around me to which there wasn't.

'Guess that means I need to find a river here so I must either be outside or deep underground.' With that I began searching 'It too bad I don't have a flying type to help me but something tells me if I did so I would be disqualified.'

So I picked a random direction and began to search and listen for one.

May's POV

Just as soon as Solaire disappear the rest followed promptly. I sighed 'I wonder what he thinks about yesterday attack, I don't think he talked to anyone about it. Come to think of it he never mention anything about his family.'

My thought began turning to the attack and how brave Solaire was protect us from that Mightyena. But I shook myself and began to focus on the challenge in front of us. I cross the boundary just as the other did, I soon found myself in a room with a desk.

The desk had a piece of paper on it. I read it and it says

When you finish answering the following questions and scenarios to the best of your ability you can leave until then good luck.

I turned the paper over and checked the questions they covered a lot of thing about Pokémon move, typing even hypothetical situations.

'And just when I thought I managed to get away from all of this…'

Solaire's POV

Finding the river was much easier than I previously thought especially when I could hear its flow from a distance. When I reached it I began looking for clue on where to go next, no sooner than that I found something glimmering in the river I went and checked it and found what looks like a cylinder of metal.

I checked it closely and could feel something from it like a power but I never seen something like this before. Thinking on this I decided to store it in my bag and show it to Trico he might have put it there. As I search up and down I found two more riddles,

A hint in the air,

What I see of their glare,

Enclosed by the hue,

But beyond my view,

Spirit or scent,

Wrapper with Presence,

What word can describe the immaterial vibe?

"Immaterial vibe? A feeling? But then it doesn't fit the glare portion… Perhaps the next one will give a hint."

Run, though I have no legs to be seen.

I possess no heat, yet I do have steam.

I have no voice to let words out but you still hear me shout

What am I?

"That was particularly unhelpful even if it tells me where I need to go…" I murmured "No heat yeat still steam… water run and can create mist if it fly… A waterfall!" With that I decide to follow the direction where the river comes from.

'Though the other riddle confuses me a bit is it related to the prize? Presense… it was capitalized like it was important. Perhaps it Aura? It does fit unseen yet has color and feeling in the air.

It not seen normally and can be sense by other with the ability. But does that means that the Gym Leader needs Aura to be one or do the unconsciously release it. Perhaps I should ask Brock if he know about this.'

When I reached the waterfall I found a cave, I went inside and found that it was lit and had two doors and yet another sign board.

What is your answer?

Wondering if it means the other riddle at the river I took my chances "Aura" When I said the answer one of the left door open. Inside the room I found a desk and paper. When I check the paper it was a test. I groan in exasperation. 'The other better have more luck than me with this trick house.'

May's POV

When I finished the ridiculously long test a sign appeared in front of me. "What do you desire in a contest? Beauty or Power. That make sense without one or the other you can't win a contest. But experience along with both can get you farther." I murmured to myself

As if hearing what I said the sign disappeared and a Pokeball appear with a paper below it.

Good answer lass. Now until someone finishes the challenge please do not open the Pokeball inside it will be a Pokémon that has the potential to achieve what you said. Now good luck.

With that the door opened, when I crossed it I found Max leaving another door "Hey May what did you get I found this green stone with a star inside it." He started yammering about the test that he did and before I could say what it was another door open behind us.

Ash walked in looking confuse "Hey guys this challenge is weird. Pikachu and I managed to find this strange bell and whenever it rings, Pikachu seems to like it. I wonder if the rest would as well."

When he finished saying that I noticed a white glow began surround us and then we were standing in a room that had Solaire, Brock and the Trick House owner. I wonder what who won between them since they were here.

Solaire's POV

'This test seem tailor for a Pokémon Trainer' I thought as I re-read the finished test in front of me. No sooner than I did that I found myself in another room.

Inside this room I spotted 3 pillars that looked out of place. When I check the ground I found that the pillars can only be moved forward and back not sideway. I followed their path a bit and found that there was a way to change their direction at the center and only one fit at the time.

They seem to be colored coded as well since their resting place has the same color. It took a while to place the pillars where they are needed. The pillar when I placed them in their appropriate locations glowed, the first one seem have the word "Body" the second one "Mind" the last one was "Soul".

The last pillar seem to catch my attention the most since it emitted a presence like the Gym Leader and when I place my hand on it. It began to sink to the floor and a wall began to sink to the floor. When I went to it I found another room but it wasn't empty like all the previous one.

Inside was the man who gave us the challenge "Marvelous it looks like you are the first to arrive! The second one will be here in a moment when he gets here I will have Alakazam teleport them here." He cheerfully said this.

"I wanted to ask you something. Do you know what this is?" I pulled out the metal cylinder and show it to him. "I see you found one of the scattered items here. What you hold is a Metal Coat an evolutionary item that certain Pokémon need to reach their final form.

When you think that Pokémon is ready present it the item and it will do the rest. You don't have to worry about the item disappearing afterward since it can be used a few time before it loses it power and become a simple piece of metal. Albeit one with sentimental value to the owner."

I was surprise to see the item I need for Solid to evolve since he wasn't ready for it yet and if I ever find one a Scyther as well. It wasn't long after he finished explaining to me what I found when Brock came inside.

"Ah Solaire, it seem you managed to beat me to the finish." He said a bit disappointed but he doesn't seem like it. 'Wonder if he found an item that he wanted.'

