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40% Reborn in Hyrule, Survivor of Calamities / Chapter 4: Chapter three

Chapter 4: Chapter three

//Content warning: Cuss words and Mild Gore//

Terrance stood up and looked around with both his eyes and his new mana sense. As the two sources of information overlapped, he was surprised how much more vivid the world seemed to be. He could pick up on the smallest of details within a ten foot radius around him, and could see 360° around him in a 500 foot radius if he sacrificed the level of details he was processing.

Mentally pulling up the map in his head Terrance looked as it updated according to the information he had recorded. It was like the area was being filled in with a computerized brush tool compaired to a fuzzy pencil sketch he had with just regular visual input.

Turning towards the beacon southeast of his location, Terrance headed off while keeping an eye out for monsters.

As he walked he picked up various herbs and food, using Predator, he ate and analyzed them apparently the foods of this world were packed with nutrients. While eating the stuff raw wouldn't do much other than fuel him, Great Sage noted that preparing the ingredients over a stove or through other means of cooking would break down the chemical and magical bonds and allow him to gain temporary benefits from consuming them. These benefits ranged from magically increasing his stealth or attack power, to helping him rapidly replenish his stamina or vitality.

After using Predator on the ingredients, Great Sage was able to add their magical signatures to its database which he could reference when using his magic sense to locate the ingredients later on.

Despite how much easier it was to collect the ingredients, Terrance did not go out of his way to collect them when he detected their presence. From the few groups of trees he had passed, he had been able to collect dozens of apples and acorns. Terrence remembered frome somewhere that acorns were edible, information that Great Sage had confirmed after analyzing data from using Predator on one of them. The main issue would be removing the tannin from them. Eating via Predator would remove that issue, as it would separate the harmful material from the matter it was consuming, but Terrace preferred to eat his food with his mouth rather than through a skill.

He continued walking, eventually, he came across a multi platformed structure built onto a tree. On the structure, he could see several hunched humanoid creatures running around in it with wrinkly skin of bright shades of red and blue. They had pig snouts, beady eyes, and a single horn on the top of their heads.

"Bokoblins.." whispered Terrance. He knew that they weren't supposed to be the most beautiful of creatures, but seeing this more realistic version of them, ugh. By his count there were ten bokoblins in total, five on the tree structure, two on guard while the other three lazed about, two in the woods gathering mushrooms and apples, and three guarding the staircase up to the structure.

The ones on top of the structure were weilding bows, one was a crude bow hune from a branch while the other, while not much better, looked more sophisticated with two pale spikes tied to it.

Scattered around the bokoblins that were sleeping were several wooden clubs, some shields carved from some kind of wood, and a rusty spear.

Of the three that were guarding the entrance of the structure, two of the bokoblins were weilding more of the wooden clubs and shields, however the last one, a Blue Bokoblin was weilding a rusty sword and a metal shield. The jagged edge of the rusted blade gave Terrace goosebumps, disease resistance or not he did not want to be cut by that thing. The shield on the other hand was in decent condition, while it had some dents, the surface was still mostly clear of any rust and have off a metallic shine in the sun. There was a black border around the rim and a red bird emblem painted in the center.

Pondering for a few moments, Terrence decided to test out his skills on something other than inanimate objects.

Pulling his bow from the clip on his back, Terrance felt the flood of information once again fill his mind as he adjusted his grip.

'let's bullet time these sons of bitches' thought Terrance as he lept off of the ledge he was standing on.

"ZA WARUDO!" yelled Terrance as he mentally reached out to Great Sage to activate thought acceleration. As he did, Terrance saw as the world seemed to slow down around him, it was very slow but not to the point of stopping entirely. Slowly, his arms started to adjust his aim as he notched and pulled an arrow, aiming for one of the bow welding bokoblins. He let the arrow loose and watched it dart off towards the unsuspecting monster. He didn't pay any more attention beyond that and notched another arrow, and aimed for the other bow bokoblin, and shot another arrow. As he did he started to feel tired.

He suspected it was mental strain from the sudden acceleration of his thought processes, so he started to dial it down, but before he stopped the skill completely, he aimed one last arrow at the blue monster holding the metal shield, unconsciously drawing on his marksman skill, magic flowed into the arrow empowering it as he let it go.

As he returned to normal time, Terrance watched 3 red streaks make their way through the air and find purchase with their targets. The sounds of the monster's death cries echoed through the air.

Messaging his left temple to ease the mental tension he was feeling, Terrace quickly climbed up a tree and looked for the monsters that had been out in the woods collecting food. He was surprised to see that instead of going for cover, they had instead started walking towards the sound of their comrade's death cry.

'Well they certainly ain't the brightest bunch of bulbs are they.' thought Terrace as he marveled at how dumb his current enemies were. Taking aim with his bow he did not even bother calling on his skills as he fired an arrow at one of the bokoblins that had walked out of the forest.

It landed directly in the Bokoblin's forehead, just under its horn, causing it to scream and fall over before exploding into a cloud of black and purple smoke, leaving only a few items behind.

With a whistle and a click of his teeth, the arrows he had fired returned to his quiver.

Upon hearing another death cry the monsters headed in the direction of the latest death. Foolishly grouping together in the same area. Terrance took this as an opportunity to try firing multiple arrows out of his bow at once. He had knowledge in his mind on how to do it, and his fingers automatically adjusted to accommodate the extra arrows. Waiting for a shot to line up, Terrance watched the moving monsters like a hawk with a quick release of his fingers, Terrance let loose three arrows towards the remaining monsters. The arrows caught fire as they soared from the they made impact the flames magically spread across the monsters they had landed in, the grass that had been dried out by the previous flames also caught light, causing damage to the bokoblins that hadn't been hit by the arrows. After a few minutes, only one bokoblin remained of the original ten. Heavily burned and breathing heavily, the dumb monster was finally able to put together where the attacks had been coming from and screeched loudly as it charged angrily towards Terrance, who was still standing in a tree.

Terrance let it charge, curious to see what it would do as it has not picked up a weapon before charging. To his surprise, it conties charging, and ended up headbutting the tree, causing a medium sized dent to form with its horn. After it shook off the dizziness, it yelled at Terrance while shaking ie of its three fingered hands at him.

"They're so dumb it kind of makes me feel bad... Oh well." Said Terrance as he dodged the rocks the monster was chucking at him while clipping his bow back onto his back and pulling out one of his Ka-Bar knives.

Holding it in reverse grip, he brought it down towards the goblin like creature's head as he hopped down from the branch he was standing on.

Just as he was mere inches from hitting the thing, the monster looked up, causing the knife to stab through one of its peepers and deep into its skull. Thankfully, it disappeared into a puff of smoke before anything could splatter out from the wound.

Terrance squatted on the ground for a bit covering his left eye trying to manage the sympathetic pain as he uncontrollably thought about what it would feel like to have a knife stuck into it.

He went around collecting the monster drops, apparently after they burst into smoke, the monsters would leave seemingly random bits of their body behind. By the time he was done collecting the bits that weren't burned to the point of being unusable he has one skull, three fangs, two guts, and three horns, digging around. Their camp, he found a few rocks they had been hording, sone were a clear dark orange color, obviously amber, but one was a strange white crystal that gave off rainbow sparkles of light.

The sun was starting to dip dangerously close to the horizon, so Terrance decided to spend the night in the now deserted camp.

As he set up a barrier on the step using large storage boxes the bokos had been using for storage to prevent monsters from climbing up to him, Terrance opened a portal back to his personal dimension.

-to be continued

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