"Now that you both are here. Alakazam would you kindly." He said to the air when 3 white flashes appear in front of us. Ash, Max and May appeared from those flashes and each of them seem to be holding something in their hand.

"Now that you all are let give a round of applause for the young man here as he arrive first." He gesture at me as the group applauded. "Young man could you please introduce yourself and your friend as well."

I did so and he told the group to present their item if they found one. Ash was told he found a Soothe Bell it increases friendliness in other as well as Pokémon, Max was told that he found a Dawn Stone, May managed to find a Pokeball with a Pokémon inside and was told not to release it yet. Brock it seems found a fossil and a Metal Coat during his time here.

Then Trico the owner of the Trick House turn to me "And now for our winner I present to you a Pokémon egg from a friend of mine in Unova. Please take good care of it as it will take care of you as well." His Alakazam came up with an incubator with the egg inside.

The egg was primarily blue and had two distinct black mark on it, the first one is a simple band of black and the second was upside down triangles with two grey oval just below of it. The egg marking look a lot like a Riolu which probably what the egg will hatch into.

Giddy at receiving such a great future companion I gave my thanks. "Now if you all don't mind it is getting close to night time. Why don't you all stay for the night since I sidetracked you all on your journey."

We accepted the invitation after a bit of thought and as soon as dinner was finished Trico showed us to the rooms we could use for the night before he left. As we said our goodnight and headed to the bed a thought came to me.

'I need to introduce the team to our future companion tomorrow since they were busy eating. I also hope the little one doesn't take too long in hatch I can't wait to meet it and show it the world. For now I need to sleep since tomorrow will be a long day.'

CH12 Jirachi: Wish Maker Pt1

The following morning the group moods seem chirper than the last few day. Brock mention a festival that will start in 2 days not including today and at that seem to raise the mood even further. After breakfast we said our goodbye.

Before we left Trico gave me a small book "Aura for Beginner" it was written by Riley from Iron Island. He told me that the book was given to anyone who had a Riolu or Lucario when found out from the League, any certified and respected breeder, the Lucario kingdom, or the man himself if he doesn't have time.

I also asked if I had to go to the person or place if I wanted more training, he said that will not necessary it can be helpful if I did so. With that in mind I decided to either visit the kingdom or Riley whichever comes first. 'Perhaps the kingdom of Rota where Aaron was said to be a knight of could help as well. That and the festival would be nice to visit. Just as much as to see if I can prevent Sir Aaron Lucario's death.'

With that in mind we left and began to head for the Festival locations. It was a simple trek with no complications, Solid was starting to get rounder and smoother telling me that he was getting close to evolve. I also had him working on Stealth Rock which was an entry hazard most rock or steel type can learn.

I also learn about the Pokémon that was inside May new Pokeball. To my eternal surprise it was a Feebas to May's confusion, when I ask how she came across it she told me it was at the Trick House. A sign appear and ask her to choose what was important to a contest, beauty or power. She answer both and experiences.

I then told her that the sign didn't lie to her as Feebas was the pre-evolution of Milotic which not many know about since they don't associate it which it former form. What further surprised me was that it was a well breed and taught Pokémon, May's Pokedex gave the following information.

Feebas the Fish Pokémon. Feebas's fins are ragged and tattered from the start of its life. Because of its shoddy appearance, this Pokémon is largely ignored. It is capable of living in both the sea and in the rivers.

This specimen is female. Has the abilities: Swift Swim, Oblivious. Known move: Tackle, Water Pulse, Rain Dance, and Mirror Coat

'If that doesn't tell you that it was breed or taught I don't know. Though I wonder if it evolves with a Prism Scale or perhaps those beauty pokeblocks that was in the recipe book. Either way I think it best to tell May about both just in case she finds one Prism Scale in a market or wild.'

By the second day I notice that May Torchic and Beautifly were trying to learn new moves, Quick Attack and Morning Sun respectively. Both of those move were helpful and so I helped May train her Pokémons, it was also when Solid managed to get Stealth Rock to decently work.

'When he gets better I will have him teach Saphira and Choppers.' It was around evening that we reached the Festival locations to which nothing was around.

Brock and Max confirmed it was the right place "Then we probably arrived early since they will set up later tonight or early tomorrow." We set up camp and then decided to go to sleep early so that we can enjoy the festival. 'While we still can…'

It was still night time when Pikachu began waking everyone up, he began to lead us to the cliff side that was overlooking the area the festival would be at. What we noticed was that several trucks were racing toward the plain, they stopped and a man was dragging a large suit case follow by a woman holding some fans.

What happens next was fascinating as the man pulled out a stick then began pulling out huge balls from the case then launched them to the woman, who in turn redirected them to several direction. When he finished pulling the last one, the balls began to burst into smokes with steel pillars extending into the air and more pillars extended from the first.

It began to look like a frame when steel supports began to swell like balloons, and before long it took on the form of a large show tent. We watch as the other worker began setting up for the festival for a bit longer, then we returned to sleep though Max was giddy and couldn't wait just as the other were excited as well.

The next day when we woke up the festival has already started, when we entered we notice Pokémon theme go-cart, roller coasters, stands and so much more. We spent some time on the rides enjoying it and even won some prize toys from some stand.

I then noticed someone handing out some flyer out and took one. It was about the "Great Butler's Magic Show" and it had the man with purple hair who we saw last night along with the beautiful blonde hair woman. 'And so the wheel of fate turns… Guess I should mention it to the other.'

"Hey guy look like there's going to be a magic show later on. Want to go see it?" I told the other they looked at the flyer in my hand. "Hey isn't that the guy who made setting up the tent like a magic show?" Max noticed.

"Yeah if he could make setting up a tent entertaining to watch I bet his show would be a sight to see." Brock pointed out. And with that we decided to watch the magic show.

We found the tent and began looking for some decent seats, it wasn't long before the show started. The light began to dim just as a spotlight focus on Butler "Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls! I welcome you all to the Great Butler Magic Show and now let begin."

He then took off his hat then hit it with his wand a bit as a flock of Swablu appeared from his hat. He then set down the hat on the floor just as it touched it a Kirlia appeared from the inside of the hat, he then call out a Mightyena.

I notice that May and Max flinched a bit which caused me to frown. "And for my next trick I will make my assistance Diane appear." He covered the Kirlia in a red clothe and burned it with the wand which shock the crowd, no sooner than he did so that smoke disperse and Diane appeared holding the crystal that Jirachi sleeps in.

Max was staring at the crystal when he jumped a bit looking even more focused at the crystal when it emitted light. He rushed to the stage with Ash following behind him, Max reached Butler before Ash could stop him and said something to the magician.

To which he announced "Just in time for my next trick! These three are Ash, Max and Pikachu. They are fellow magician and will help me with my next act." He then told them to get inside the box with Diane encouraging them to get in.

"Now will they escape from the box as my Dusclops uses Hyper Beam?" Brock and May began to worry about them when he announce what will happen. The crowd was tense with anticipation, May then took my hand and was crushing it with worry. I was reassuring her that they will be alright and that Butler wouldn't bring them to harm.

Just as I said that the Dusclop began charging a black ball then fired at the box Ash, Max and Pikachu were in. As the smoke from when the attack disappear. "So they have managed to escape just in time!" May was still tense as the crowd cheered "Now where could they be? Perhaps they are by the entrances?"

As he said that the spotlight focused on the entrance where Ash, Max and Pikachu were waving at the crowd who cheered for their success. May finally relax the grip she had on my hand "See May? They both are alright and maybe they will tell us how they did the trick."

May nodded at this, but Brock being his hormonal self wondered if they would introduce them to Diane. I blinked at that statement 'That the first time I seen him act like that with a woman… I wonder if Misty managed to get his head straight. Though it would be funny to see Croagunk hit him every so often even if it too early.'

After a few more tricks the show ended without trouble, Max then asked "Earlier during the show I heard a voice coming from the crystal. Do you know anything about it?"

Both Butler and Diane looked to each other then Butler told Max "This crystal is one that both Diane and I managed to find in Forina and it contains the Legendary Pokémon Jirachi. Now Jirachi only awaken every 1000 years when two condition are presents. The first is the light of the Millennium Comet and a best friend chosen by destiny. Jirachi has the capability of granting wishes as long as the comet stays within reason or so the legends says.

The comet will arrive tonight and since you heard Jirachi yourself Max perhaps he will awaken tonight." Diane who was holding the crystal of Jirachi handed it to Max. We then left the tent to enjoy the rest of the day, it was around twilight when May found a stall that sells wishmakers and a few other thing. I noticed that he was selling an ocarina that looked an awful lot like the Ocarina of Time. Both May and I bought a wishmaker and I bought the ocarina since I couldn't find one during my travel.

She asked why I bought one "I always knew how to play one and I know a few song and I couldn't bring the one I had as a child and couldn't find one during my travel. It looks well-made and it was the first one I could find, so I bought it."

Which was technically true I was always a fan of the ocarina as they usually are one of the more expressive instrument. Ever since I came here I couldn't find a hint of the instrument in the cities I visited. I learned quite several song and it might get rid of the boredom when travelling now when I am not busy.

As we returned to our campsite as the festival was closing down for the day. Fireworks began to set off in the sky, each one taking a different shapes of Pokémons or pokeballs. When the night arrive the sky was alit with the Millennium Comet light, but sadly we couldn't see much of it at the moment with the cloud.

The gang was spread out in the campsite Ash, Brock, and Max were near the fire and May was sitting on a large boulder waiting to see the comet alongside me who was at the base. After a short while the cloud cleared up from the sky and the Millennium Comet appeared for the first time in a 1000 years.

Both of us lifted the wishmaker to the comet and closed one flap, I closed my eye and began to state my wish. After a few moment I heard May humming a song, I listen as she did and when she finished "That was a nice song what the name?"

"That was my mother lullaby she sang it to my brother and I whenever we had trouble sleeping or were just going to sleep." I complimented her once again when I noticed that the campsite was glowing, I point to the camp and told May that we need to check it out.

As we hurried there we found Ash, Brock and Max were surrounding the crystal that was glowing and when the light of the comet hits it again the crystal began to disperse revealing Jirachi to the world once again.

(Hello Max.) I heard a sleepy voice in my head, I turn to the other with a questioning look though I already knew the answer. "Hello Jirachi, it nice to meet you. These are my friends Ash, Brock, Solaire, Pikachu and my sister May."

(Hello Ash, Brock, Solaire, Pickachu, and May. I am Jirachi.) As Jirachi finishes the introduction, Diane arrived asking if everything was okay as they notice that a lightshow was coming from our camp. Max then introduce Jirachi to her.

"Hello Jirachi it nice to meet you. I bet you all are tired after today why don't you all pass the night in my bus?" Diane offered to which we all agreed.

A bit later we reach her bus I then heard Max say a wish, as I didn't hear it clearly. Ash, Brock, and May didn't believe that Jirachi could truly grant wishes. 'Not that I know any better…'

I notice a bag of potato chip on Max lap "Was that bag of chip there?" Ash asked confused, just as Jirachi was flying in circle. (Candies, Candies, Candies) It was teleporting more and more with each repeat when I told it "Jirachi stop." It didn't listen when I tried again "I wish that you would return the candies from where you took them."

This time it listen just as it was returning them, Butler and Diane asked what was going on. We told them that Jirachi granted one of Max and mine wish. 'Though mine was to fix the problem without May being teleported away by a misspoken wish' Diane noticed that the candies were from a snack bar that was losing merchandise and when she heard about my wish gave a sigh of relief.

When Jirachi finished (I am sleepy. Goodnight Max) and fell asleep promptly. "So it doesn't create from nothing and it takes energy to fulfill wishes. I guess you can't wish for anything outrageous." Butler was muttering to himself out loud which everyone heard.

With this minor event over it everyone was starting to feel tired and we bade each other a goodnight as we fell asleep.

H13 Jirachi: Wish Maker Part 2

It was morning when we woke up to Jirachi yelling (Wake up Max! Let's play today again!) Since it was a telepathic shout I couldn't block it by using a pillow over my head. Soon after insisting that we go along as well we left the bus and began to enjoy the festival again.

Max and Jirachi were having fun playing with the go-cart and bumper cars, Ash and Brock decided to help Butler and Diane with advertising their show dressed as clowns. I decided to just look around the festival stalls seeing what was being sold.

It was around evening that when we all decided to play in the lightning rig when May cart began to lose control. Brock and I began helping her stabilize when Max ran off chasing after Jirachi who stole his glasses, they were heading into the tent with Ash right behind him.

As we began heading to the tent we heard Max cry out in fear, we began running faster to find that Ash was fighting Absol with Pikachu holding it back. May called out Torchic just as I called Choppers "Torchic use Fire Spin to help Pikachu fight it off."

"Choppers use Flash Cannon as well." They both managed to hit the Absol who became even angrier and started charging at Max even faster, but before we could do anything Jirachi interfered. (Absol is here for me to take me back home.) And it proceed to teleport Pikachu, Torchic, and Choppers away from the battle, with no opponents to stop it Absol sped toward Max.

Just before he reached him the floor opened up beneath him and Absol fell into it. "It was a good thing that we prepare for the show beforehand." I heard Butler from behind us "That trap leads to a cage." To prove his point a cage appear where Absol fell, what we saw was Absol slamming against the cage trying to free himself.

"Kirlia use Hypnosis" Butler's Kirlia teleported in front of Absol and it eyes glowed and Absol began to fall asleep. 'That shouldn't have worked Hypnosis a Psychic type move and Dark type are extremely resistance to it. Either Butler's Kirlia is stronger than Absol or he did something to it when it fell into the trap.'

The crew gathered around the cage to see the disaster Pokémon. Ash who never seen one pointed his Pokedex.

Absol the Disaster Pokémon. Every time Absol appears before people, it is followed by a disaster such as an earthquake or a tidal wave. As a result, it came to be known as the disaster Pokemon.

I frowned at the Pokedex for spreading misleading information and decided to correct that before the group sees it as a bad Pokémon. "And what your Pokedex unfortunately left out Ash is that they aren't the cause of said disaster but rather they can predict it and try to warn other of it." They looked at me confused, so I then pointed my Pokdex as it.

Absol the Disaster Pokémon. Absol has the ability to foretell the coming of natural disasters. It lives in a harsh, rugged mountain environment. This Pokémon very rarely ventures down from the mountains.

The gang looked back at Absol and remember that it was after Jirachi when it told teleported our Pokémon away who arrived just after the battle ended. We ask where they were and Pikachu pointed at the ceiling of the tent.

"So Absol was trying to bring Jirachi back home before a disaster hits?" Max said uncertainly, I shrugged at his question "Most likely but until it wakes we probably won't know about it."

We left the tent we decided to head back to camp early today. It was night once more both May and I were at the boulder, when the comet showed up once more we close the second flap of our respective wishmaker.

May then notice something "Hey Solaire isn't that Butler?" I looked to where she pointed and we saw Butler enter the tent with something in his arm. Alarmed at this "We need to check this out I don't know what it was but he was holding something." I half lied to her and we started heading to the tent when Ash Brock and Max ran to us.

"Jirachi is missing! We can't find it anywhere in the camp!" Max panicked voice came clear and May then remember that I said Butler was holding something. "Perhaps Butler has Jirachi, he just went back to the tent."

We rushed to the tent to find Butler torturing Jirachi with his Dusclop to open its third eye. I called out Hestia "Hestia use Disarming Voice to stop the Dusclop!" Just as Hestia began her attack, Jirachi third eye opened and released a pillar of light from it.

We all looked up to see it hit the comet, no sooner than it did so a pillar of light fell down from it hitting the machine Jirachi was held captive in. Max rushed to Jirachi and tried to run back to us, but Dusclop stopped him Hestia and Absol who escaped from the cage managed to blast it away from him.

When Max reach us Diane who was with us saw what Butler was doing. "Absol was trying to protect Jirachi and return him to Forina. We need to leave now!" She then leads us to her bus quickly and with all of us inside including Absol and Hestia who arrived moment later. We started to leave the festival location.

I also notice that Butler Mightyena was chasing the bus, I ponder this before remembering that he place a tracker on the bus. But I don't remember if it was destroy on the way to Forina either way I will have to find a way to see if I can tag it to something else.

Diane drove the bus until noon the following day, we let her rest because she was driving all night through a bumpy terrain. I checked the back of the bus and found the tracker which was damaged and I took a closer look at it. 'It looked damaged but I am not sure if it still transmitting but better safe than sorry.'

I then called out to Hestia. "Hestia I want you to take this tracker and place it on a Pokémon nearby preferably a flying type.

Tell them to fly in the opposite direction of us for as long as they want and give them this as an incentive." I held out the tracker and a small box of Pokeblock that would make any Pokémon mouth water with desire. Hestia nodded and teleported away.

It wasn't long before she came back emitting smugness to which I question her on it, she then showed a memory of a Swellow who took the tracker and flew away after eating the blocks. I thanked her as we walked back to the camp and ate lunch along with the rest of the group both human and Pokémons.

After an hour of rest Diane took to driving again until night fell. She began to tell us of Butler motive which she thought had given up on, "Butler wasn't always like this he wanted to be a magician and bring joy to other. I remeber him telling me that he would be world famous and that he would like me to be at his side. That was what we did together at least until he joined an organization called Team Magma."

At this revelation the group tensed, Diane noticed this but continued on "He was working on trying to revive the Legendary Pokémon Groudon using a fossilized remain of its armor.

Sadly it worked for a while until the machine began to break down and what he managed to created turned to dust. Butler superior told him that the project was cancelled and to leave and never return. Humiliated by this Butler decided to get revenge on Magma who denounced his work and to wipe them off the planet using Groudon.

He tried to make different type of machine to revive the armor only to fail each and every single time. Until one day he came upon the legends of Jirachi and the Millennium Comet, he then decided to use both as an energy source to fuel the machine. But when he learned that the comet only came every 1000 years he finally gave up.

At least until recently when we found the crystal which contained Jirachi and that the comet was returning soon."

When she finished explaining Butler motive I felt for her, her lover was a kind man before Magma managed to get their claws on him. Magma was always the more vicious of the two Hoenn Teams, the other notice her pain and tried to comfort her to which I spoke up.

"Then perhaps when the comet leaves and Jirachi returns to sleep, Butler will finally give up. Until then we just have to keep Jirachi out of his hands." At this Diane perked up in thought to which she agreed to my observation, this restore a light of hope in her eyes that wasn't there.

The group disperse after my comments and went to do their own thing. I went outside and looked to the comet once more and close the third flap of the wishmaker, the comet blue tail was reaching it halfway point on the wishmaker. I noticed that May did the same thing not to long after I did so.

The following 3 day was just filled with nothing but driving to reach Forina, the only thing of note that happened was on the 4th and 5th day of the Millennium Comet respectively. On the 4th day the truck was stuck on mud to which Brock's Onix and Solid helped pull it out, the fifth day was a bit more eventful.

Max began to notice that May and I were still closing the flaps each night, and yelled at us to stop doing so since it just a reminder that Jirachi will leave soon. May looked lost for a bit before I told her not to worry too much he is sad that a friend will have to leave, Ash thankfully took care of the problem saying that he too had to say goodbye to a few friends of his and even then they are still in his heart.

'He probably speaking of Butterfree, Pidgeot, and Misty who were friend in his journey that left him for one reason or another. Though I wonder if he returned to Pidgeot like he said he would.'

We arrived on to Forina on the 6th day of the Comet arrival at evening, we noticed many different pokemons making their home here including the elusive Flygon who helped out in the movie. We made camp and prepare to return Jirachi to his resting place tomorrow.

Max was trying to stay awake for Jirachi sakes so that he can have more memories. May began humming her mother's lullaby to wish both of them fell asleep to, we then both closed the 6th flap. The next day I began to notice that Riolu egg was shaking violently in the morning everyone came close to see what was going to happens.

The egged began cracking and then glowed white, what then appeared was a blue bipedal dog who was looking around at us. "Hello there little one welcome to the world." I softly told it as I tooked it into my arms.

The pup gave a small bark then I noticed that it was tired from his hatching and it soon fell asleep, I sigh deciding that when he wakes up again to place him inside his pokeball which strangely enough was a Luxury ball when Trico gave me Riolu egg nearly a week back.

The other were softly congratulating me on Riolu hatching, I decided to hold off checking him with the Pokedex until after tonight's events. Absol who was watching from a small distance away gave a bark and then walked somewhere barking at us again.

Ash figured that it wanted us to follow, it was around evening when the pup decided to wake again. "Good evening little one. How are you feeling?" Riolu gave a bark before snuggling up to me again, I laugh a bit then told it "I am glad to see you too. But for now I bet you are still tired, why don't I get you inside the ball so you can rest a bit better."

I hold the Luxury ball in front of it, to which it curiously tapped the center button. It sucked the pup inside and with a quick click confirmed the capture.

I smiled at it and set it on my belt 'He will probably be the one who stay out of the ball the most when this is over. Not that I mind the Lucario line are always good companion when travelling judging from the few trainer who had them.'

It was around night time when we reach Absol destination which was a cave, knowing that it was the last chance to see the Millennium Comet if Butler managed to find us. I closed the final flap and once again made my wish.

I heard Brock call out to me, I stored the wishmaker then caught up with them shortly. When we entered the cave where Diane told us she and Butler found Jirachi it was awe-inspiring, the cave was glittering with crystal of different sizes.

Some of them were as tall as Solid was long, the smallest still larger than an ordinary person. The ceiling itself was opened to the sky and it showed the Millennium Comet in all its glory.

I noticed that one of the crystal had an indent that look a lot like Jirachi crystal before he woke up. Jirachi then opened it third eye as he looked at the comet. But before he does anything pillars rose from the ground and crystal shocking Jirachi and trapping all of us.

"Very clever of you to find the tracker and try to lead me away, it almost worked if I hadn't caught up with the Swellow. Finally I can use Jirachi power to revive Groudon and start my revenge!" The group was confused at Butler initial comment but when he took Jirachi to the float that was in the sky, we begun trying to free ourselves to rescue Jirachi.

Absol and the Flygon who we saw earlier broke the pillars trapping us, it set down in front of us Max jumped on quickly along with Ash. They took off toward Butler, "Brock, May release any pokemon that can strike from a distance I get the feeling Butler won't let them escape with Jirachi easily."

Brock released Mudkip, just as May released Torchic and Beautifly. I called Hestia and Choppers "Be careful guys when Ash and Max return with Jirachi on Flygon get ready to strike at any pursuers." Just as I finished saying that a pillar of light similar to the one at the festival came from the float and hit the comet.

When it returned it didn't hit the float but the ground. We noticed that Pokémons were fleeing from the area as a large red figure began to rise. What rose up was nothing but a monstrosity it barely resemble anything like Groudon.

It armor was a blood red color with the underside and mouth a sickly green that look like a gel more than anything solid, but it eyes took the cake it was a pitch soulless black. When it roared it was loud and sounded like a sick gurgle mix with a dull roar, the sound of it sent shivers down our spine.

It was then when I noticed Flygon heading away from the float along with Salamence chasing it "Target the Salamence so that we can help them escape." Our Pokémons began lauching their attack trying to hit the Dragon Pokémon to slow it down, most of them missed but managed to let Ash and Max escape.

With that successful escape was when thing turn for the worse, the Monster's spikes began to entend like tentacles and attacked all the Pokémons that was right in front of it who yet to escape. I saw that trees began to wither with each step it took and with each roar it let out was stronger than the last.

"Recall your Pokémons we need to get away from here. Hestia teleport us away from here." Brock, Diane and May recalled their Pokémons and looked at the Monster with horror. Hestia horns glowed as she took us away from there, when I looked around I saw that the fake Groudon with it back to us was further away from us since we were on one of the mountains that were close to us.

We all watch with growing horror as Flygon evades all the tentacles until one caught it only to break away from Butler's Salamence who escorted them back to the float. The Monster was rampaging toward the float when another pillar of light hit the comet then came down and hit the Monster who gave out a roar of pain.

It still persevered and tried to absorb the float when another pillar of light hit it again this time the Monster began to break down until it was nothing but dust. The rest cheered "Hestia can you teleport us to the float?" She gave a nod and her horns glowed again.

We appeared at the deck of the float what I saw sickened me, Flygon who was caught by the Monster for a moment had a leg withered down to nothing but skin and bone. I don't know if it will ever recover from this. 'If this was what happened with just a moment of getting caught I doubt the other Pokémons who were caught survived. It was a good thing that I decided to distance us from the thing.'

I looked to Butler who was sitting at the edge of the float looking devastated that his wish had gone so horribly wrong, and that he was probably also thinking that he lost Diane when the Monster got near the truck. Ash and Max didn't look worse for wear even Pikachu looked alright, Jirachi however looked wiped out. (Max is it gone? Did we win?)

"Yes Jirachi we won." Max told it, Jirachi looked happy at this (Max I am sleepy. Could you grant me one last wish at the cavern?)

Diane took control of the float and directed it toward the opening of the cavern where Jirachi slept. When we reach it, Jirachi once again spoke (Max can you sing the lullaby one more time.)

We all gather around Jirachi one more time except for Butler as Max began humming the lullaby before we joined him. We all watch as Jirachi began to fall asleep as crystal began to surround him protecting him for the next 1000 years.

CH14 Aftermath, Mauville City

The next morning the mood was somber as Max was still sad over Jirachi going to sleep, the next thing I decided to check was the Riolu pup to see what were it capabilities even if I wouldn't battle with it until it was truly ready.

Riolu the Emanation Pokémon. It uses the shapes of auras, which change according to emotion, to communicate with others.

This Specimen is Male. Holds the Abilities- Inner Focus. Currents Moveset is Blaze Kick, Bullet Punch, Crunch, Foresight, Ice Punch and Quick Attack.

'Huh interesting moveset he must've had a Smeargle or a through breed Lucario as a parent with this strange moveset he has.'

I then released the pup who blinked a bit before he turn to me and barked "Hello to you to little one. Now I am going to introduce you to the rest of the family who will travel with us."

I then released my Pokémon each giving their on greeting to me before they notice Riolu. "Hey guys remember the egg that I was carrying the past week? Well it hatch yesterday night before the events happened."

Saphira was getting a closer look at the pup, she gave him a soft rumble and carefully bump him as well. Hestia just sent a wave of comforts with her power, the Riolu seem to like the feeling and yipped in satisfaction. Solid and Choppers didnt come closer but they both just gave a greeting to him.

The pup who was staring at them with awe before he starting playing with my team for the moment. This lighthearted moment made me feel a bit better after yesterday, I was going to check the area where the Monster rampage to see if any Pokémon managed to survive it after tending to the Flygon.

After half an hour the pup came to back to me a bit tired "It nice to see you get along with the rest. Now I have to come up with a nickname that you would like." The Riolu gave me a curious look and when I explained he was excited to get a nickname.

I went through a few name like Bali, Remus, even Auriel to which it though about for a moment, when I mention Balto he perk and barked excitedly at the name. Now Balto was getting tire so I recalled him and the rest except Hestia.

"Hestia let go to the Flygon who helped us yesterday and see if your Heal Pulse can help its leg." Her horns glowed letting out a determination to help. When we found it lying on the floor, I told it that Hestia would try to help it by using Heal Pulse to which it nodded looking grateful at the help offered.

As she began to work the gang gather around asking what Hestia was doing to which I explained. "The Flygon was hurt by the Monster yesterday when it was helping both Ash and Max escape with Jirachi. I want to help restore it health as much as possible since while it won't hurt it much, as it can fly and levitate. It looked very uncomfortable and I wanted to help no matter how little."

I let Hestia tend to the Flygon as I went to the area the Monster was destroyed, with Solid allowing me to stand on his head to check the area. I noticed yesterday night that the tree wither away but on closer look I noticed that the trees were dead with no sign of life. The area was silence not a single Pokémon was nearby to make noise not even a body was found.

'Intentional or not Jirachi caused this destruction with his powers, if he hadn't stop the Monster I don't think that anything could stop it since it just absorb nearby life. This will up the ante since the Primal Reversion Duo will probably cause more than enough damage to Hoenn for a long time…'

It was a depressing sight the area won't have life in it for a long time even then it probably won't ever fully recover. I also noticed that the pillar of light that destroyed the Monster left several large crater that were meters deep and wide. I decided that it was enough and head back with Solid to the camp.

When I returned from checking the area where the Monster stood and rampaged at. Hestia managed to heal Flygon's leg so that it didn't look like skin and bone, but the leg was still noticeably diminished. 'It probably won't fully regain it full mobility, but at least it won't hinder it as much until it regains it strength through working on it'

It was around noon when Diane came to us looking sad "Butler isn't responding to me after last night, and we need to return to our home so that I can help him. If it doesn't bother you all I would like to take you to the nearest road that leads to Mauville it would take a several days to find the road on foot then another few to reach it."

We looked at each other for a moment and decided to accept her offer since I have no doubt of what she said since Forina is deep into the wilderness. We said our goodbyes to Absol and Flygon who help during the crisis and were soon on our way.

Diane managed to leave us on the main road to Mauville City around evening cutting the travel time greatly. We said our goodbye to Diane and before she left "Diane I hope that thing works out for the better with you and Bulter when he gets better."

I was worried about her since Butler was still unresponsive ever since we left Forina and he would probably stay that way for a long time either way I wished her luck as she left.

Our group managed to make some decent headway toward Mauville, when night fell I asked Brock "Brock during our trip to Forina I noticed that you were tense all the way there, even when we reached Forina you and Ash were getting increasingly nervous. This wasn't the first time you dealt with something similar to yesterday crisis?"

Brock gave me careful glance before he nodded and began telling Max, May and I about a few of their encounter with other legendaries. What I heard was similar to what I know except that during each crisis there was always a heavy price to it.

New Island was mostly the same of what we knew but with one notable difference, Mew was losing the exchange against Mewtwo with each clash and they only stopped after managing to kill Ash when he interfered. He was revived but not by tears but by Mew itself as a reward for stopping Mewtwo.

Their next encounter with Mewtwo was tamer but still ended with the death of Giovanni who was missing along with many other Rocket who followed him.

The Shamouti Archipelago managed to survive the freak weather storm but the surrounding Orange isles suffered a lot, as settlements and home of both human and Pokémons destroyed. Almost like the eye of the Hurricane safe in the center but dangerous elsewhere. Lugia gave Ash a feather so that he was recognized as the Chosen One officially.

The rest didn't deviate from their movie counterpart much from what they told me both May and Max were surprised at what Ash and Brock went through along with Misty and Tracey who weren't here at the moment.

The following 3 days were quiet which I enjoyed Balto spends most of his time outside his Ball, enjoying traveling with us as he either sat on my shoulder or walked alongside me. During these day I noticed that both Saphira and Solid were about ready for evolution.

Saphira was getting larger and her armor thicker the spikes on her back were getting bigger, Solid himself can't evolve without the Metal Coat but I notice that he stopped getting rounder and smoother.

I probably will let Solid evolve after we reach Mauville City, so we can then head for the Valley of Steel and train there before challenging Wattson. Hestia was working on the move Psychic which was another indicator that she would evolve soon after she mastered the move.

I also asked the group when they planned on heading to Fallarbor Town for May next Pokemon Contest. They told me that they will most likely leave the day after Ash manage to defeat Wattson, they then asked if I would go there with them. "I won't be challenging Wattson until I can get my Pokemon trained at the Valley of Steel. So we will most likely part way after Ash challenge Wattson."

We reached Mauville City on the evening of the third day after Diane left us on the main road. Now how to explain Mauville City it was almost like San Fransico with hills everywhere along with stretch of nature mixing well with the buildings.

There was trolley everywhere since people would get tired of going up and down hills constantly, I also noticed that there was a Game Corner near the Gym. We soon went to a Pokemon Center and booked our rooms, we simply ate dinner and then slept.

The next day Ash decided to challenge Wattson, we soon went to the gym and enter the spectator area. I turned to Brock "Brock, I am not sure if Ash is ready to battle Wattson. Did you give him advice after he won his rematch against Brawly?"

"Yes I did but I don't think he will listen, Ash was always a natural when it comes to battling. He tends to rely too much on his Pokémons and not plan ahead accordingly. As a result he limits himself just as much as his Pokémons. It also doesn't help that he doesn't use his full roster to help train his less experienced Pokémons."

This in-depth analysis was out of nowhere which surprised me since I honestly expected him to just say yes and what Ash reaction was. "That was insightful and much more than I expected. Is that your opinion on him as a Trainer?"

He nodded to this and told me that while Ash is his friend and that friend help each other's, as a trainer he also sees Ash's failing as well and try to help him with them.

Ash managed to finally enter the room Wattson was waiting for him at, "Wahaha, it always nice to see a talented Trainer be able to reach me without losing his Pokémons to my electrifying gym trainers."

Wattson was extremely loud if nothing else we could hear him from the spectator stand which was something so see. The referee told the conditions and started the battle.

Wattson then said he was starting out with an Electrike, Jolteon and Magneton, to which surprised us that he announced his lineup. He then sent out Electrike while Pikachu ran to the floor while ash was still undecided, what happened next was shocking as Pikachu managed to knock out the Electricke with one Thunderbolt.

'Was Pikachu overcharged before this? Either way Jolteon will prevent the OHK with its ability.'

True to my prediction Jolteon Volt Absorb prevented damage from another overpowered Thunderbolt and even gave it more energy. After that it was turned into a pure speed battle with both Jolteon and Pikachu, Ash was slowly losing that battle since Pikachu didn't have many other technique that didn't involve electricity.

Before long Jolteon landed a Charged Zap Cannon knocking out Pikachu, Ash then called out Taillow who swiftly avoided most of Wattson's Jolteon attack while dishing its own. With an Aerial Ace it knock Jolteon out.

Wattson then got serious and called out Magneton, it used a combination of Lock-On, Charge, and Zap Cannon which took out Ash's Taillow easily. Ash sent out his finally Pokémon Treecko, while it resist Electric type attacks I don't think Ash taught it a ranged attack.

'Something I know he will fix after this along with teaching Pikachu more support moves, but could've done so before this.' Treecko fought valiantly dishing out damage and healing with Absorb which is a close range attack as well to heal himself. When Wattson Magneton used Sonic Boom it hurt Treecko enough to activate Overgrowth.

'Possibly the first time here since Treecko was usually knocked out before he could.' Treecko managed to save the day by mixing Quick Attack to get close and use Pound and Absorb at the same time which managed to make the Magneton out.

With the battle over Ash showed that he improved and thought thing out better, Wattson presented both the Dynamo badge and a TM to Ash thanking him for the battle.

With this over we all return to the Center so Ash could heal his Pokémons, during the wait I then ask Ash "Do you plans on teaching Treecko to use a long range move when you can? The battle wouldn't have been a close thing if you had."

"Yeah I figured that out when Treecko couldn't use his ability effectively during the battle. Do you recommend anything?" He asked

"Yeah you could help him learn Bullet Seeds, Energy Ball, or Seed Bomb. Though I recommend starting with Bullet Seeds as it could help him learn other attacks like Seed Bomb and Worry Seed." I told him what could be possibly the only advice I will ever give him.

'He really needs to research a bit about his Pokémon I remember that he and May didn't even know about the Pokedex additional function as a move and ability analyzer for Pokemons he caught.'

When his Pokemon finished healing asked Brock when they will leave for Fallarbor Town, he replied that tomorrow was when they will as they needed to resupply. The rest of the day wasn't eventful aside from a fruitful visit to the Pokemart for me, I found that they were selling reusable TM at a sale.

I bought the following move Bulldoze, Charge Beam, Dragon Tail, and Power-Up Punch along with several Potions and Super Potions. I also bought a few Pokeball since I was starting to run out of them with only 2 of the original 5 that I got from Arceus.

It nighttime when we return to the Center for dinner at the canteen and soon enough they went to sleep.

'Tomorrow the last day I will spend together with May and the rest for a long while probably not until Mt. Chimney… Tomorrow will be a long day, I never got to check the Game Corner to see if I could get the Flamethrower, Thunderbolt, Ice Beam attack.'

With that last though I went to sleep with Balto curled up next to me since the pup needs someone to sleep with until he grows out of the phase.

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  • Story Development
  • Character Design
  • World Background

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